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Created September 25, 2018 17:46
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chisq_test_distr <- function(sample, fit_p, nbins = floor(length(sample) / 8)) {
cut_quantiles <- seq(0, 1, length.out = nbins + 1)
cut_values <- quantile(sample, cut_quantiles)
cut_values[1] <- -Inf
cuts <- tibble(
bin = 1:(nbins+1),
min_quantile = cut_quantiles,
max_quantile = lead(min_quantile, default = Inf),
min_value = cut_values,
max_value = lead(cut_values, default = Inf),
n_sample = map2_dbl(min_value, max_value, ~sum(sample > .x & sample <= .y)),
n_fit = map2_dbl(
min_value, max_value,
~fit_p(.y) - fit_p(.x)
) * length(sample)
)[1:nbins, ]
chisq_stat <- sum((cuts$n_sample - cuts$n_fit)^2 / cuts$n_fit)
degrees_of_freedom <- nbins - 1 - 1
p_value <- 1 - pchisq(
df = degrees_of_freedom
cuts = cuts,
chisq_stat = chisq_stat,
df = degrees_of_freedom,
p_value = p_value
# tests
norm_sample <- rnorm(1000)
fit <- chisq_test_distr(norm_sample, function(x) pnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1))
stopifnot(fit$p_value > 0.001)
norm_sample_mean_2 <- rnorm(100, mean = 2)
fit <- chisq_test_distr(norm_sample_mean_2, function(x) pnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1))
stopifnot(fit$p_value < 0.05)
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