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Last active May 13, 2019 13:38
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# implementation of
using import Array
let IdIndexT = u32
let GenT = u32
# must be at least 1
let MIN_UNUSED = 1
typedef PoolHandle : IdIndexT
struct PoolAllocator
# object -> id, but also id -> object
_map : (Array IdIndexT)
# id -> generation
_gen : (Array IdIndexT)
_pop_offset : IdIndexT = 0
_push_offset : IdIndexT = 0
inline __typecall (cls)
local self =
super-type.__typecall cls
'append self._map (0 as IdIndexT)
'append self._gen (0 as GenT)
deref self
inline generation (self id)
deref (self._gen @ id)
# lookup index from id or id from index
inline resolve (self id_or_index)
deref (self._map @ id_or_index)
fn capacity (self)
(countof self._map) as IdIndexT
fn valid-index? (self index)
let pushofs = (deref self._push_offset)
let popofs = (deref self._pop_offset)
let mapsize = (capacity self)
((index - popofs + mapsize) % mapsize)
((pushofs - popofs + mapsize) % mapsize)
inline valid-id? (self id gen)
id < (countof self._map)
(generation self id) == gen
'valid-index? self ('resolve self id)
inline identity? (self id_or_index)
('resolve self id_or_index) == id_or_index
""""Implements support for the `countof` operator. Returns the current
number of elements allocated in `self`.
inline __countof (self)
let capacity = (capacity self)
(self._push_offset - self._pop_offset + capacity) % capacity
fn countof-unused (self)
(capacity self) - (countof self)
# swap the ids of two indices (or the indices of two ids)
fn swap (self a b)
# ids can only be twisted or untwisted, map must not be shuffled any further
assert ((a == b)
or ((('resolve self a) == a) & (('resolve self b) == b))
or ((('resolve self a) == b) & (('resolve self b) == a)))
'swap self._map a b
inline generator (self)
inline () (deref self._pop_offset)
inline (i) (i != self._push_offset)
inline (i) i
inline (i) ((i + 1) % (capacity self))
inline __as (cls otherT)
static-if (otherT == Generator) generator
else ()
# allocate a new id from the pool
user must copy slot[index(id)] to slot[count] after
allocation. obtain() returns a { src, dst } tuple indicating
how data must be moved; if (dst == src), then no move is necessary.
src is also identical to the newly obtained id
fn obtain (self)
let capacity = (capacity self)
if ((countof-unused self) <= MIN_UNUSED)
# we are out of space
# add new identity entry
'append self._map capacity
let gen = (0 as GenT)
'append self._gen gen
# if entry is in valid range, return it
if (valid-id? self capacity gen)
return capacity capacity gen
let capacity = ('capacity self)
# index of new last element
let index = (deref self._push_offset)
# id of new last element
let id = ('resolve self index)
# generation of id
let gen = (generation self id)
# swap with index that matches this id,
# so that index(id) == id if they were swapped - otherwise no effect
swap self index id
# increase number of elements
self._push_offset = (self._push_offset + 1) % capacity
# return index, index of moved item and generation
return id (dupe index) gen
# release an obtained id to the pool
user must copy slot[count] to slot[index(id)] after
deletion. (release id) returns a (src dst) tuple indicating
how data must be moved; if (src == dst), then no move is necessary.
fn release (self id gen)
if (not ('valid-id? self id gen))
'dump self
print "id =" id
assert ('valid-id? self id gen)
# generation of element
self._gen @ id += 1
# index of element to be deleted
let index = ('resolve self id)
# if element is twisted, untwist
swap self index id
# index and id of element to take its place
let capacity = (capacity self)
let last_index = (deref self._pop_offset)
let last_id = ('resolve self last_index)
# if last element is twisted then this will untwist it
swap self last_index last_id
# swap indices so that tailing element fills the gap (twist)
swap self index last_id
# decrease number of elements
self._pop_offset = (self._pop_offset + 1) % capacity
# return index of element to be moved and index of gap
return last_index index
fn dump (self)
print "id-gen index -> ID:"
let _1 = (1 as IdIndexT)
let end = (countof self)
for i id in (enumerate self._map)
let i = (i as IdIndexT)
if (self._pop_offset == i)
print "vvvv pop"
if (self._push_offset == i)
print "^^^^ push"
let valid? = (valid-index? self i)
let ri = ('resolve self id)
generation self i; _ i; ? (i == id) "=" "X"; _ id; ? valid? "" "free"
? (i != ri) "!" ""
print ((countof self) as i32) "used elements,"
\ "capacity:" (capacity self)
\ "pop offset:" (self._pop_offset as i32)
\ "push offset:" (self._push_offset as i32)
unlet swap
fn test-pool-alloc ()
using import ..tukan.random
let N = 10000
# our "data array", which just stores the id again, so we can easily verify
# if an id still matches its assigned content
local data : (array u32 N)
local pool : PoolAllocator
fn move_entry (data k0 k1)
if (k0 != k1)
data @ k1 = data @ k0
fn verify_data (pool data)
local twisted = 0:u32
for i in pool
let id = ('resolve pool i)
assert (data @ i == id)
assert (('resolve pool id) == i)
if (not ('identity? pool i))
twisted += 1:u32
deref twisted
fn test_obtain (pool data)
let k0 k1 gen = ('obtain pool)
move_entry data k0 k1
data @ k0 = k0
_ k0 gen
fn test_release (pool data id gen)
let k0 k1 = ('release pool id gen)
move_entry data k0 k1
fn packid (id gen)
id << 16
gen & 0xffff
fn unpackid (id)
id >> 16
id & 0xffff
# array of ids in use
local used : (array u32 N)
local mintwisted : u32 = N
local maxtwisted : u32 = 0
local total : u32 = 0
local steps : u32 = 0
local used_count : u32 = 0
local maxused : u32 = 1
for i in (range N)
used @ i = (packid 0:u32 0:u32)
# keep 0 handle
let k gen = (test_obtain pool data)
print "obtained" k
#'dump pool
used @ used_count = (packid k gen)
used_count += 1
assert (used_count == (countof pool))
verify_data pool data
local rnd : (Random)
'seed rnd 14
'dump pool
static-if 1
let STEPS = 100000
# do random obtains/releases, see if something breaks
for i in (range STEPS)
if ((('range rnd 0 100) < 48) & (used_count > 1))
let used_index = ('range rnd 1:u32 used_count)
let id gen = (unpackid (deref (used @ used_index)))
#print "released" id
# remove from used array and fill
used_count -= 1
used @ used_index = used @ used_count
used @ used_count = (packid 0:u32 0:u32)
test_release pool data id gen
#'dump pool
assert (used_count == (countof pool))
let t = (verify_data pool data)
mintwisted = (min mintwisted t)
maxtwisted = (max maxtwisted t)
total += t
steps += 1
let k gen = (test_obtain pool data)
#print "obtained" k
#'dump pool
used @ used_count = (packid k gen)
used_count += 1
maxused = (max maxused used_count)
assert (used_count == (countof pool))
verify_data pool data
# attempt to fabricate a worst case
for i in (range N)
test_obtain pool data
for i in (range 0:u32 N 2:u32)
test_release pool data i
let t = (verify_data pool data)
mintwisted = (min mintwisted t)
maxtwisted = (max maxtwisted t)
total += t
steps += 1
'dump pool
\ "max used:" maxused
\ "releases:" steps
\ "min twisted:" mintwisted
\ "max twisted:" maxtwisted
\ "total twisted:" total
\ "average:" (total / steps)
print "OK."
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