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Created May 7, 2020 15:17
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#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/GraphicsEngine.h>
// something like grid::gpar() or par(), but the raw values that are needed
R_GE_gcontext makeContext(
* Line characteristics
rcolor col, /* pen colour (lines, text, borders, ...) */
rcolor fill, /* fill colour (for polygons, circles, rects, ...) */
double gamma, /* Gamma correction */
* Line characteristics
double lwd, /* Line width (roughly number of pixels) */
int lty, /* Line type (solid, dashed, dotted, ...) */
R_GE_lineend lend, /* Line end */
R_GE_linejoin ljoin, /* line join */
double lmitre, /* line mitre */
* Text characteristics
double cex, /* Character expansion (font size = fontsize*cex) */
double ps, /* Font size in points */
double lineheight, /* Line height (multiply by font size) */
int fontface, /* Font face (plain, italic, bold, ...) */
const char* fontfamily /* Font family */
) {
R_GE_gcontext context;
context.col = col;
context.fill = fill;
context.gamma = gamma;
context.lwd = lwd;
context.lty = lty;
context.lend = lend;
context.ljoin = ljoin;
context.lmitre = lmitre;
context.cex = cex; = ps;
context.lineheight = lineheight;
context.fontface = fontface;
strcpy(context.fontfamily, fontfamily);
return context;
// defaults, as far as I can tell (devout pkg useful for this!)
R_GE_gcontext makeDefaultContext() {
return makeContext(
R_GE_str2col("black"), // col
R_GE_str2col("white"), // fill
1, // gamma
1, // lwd
0, // lty
GE_ROUND_CAP, // lend
GE_ROUND_JOIN, // ljoin
10, // lmitre
1, // cex,
12, // ps
1, // lineheight
1, // fontface
"" // fontfamily
// must be called using .External2(), because call, op, and args
// are necessary for the recording (which is necessary for
// interactive devices like RStudioGD)
SEXP C_testPoint(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho) {
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
R_GE_gcontext context = makeDefaultContext();
double left = dd->dev->left;
double bottom = dd->dev->bottom;
double right = dd->dev->right;
double top = dd->dev->top;
// plot one point in the middle
double x = 0.5;
double y = 0.5;
double gx = left + x * (right - left);
double gy = top + y * (bottom - top);
// start drawing
GEMode(1, dd);
// remove clip that may have been applied
// note order (left, bottom, right, top)
GESetClip(left, bottom, right, top, dd);
// pch = 1, size = 25px (device coordinates)
GESymbol(gx, gy, 1, 25, &context, dd);
// record the graphics operation
// needed for interactive devices that replay the plot
// can check if is recording by checking GERecording(call, dd)
// (call will be R_NilValue)
GErecordGraphicOperation(op, args, dd);
// stop drawing
GEMode(0, dd);
// return an SEXP or R crashes
return R_NilValue;
# .External2 is needed because the 'op' and 'args'
# SEXPs are what need to be passed to GErecordGraphicOperation()
test_point <- function() {
.External2(getNativeSymbolInfo("C_testPoint", "wk"))
# Needed for Rcpp to pick up on "C_testPoint"
test_point2 <- function() {
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