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Last active April 30, 2021 06:59
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Statically-typed values with dynamically-kinded types
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
module DKT where
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
-- In languages like Haskell and PureScript, types have kinds and kinds
-- are checked at compile time by a method such as unification. The kind
-- system is like a simple type system, but "one level up".
-- However, this approach disallows certain types, such as self application:
-- newtype Omega f = Omega (f f)
-- (or else what kind should f have?) But if we instantiate f to something
-- like Proxy, or Const x, we get something reasonable. Should this be allowed?
-- In a dynamically-typed language like the untyped lambda calculus, we could write a
-- value-level term like Omega: \x. x x, and apply it to some values, because their
-- types would be known and checked only at runtime.
-- What would happen if we tried to use this idea one level up, for tracking kinds?
-- The type system would still be statically checked, but we could make types themselves
-- "dynamically-kinded". What would this mean?
-- Just like a dynamically-typed language can make assertions about the type of a value
-- at runtime, a dynamically-kinded language can make assertions about the kind of a type
-- at compile time (compile time being the "runtime" for type level computations :D)
-- Instead of assigning every type a kind early on in the typechecking process,
-- we can provide a way to evaluate the kind of a type, and defer this evaluation until
-- it is really needed.
-- Here is a simple language of base types, constructors, applications and
-- function types.
data Ty
= TyInt
| TyCon String
| TyVar String
| Ty :$ Ty
| Ty :-> Ty
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- Kinds are a bit more complicated. They can either be fully-evaluated or not.
-- An example of a kind which is not fully evaluated is the kind of a
-- partially-applied type constructor (KindCtor).
data Kind
= KindHard HardKind
| KindStar
| KindCtor Ctor
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data HardKind
= KindVar String
| KindFresh Int
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- As we evaluate kinds, we might get stuck trying to check the kind of a
-- subexpression. For example, what is the kind of the type Omega a? It depends on a,
-- but we require the type a to be applicable to itself. For an abstract type, this
-- can't be known up front, so we defer this decision by emitting a constraint.
-- Our constraints have the form "a type of kind K1, when applied to type T, returns
-- a type of kind K2". In the example above, we'd evaluate the kind of a, and assert that the result
-- could be applied to type a, returning a type of kind *.
-- Such constraints could be stored in an environment, to be checked as necessary when
-- the appropriate types get instantiated.
type Constraint = (HardKind, Ty, Kind)
-- Data constructors have type arguments and a type which appears in the body.
data Ctor = Ctor
{ ctorArgs :: [String]
, ctorBody :: Ty
} deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
type Env = [(String, Ctor)]
-- Some example type constructors and an environment containing them
identity = TyCon "Identity"
omega = TyCon "Omega"
phantom = TyCon "Phantom"
env :: Env
env =
[ ("Identity", Ctor ["a"] (TyVar "a"))
, ("Omega", Ctor ["f"] (TyVar "f" :$ TyVar "f"))
, ("Phantom", Ctor ["a"] TyInt)
-- The type checking monad provides a gensym, and a way to emit generated constraints.
type Check = StateT Int (WriterT [Constraint] (Either String))
runCheck :: Check a -> Either String (a, [Constraint])
runCheck = runWriterT . flip evalStateT 0
-- Now for the main event. Evaluating the kind of a type is broken up into two
-- mutually-recursive functions, eval and apply.
evalKind :: Env -> Ty -> Check Kind
evalKind env ty = eval ty where
eval TyInt = pure KindStar
eval (TyCon ctor) = do
ctor@(Ctor args body) <- maybe (throwError "unknown ctor") pure (lookup ctor env)
case args of
[] -> do
k <- eval body
unifiesWithKindStar k
pure KindStar
_ -> pure (KindCtor ctor)
eval (TyVar i) = pure (KindHard (KindVar i))
eval (t1 :$ t2) = do
k <- eval t1
apply k t2
eval (t1 :-> t2) = do
k1 <- eval t1
unifiesWithKindStar k1
k2 <- eval t2
unifiesWithKindStar k2
pure KindStar
apply (KindHard hk) ty = do
gs <- get
modify (1 +)
lift $ tell [(hk, ty, KindHard (KindFresh gs))]
pure (KindHard (KindFresh gs))
apply KindStar _ = throwError "Cannot apply a ground type to an argument"
apply (KindCtor (Ctor [] _)) _ = throwError "Cannot apply a constructor which takes no arguments"
apply (KindCtor (Ctor [x] body)) ty = do
k <- eval (replace x ty body)
unifiesWithKindStar k
pure KindStar
-- The partial application case - we substitute the first argument into
-- the body, and return a KindCtor to represent the unevaluated result.
apply (KindCtor (Ctor (x : xs) body)) ty =
pure (KindCtor (Ctor xs (replace x ty body)))
replace arg ty (TyVar arg') | arg == arg' = ty
replace arg ty (t1 :$ t2) = replace arg ty t1 :$ replace arg ty t2
replace arg ty (t1 :-> t2) = replace arg ty t1 :-> replace arg ty t2
replace arg ty other = other
-- I'm too lazy to write a proper unification algorithm and solve
-- for the substitution right now, but this function exists to check that
-- a kind can be unified with *.
unifiesWithKindStar :: Kind -> Check ()
unifiesWithKindStar KindStar = pure ()
unifiesWithKindStar KindHard{} = pure ()
unifiesWithKindStar k = throwError $ "Expected kind *, got " ++ show k
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