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paf31/Modules.hs Secret

Created July 16, 2016 18:41
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Something a bit like modules
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (deleteBy, insertBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
-- | Reified type class dictionary
-- This could be taken from the @constraints@ package.
data Dict c where
Dict :: c => Dict c
-- | It will be useful to be able to talk about lifting constraints
-- over type constructors if we want to be able to put constraints like
-- 'Show' on the types which implement our module signatures.
class Lifted c f where
lifted :: Dict (c a) -> Dict (c (f a))
-- | Helper function for using 'Lifted'.
:: forall c f a r
. (Lifted c f, c a)
=> Proxy (c (f a))
-> (c (f a) => r)
-> r
lifting _ r =
case lifted (Dict :: Dict (c a)) of
(Dict :: Dict (c (f a))) -> r
-- | A signature for a map module implementation.
data MapDefns map k = MapDefns
{ mapEmpty :: forall a. map a
, mapInsert :: forall a. k -> a -> map a -> map a
, mapLookup :: forall a. k -> map a -> Maybe a
, mapDelete :: forall a. k -> map a -> map a
, mapModify :: forall a. k -> (Maybe a -> a) -> map a -> map a
-- | An implementation of the 'MapDefns' signature.
-- Note the type 'map' (which appeared as a type argument to
-- 'MapDefns') is hidden existentially here.
-- We also add 'Show' and 'Eq' constraints on the 'map' type,
-- but note that 'Lifted' allows us to require the value types in the
-- 'map' to also be 'Show'able and 'Eq'uatable.
data MapModule k where
MapModule :: (Lifted Show map, Lifted Eq map)
=> MapDefns map k
-> MapModule k
-- | We can define functions which are polymorphic in the module
-- implementation, but we must use 'MapDefns', so that the 'map' type variable
-- is brought into scope.
mapSingleton :: MapDefns map k -> k -> a -> map a
mapSingleton MapDefns{..} k a = mapInsert k a mapEmpty
-- | An implementation of the module signature based on association
-- lists.
assoc :: forall k. (Show k, Eq k) => MapModule k
assoc = MapModule MapDefns{..} where
mapEmpty :: Assoc k a
mapEmpty = Assoc []
mapInsert :: k -> a -> Assoc k a -> Assoc k a
mapInsert k a = Assoc . ((k, a) :) . runAssoc
mapLookup :: k -> Assoc k a -> Maybe a
mapLookup k = lookup k . runAssoc
mapDelete :: k -> Assoc k a -> Assoc k a
mapDelete k = Assoc . deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) (k, undefined) . runAssoc
mapModify :: k -> (Maybe a -> a) -> Assoc k a -> Assoc k a
mapModify k f = Assoc . go . runAssoc where
go [] = [(k, f Nothing)]
go ((k1, a) : xs)
| k == k1 = (k1, f (Just a)) : xs
| otherwise = (k1, a) : go xs
-- | Functors are just functions
-- For example, we can build a map from keys which are tuples if we have
-- implementations of maps for each component of the tuple, since we can
-- simply nest the maps.
mapTuple :: forall k1 k2. MapModule k1 -> MapModule k2 -> MapModule (k1, k2)
mapTuple (MapModule (MapDefns { mapEmpty = mapEmptyL
, mapLookup = mapLookupL
, mapModify = mapModifyL
} :: MapDefns f k1))
(MapModule r@(MapDefns { mapEmpty = mapEmptyR
, mapInsert = mapInsertR
, mapLookup = mapLookupR
, mapDelete = mapDeleteR
, mapModify = mapModifyR
} :: MapDefns g k2))
= MapModule MapDefns{..}
mapEmpty :: Compose f g a
mapEmpty = Compose mapEmptyL
mapInsert :: (k1, k2) -> a -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a
mapInsert (k1, k2) a = Compose . mapModifyL k1 (mapInsertR k2 a . fromMaybe mapEmptyR) . runCompose
mapLookup :: (k1, k2) -> Compose f g a -> Maybe a
mapLookup (k1, k2) (Compose fga) = do
ga <- mapLookupL k1 fga
mapLookupR k2 ga
mapDelete :: (k1, k2) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a
mapDelete (k1, k2) = Compose . mapModifyL k1 (maybe mapEmptyR (mapDeleteR k2)) . runCompose
mapModify :: (k1, k2) -> (Maybe a -> a) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f g a
mapModify (k1, k2) f = Compose . mapModifyL k1 proceed . runCompose
proceed Nothing = mapSingleton r k2 (f Nothing) -- Left key not in left map
proceed (Just m) = mapModifyR k2 f m
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- "Open" the module by using record wildcards
case mapTuple assoc assoc of
-- The type annotation is not necessary here in general -
-- we just need it to disambiguate the call to 'lifting'.
MapModule (MapDefns{..} :: MapDefns map (Int, Char)) -> do
let m1 = mapEmpty
m2 = mapInsert (0, 'a') "foo" m1
m3 = mapInsert (0, 'b') "bar" m2
m4 = mapDelete (0, 'a') m3
lifting (Proxy :: Proxy (Show (map String))) print m4
print (mapLookup (0, 'b') m4)
-- Guts
-- | An association list implementation
newtype Assoc k a = Assoc { runAssoc :: [(k, a)] } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Show k => Lifted Show (Assoc k) where
lifted Dict = Dict
instance Eq k => Lifted Eq (Assoc k) where
lifted Dict = Dict
-- | Composition of functors
data Compose f g a = Compose { runCompose :: f (g a) } deriving (Show, Eq)
instance forall f g. (Lifted Show f, Lifted Show g) => Lifted Show (Compose f g) where
lifted d = case lifted (lifted d) of
(Dict :: Dict (Show (f (g a)))) -> Dict
instance forall f g. (Lifted Eq f, Lifted Eq g) => Lifted Eq (Compose f g) where
lifted d = case lifted (lifted d) of
(Dict :: Dict (Eq (f (g a)))) -> Dict
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