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Created June 3, 2019 18:18
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withr::with_namespace("ggplot2", {
# Checks that mapping refers to at least one column in data
check_aes_column_refs <- function(mapping, data) {
if (empty(data) || length(mapping) == 0) return()
data_name <- as_label(enquo(data))
cols_in_mapping <- unlist(lapply(mapping, quo_column_refs, data))
if (length(cols_in_mapping) == 0) {
warning("Mapping contains zero mapped columns from data", call. = FALSE)
quo_column_refs <- function(quosure, data) {
expr_column_refs(get_expr(quosure), data, get_env(quosure))
expr_column_refs <- function(x, data, env = emptyenv()) {
if ( && (as.character(x) %in% names(data))) {
} else if (is_call(x, "[[") && extract_target_is_quo_data(x, data, env)) {
# in extract calls from .data, the index is not overscoped with the data
index_value <- try(eval_tidy(x[[3]], data = NULL, env), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(index_value, "try-error")) {
} else {
column_ref_from_index(index_value, data)
} else if (is_call(x, "$") && extract_target_is_quo_data(x, data, env)) {
} else if (is_call(x, "$")) {
expr_column_refs(x[[2]], data, env)
} else if ( {
new_names <- lapply(x, expr_column_refs, data, env)
} else if (is.pairlist(x)) {
new_names <- lapply(x, expr_column_refs, data, env)
} else {
column_ref_from_index <- function(index, data) {
if (is.character(index)) {
} else if (is.numeric(index)) {
} else {
extract_target_is_data <- function(x, data, env) {
data_eval <- try(eval_tidy(x[[2]], data, env), silent = TRUE)
identical(data_eval, data)
extract_target_is_quo_data <- function(x, data, env) {
identical(x[[2]], quote(.data)) || extract_target_is_data(x, data, env)
test_that("Column names are correctly extracted from quosures", {
returns_x <- function() "x"
df <- data_frame(x = 1:5, y = 12, nested_df = data_frame(x = 6:10))
returns_df <- function() df
not_df <- data_frame(x = 1:5)
# valid ways to map a column
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(x), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(x * y), df), c("x", "y"))
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(.data$x), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(.data[["x"]]), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(.data[[!!quo("x")]]), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(.data[[returns_x()]]), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(!!sym("x")), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(x * 10), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(nested_df$x), df), "nested_df")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(nested_df[["x"]]), df), "nested_df")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(.data[[c("nested_df", "x")]]), df), "nested_df")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(.data[[c(3, 1)]]), df), "nested_df")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(.data[[1]]), df), "x")
# spurious ways to map a column that don't currently fail
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(df$x), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(returns_df()$x), df), "x")
expect_setequal(quo_column_refs(quo(df[["x"]]), df), "x")
# no columns mapped
expect_identical(quo_column_refs(quo(), df), character(0))
expect_identical(quo_column_refs(quo(not_a_column), df), character(0))
expect_identical(quo_column_refs(quo(not_a_column * also_not_a_column), df), character(0))
# evaluation errors should result in zero mapped columns
expect_identical(quo_column_refs(quo(not_a_column$x), df), character(0))
expect_identical(quo_column_refs(quo(not_df$x), df), character(0))
expect_identical(quo_column_refs(quo(not_a_function()), df), character(0))
# test_that("Warnings are issued when zero columns from data are mapped", {
# df <- data_frame(x = 1:3, y = 3:1)
# p <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 1.5))
# expect_warning(ggplot_build(p), "zero mapped columns")
# })
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