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Last active January 29, 2024 17:44
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The FCC Coordinate System
a demo of how to convert from cubic to a rhombohedral isometric lattice, which
is equivalent to tetrahedral / octahedral packing, but without the headache
of having to manage two separate primitives or interlaced grid structures
as with the face-centered cubic lattice, which produces an equivalent structure.
an integer conversion from tetrahedral to cartesian coordinates is as easy as
tx = y+z
ty = z+x
tz = x+y
equivalently, the conversion from cartesian to tetrahedral coordinates goes
x = (-tx+ty+tz) / 2
y = ( tx-ty+tz) / 2
z = ( tx+ty-tz) / 2
if unit edge length should be preserved, then the conversions are
tx = (y+z)*D
ty = (z+x)*D
tz = (x+y)*D
x = (-tx+ty+tz)*D
y = ( tx-ty+tz)*D
z = ( tx+ty-tz)*D
where D = sqrt(2)/2 = 2^-0.5 = 1/sqrt(2)
the vertex neighborhood of any coordinate consists of 12 points, and
can be reached by the tetrahedral coordinates
( 1 0 0 )
( -1 0 0 )
( 0 1 0 )
( 0 -1 0 )
( 0 0 1 )
( 0 0 -1 )
( 0 1 -1 )
( 0 -1 1 )
( -1 0 1 )
( 1 0 -1 )
( 1 -1 0 )
( -1 1 0 )
which in integer cartesian coordinates are all diagonals of the FCC lattice:
( 0 1 1 )
( 0 -1 -1 )
( 1 0 1 )
( -1 0 -1 )
( 1 1 0 )
( -1 -1 0 )
( 0 -1 1 )
( 0 1 -1 )
( 1 0 -1 )
( -1 0 1 )
( -1 1 0 )
( 1 -1 0 )
about distance metrics:
the cartesian distance vector between two points A and B in the lattice is
tx = (By-Ay+Bz-Az)*D
ty = (Bz-Az+Bx-Ax)*D
tz = (Bx-Ax+By-Ay)*D
which can also purely be done in tetrahedral metrics
x = Bx-Ax
y = By-Ay
z = Bz-Az
likewise, scaling uniformity is preserved; the lattice is invariant to
translations and scale, but rotations are not preserved; An axis/angle rotation
by Rodrigues' formula nevertheless works if the tetrahedral dot and cross
products are used (see code).
the euclidean norm (length) of a tetrahedral vector is
|v| = sqrt(((y+z)^2 + (z+x)^2 + (x+y)^2)/2)
|v| = sqrt(x*(x+y+z) + y*(y+z) + z^2)
which saves the final division by 2.
the L1 distance (taxicab, manhattan) is
|v| = |x|+|y|+|z|
the cross product of two tetrahedral vectors in cartesian coordinates is
v = u x v
vx = ( Ux*(Vy - Vz) - Uy*(Vz + Vx) + Uz*(Vx + Vy)) / 2
vy = ( Ux*(Vy + Vz) + Uy*(Vz - Vx) - Uz*(Vx + Vy)) / 2
vz = (-Ux*(Vy + Vz) + Uy*(Vz + Vx) + Uz*(Vx - Vy)) / 2
remaining in tetrahedral coordinates, the cross product is
vx = (- Ux*( Vy - Vz) + Uy*(3*Vz + Vx) - Uz*( Vx + 3*Vy))*(D/2)
