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paf31/CCCs.hs Secret

Last active July 7, 2024 07:56
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Higher-order abstract syntax for any CCC!
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module CCCs where
import Prelude hiding ((.), ($), id, fst, snd, curry, uncurry)
import Control.Category
-- | A Cartesian-closed category is a Category k, together with...
class Category k => CCC k where
-- | products
data Tensor k :: * -> * -> *
-- | exponentials
data Hom k :: * -> * -> *
-- | a unit for the product type,
data Unit k :: *
-- | evaluation morphisms,
eval :: forall a b. k (Tensor k (Hom k a b) a) b
-- | currying and uncurring operations,
curry :: forall a b c. k (Tensor k a b) c -> k a (Hom k b c)
uncurry :: forall a b c. k a (Hom k b c) -> k (Tensor k a b) c
-- | product introduction and elimination terms
fork :: forall a c d. k a c -> k a d -> k a (Tensor k c d)
exl :: forall a b. k (Tensor k a b) a
exr :: forall a b. k (Tensor k a b) b
-- We're going to implement HOAS (higher-order abstract syntax) for any 'CCC'.
-- That is, we're going to provide a functional DSL for constructing terms in any
-- CCC, using the function type from Haskell itself to represent functions in the
-- CCC.
-- Our terms will be values of type 'k a b' where 'k' is a 'CCC'.
-- We will use the domain 'a' as a "context" to store terms brought into scope
-- by function binders. Our "function" terms will be curried morphisms of type
-- 'k a (Hom b c)'.
-- | An untyped representation of terms in a CCC formed from the above.
-- This is useful if we want to print out terms for debugging.
data Untyped
= Eval
| Curry Untyped
| Uncurry Untyped
| Fork Untyped Untyped
| Exl
| Exr
| Id
| Compose Untyped Untyped
-- | A 'CCC' instance for our untyped terms.
newtype K a b = K Untyped
instance Category K where
id = K Id
K f . K g = K (Compose f g)
instance CCC K where
data Tensor K a b
data Hom K a b
data Unit K
eval = K Eval
curry (K f) = K (Curry f)
uncurry (K f) = K (Uncurry f)
fork (K f) (K g) = K (Fork f g)
exl = K Exl
exr = K Exr
-- | Some very basic optimizations for the generated terms.
optimize :: K a b -> K a b
optimize (K u) = K (go u) where
go (Curry x) =
case go x of
Uncurry x' -> x'
x' -> Curry x'
go (Uncurry x) =
case go x of
Curry x' -> x'
x' -> Uncurry x'
go (Fork x y) =
case (go x, go y) of
(Exl, Exr) -> Id
(x', y') -> Fork x' y'
go (Compose x y) =
case (go x, go y) of
(Id, y') -> y'
(x', Id) -> x'
(x', y') -> Compose x' y'
go other = other
-- | A simple 'showsPrec' style pretty printer for terms.
prettyPrint :: K a b -> String
prettyPrint (K u) = go 0 u where
go _ Exl = "fst"
go _ Exr = "snd"
go _ Id = "id"
go d Eval = "uncurry id"
go d (Curry e) = parensIf (d > 10) ("curry " ++ go 11 e)
go d (Uncurry e) = parensIf (d > 10) ("uncurry " ++ go 11 e)
go d (Fork e1 e2) = parensIf (d > 3) (go 4 e1 ++ " &&& " ++ go 3 e2)
go d (Compose e1 e2) = parensIf (d > 9) (go 10 e1 ++ " . " ++ go 9 e2)
parensIf True s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
parensIf _ s = s
-- | We need to be able to insert terms based on the shape of the context.
-- To make the type checker do this for us, we introduce a type class 'Cast'.
-- The instances strip off products from the front of the first type until the
-- two types become equal.
-- (Thanks to @kcsongor for showing me how to implement this without requiring
-- @IncoherentInstances@!)
class CCC k => Cast k x y where
cast :: k x y
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (CCC k, Cast k b a, Tensor k b i ~ t) => Cast k t a where
cast = cast . exl
instance CCC k => Cast k a a where
cast = id
-- | Lambda abstraction. The higher-rank type here allows us to avoid explicit
-- calls to 'cast', since the elaborator will insert them for us. It does mean,
-- however, that the type and implementation of 'lam' are more complicated.
