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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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module Main where
import qualified Prelude as P
import Debug.Trace
class Arithmetic lang where
(+) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Number
(-) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Number
(*) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Number
(/) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Number
(<) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Boolean
(<=) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Boolean
(>) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Boolean
(>=) :: lang Number -> lang Number -> lang Boolean
class Logic lang where
(&&) :: lang Boolean -> lang Boolean -> lang Boolean
(||) :: lang Boolean -> lang Boolean -> lang Boolean
ite :: forall a. lang Boolean -> lang a -> lang a -> lang a
class Literal lang where
string :: String -> lang String
class Var lang where
lam :: forall a b. (lang a -> lang b) -> lang (a -> b)
app :: forall a b. lang (a -> b) -> lang a -> lang b
data Compiled a = Compiled (Number -> String)
instance literals :: Literal Compiled where
string s = Compiled (\_ -> s)
binOp :: forall a b c. String -> Compiled a -> Compiled b -> Compiled c
binOp op l r = Compiled \n -> "(" P.<> compile l n P.<> ") " P.<> op P.<> " (" P.<> compile r n P.<> ")"
instance arithmetic :: Arithmetic Compiled where
(+) = binOp "+"
(-) = binOp "-"
(*) = binOp "*"
(/) = binOp "/"
(<) = binOp "<"
(<=) = binOp "<="
(>) = binOp ">"
(>=) = binOp ">="
instance logic :: Logic Compiled where
(&&) = binOp "&&"
(||) = binOp "||"
ite b t f = Compiled \n -> compile b n P.<> " ? " P.<>
compile t n P.<> " : " P.<>
compile f n
instance vars :: Var Compiled where
lam f = Compiled \n -> let name = "v" P.<> n in
"function(" P.<> name P.<>
") { return " P.<>
compile (f (Compiled (\_ -> name))) (n P.+ 1)
P.<> "; \n}"
app = binOp ""
compile :: forall a. Compiled a -> Number -> String
compile (Compiled f) = f
main = trace (compile (lam \x -> lam \y -> lam \z -> ite (x < y) y z) 0)
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