vy = (- Ux*( Vy + 3*Vz) - Uy*( Vz - Vx) + Uz*(3*Vx + Vy))*(D/2)
vz = ( Ux*(3*Vy + Vz) - Uy*( Vz + 3*Vx) - Uz*( Vx - Vy))*(D/2)
the dot product of two tetrahedral vectors is
q = u . v
q = ( Ux*(Vz+Vy) + Uy*(Vx+Vz) + Uz*(Vy+Vx) )/2 + Ux*Vx + Uy*Vy + Uz*Vz
from math import *
# these are effectively the same constant, keeping the coordinates at unit
# length, but due to float bias we need to counteract rounding errors
DIVR2 = 1.0/2**0.5
MULR2 = 2**-0.5
def norm(x,y,z):
return (x*x+y*y+z*z)**0.5
def tetnorm(x,y,z):
return (x*(x+z+y) + y*(y+z) + z*z)**0.5
def tet2cart(x,y,z):
return (y+z)*DIVR2,(x+z)*DIVR2,(x+y)*DIVR2
def cart2tet(tx,ty,tz):
return (-tx+ty+tz)*MULR2,(tx-ty+tz)*MULR2,(tx+ty-tz)*MULR2
coords = [
( 1, 0, 0 ),
( -1, 0, 0 ),
( 0, 1, 0 ),
( 0,-1, 0 ),
( 0, 0, 1 ),
( 0, 0,-1 ),
( 0, 1,-1 ),
( 0,-1, 1 ),
( -1, 0, 1 ),
( 1, 0,-1 ),
( 1,-1, 0 ),
( -1, 1, 0 ),
for x,y,z in coords:
print (x,y,z),tetnorm(x,y,z),tet2cart(x,y,z),cart2tet(*tet2cart(x,y,z))
U = (1,2,3)
V = (0,4,1)
def cross(U,V):
Ux,Uy,Uz = U
Vx,Vy,Vz = V
return Uy*Vz - Uz*Vy, Uz*Vx - Ux*Vz, Ux*Vy - Uy*Vx
def dot(U,V):
Ux,Uy,Uz = U
Vx,Vy,Vz = V
return Ux*Vx+Uy*Vy+Uz*Vz
def tetdot(U,V):
Ux,Uy,Uz = U
Vx,Vy,Vz = V
return ( Ux*(Vz+Vy) + Uy*(Vx+Vz) + Uz*(Vy+Vx) )/2.0 + Ux*Vx + Uy*Vy + Uz*Vz
def tetcross2cart(U,V):
Ux,Uy,Uz = U
Vx,Vy,Vz = V
vx = ( Ux*(Vy - Vz) - Uy*(Vz + Vx) + Uz*(Vx + Vy)) / 2.0
vy = ( Ux*(Vy + Vz) + Uy*(Vz - Vx) - Uz*(Vx + Vy)) / 2.0
vz = (-Ux*(Vy + Vz) + Uy*(Vz + Vx) + Uz*(Vx - Vy)) / 2.0
return vx,vy,vz
def tetcross(U,V):
Ux,Uy,Uz = U
Vx,Vy,Vz = V
Wx = (- Ux*( Vy - Vz) + Uy*(3*Vz + Vx) - Uz*( Vx + 3*Vy))*(D/2)
Wy = (- Ux*( Vy + 3*Vz) - Uy*( Vz - Vx) + Uz*(3*Vx + Vy))*(D/2)
Wz = ( Ux*(3*Vy + Vz) - Uy*( Vz + 3*Vx) - Uz*( Vx - Vy))*(D/2)
return Wx,Wy,Wz
def taxicab(x,y,z):
return abs(x)+abs(y)+abs(z)
def tetaxisangle(a,U,W):
s,c = sin(a),cos(a)
Sx,Sy,Sz = tetcross(W,U)
t = (1-c)*tetdot(W,U)
Ux,Uy,Uz = U
Wx,Wy,Wz = W
vx = c*Ux + s*Sx + t*Wx
vy = c*Uy + s*Sy + t*Wy
vz = c*Uz + s*Sz + t*Wz
return vx,vy,vz
def axisangle(a,U,W):
s,c = sin(a),cos(a)
Sx,Sy,Sz = cross(W,U)
t = (1-c)*dot(W,U)
Ux,Uy,Uz = U
Wx,Wy,Wz = W
vx = c*Ux + s*Sx + t*Wx
vy = c*Uy + s*Sy + t*Wy
vz = c*Uz + s*Sz + t*Wz
return vx,vy,vz
print cross(tet2cart(*U),tet2cart(*V))
print tetcross2cart(U,V)
print cart2tet(*tetcross2cart(U,V))
print tetcross(U,V)
print dot(tet2cart(*U),tet2cart(*V))
print cart2tet(*axisangle(radians(33.0),tet2cart(*U),tet2cart(0,-1,1)))
print tetaxisangle(radians(33.0),U,(0,-1,1))
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