-- The simpler version without casts looks like this:
-- @lam :: forall k i a b. CCC k => (k (Tensor k i a) a -> k (Tensor k i a) b) -> k i (Hom k a b)@
-- which looks a lot like a standard HOAS function encoding, except that we have
-- stored the value of type @a@ in the "context" inside the function body.
lam :: forall k i a b. CCC k => ((forall x. Cast k x (Tensor k i a) => k x a) -> k (Tensor k i a) b) -> k i (Hom k a b)
lam f = curry (f exr_) where
exr_ :: forall x. Cast k x (Tensor k i a) => k x a
exr_ = exr . (cast :: k x (Tensor k i a))
-- | Application is simpler since we don't need to modify the context.
($) :: forall k i a b. CCC k => k i (Hom k a b) -> k i a -> k i b
($) f x = eval <<< fork f x
infixr 0 $
-- | Lift a morphism to a function on our terms.
liftCCC :: forall k i a b. CCC k => k a b -> k i a -> k i b
liftCCC = (.)
-- | A term for extracting the first component of a product.
fst :: forall k i a b. CCC k => k i (Tensor k a b) -> k i a
fst = liftCCC exl
-- | A term for extracting the second component of a product.
snd :: forall k i a b. CCC k => k i (Tensor k a b) -> k i b
snd = liftCCC exr
-- | A term for constructing a product.
(⊗) :: forall k i a b. CCC k => k i a -> k i b -> k i (Tensor k a b)
(⊗) = fork
-- | A few syntactic niceties.
type (⊗) = Tensor K
type (~>) = Hom K
type Ø = Unit K
infixr 4 ⊗
infixr 3 ~>
debug :: K Ø a -> String
debug k = prettyPrint (optimize k)
-- | Finally, some examples. You can print these out as executable Haskell code
-- in GHCi!
test1 = debug (lam (\x -> x))
-- > "curry snd"
test2 = debug (lam (\x -> fst x))
-- > "curry (fst . snd)"
test3 = debug (lam (\x -> fst (snd x)))
-- > "curry (fst . snd . snd)"
test4 = debug (lam (\x -> lam (\y -> x $ y)))
-- > "curry (curry (uncurry id . (snd . fst &&& snd)))"
test5 = debug (lam (\x -> lam (\y -> (x $ y) $ y)))
-- > "curry (curry (uncurry id . (uncurry id . (snd . fst &&& snd) &&& snd)))"
test6 = debug (lam (\x -> lam (\y -> lam (\z -> (x $ z) $ y $ z))))
-- > "curry (curry (curry (uncurry id . (uncurry id . (snd . fst . fst &&& snd) &&& uncurry id . (snd . fst &&& snd)))))"
test7 = debug (lam (\x -> lam (\_ -> x)))
-- > "curry (curry (snd . fst))"
test8 =
let s = lam (\x -> lam (\y -> lam (\z -> (x $ z) $ y $ z)))
k = lam (\x -> lam (\_ -> x))
in debug ((s $ k) $ k)
-- > "uncurry id . (uncurry id . (curry (curry (curry (uncurry id . (uncurry id . (snd . fst . fst &&& snd) &&& uncurry id . (snd . fst &&& snd))))) &&& curry (curry (snd . fst))) &&& curry (curry (snd . fst)))"
test9 =
let s = lam (\x -> lam (\y -> lam (\z -> (x $ z) $ y $ z)))
k = lam (\x -> lam (\_ -> x))
in debug (lam (\x -> (x $ s) $ k))
-- > "curry (uncurry id . (uncurry id . (snd &&& curry (curry (curry (uncurry id . (uncurry id . (snd . fst . fst &&& snd) &&& uncurry id . (snd . fst &&& snd)))))) &&& curry (curry (snd . fst))))"
test10 = debug (lam (\x -> lam (\y -> lam (\z -> x ⊗ fst y ⊗ z))))
-- > "curry (curry (curry (snd . fst . fst &&& fst . snd . fst &&& snd)))"
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clinuxrulz commented Jul 7, 2018

Its possible to reify lamda calculus in a similar way that you reify a monad. You can create a lambda calculus DSL LC can can be converted to a pure data form of lambda LCD where you are able to inspect the code inside the lambdas. After that you can perform pattern matching on your LCD to do the rewrite rules for converting it into CCC.

Here is a working example in Purescript:

The results do not need to use an environment parameter "i".

test1 :: String
test1 = mkTest $ lam (\x -> x)
-- > id

test2 :: String
test2 = mkTest $ lam (\x -> lam (\y -> x))
-- > uncurry id . (curry (curry fst . snd) &&& id)

test2 could be shortened with one more optimisation: eval . (curry h `fork` g) = h . (id `fork` g)

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