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Created April 21, 2020 10:32
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using import C.string
import ..tukan.use
using import tukan.bullet.C
let datadir =
.. module-dir "/../build/src/bullet/data"
local dofCount : i32
local posVarCount : i32
local sensorJointIndexLeft = -1
local sensorJointIndexRight = -1
let urdfFileName = (.. datadir "/r2d2.urdf")
let sdfFileName = (.. datadir "/kuka_iiwa/model.sdf")
let gravx gravy gravz = 0.0 0.0 -9.8
let timeStep = (/ 60.0)
local startPosX : f64
local startPosY : f64
local startPosZ : f64
local imuLinkIndex = -1
local bodyIndex = -1
let sm = (b3ConnectPhysicsDirect)
assert (b3CanSubmitCommand sm)
let command = (b3InitPhysicsParamCommand sm)
let ret = (b3PhysicsParamSetGravity command gravx gravy gravz)
let ret = (b3PhysicsParamSetTimeStep command timeStep)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
assert ((b3GetStatusType statusHandle) == CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED)
let command = (b3LoadSdfCommandInit sm sdfFileName)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
let statusType = (b3GetStatusType statusHandle)
assert (statusType == CMD_SDF_LOADING_COMPLETED)
local bodyIndicesOut : (array i32 10) # MAX_SDF_BODIES = 10
let numBodies = (b3GetStatusBodyIndices statusHandle bodyIndicesOut 10)
assert (numBodies == 1)
bodyUniqueId := bodyIndicesOut @ 0
let command = (b3InitRequestVisualShapeInformation sm bodyUniqueId)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
let statusType = (b3GetStatusType statusHandle)
local vi : b3VisualShapeInformation
b3GetVisualShapeInformation sm &vi
let numJoints = (b3GetNumJoints sm bodyUniqueId)
assert (numJoints == 7)
let jointAngle = 0.0:f64
let commandHandle = (b3CreatePoseCommandInit sm bodyUniqueId)
for jointIndex in (range numJoints)
b3CreatePoseCommandSetJointPosition sm commandHandle jointIndex jointAngle
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm commandHandle)
assert ((b3GetStatusType statusHandle) == CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED)
let command = (b3LoadUrdfCommandInit sm urdfFileName)
# setting the initial position, orientation and other arguments are optional
startPosX = 2
startPosY = 0
startPosZ = 1
let ret = (b3LoadUrdfCommandSetStartPosition command startPosX startPosY startPosZ)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
let statusType = (b3GetStatusType statusHandle)
assert (statusType == CMD_URDF_LOADING_COMPLETED)
let bodyIndex = (b3GetStatusBodyIndex statusHandle)
if (bodyIndex >= 0)
let numJoints = (b3GetNumJoints sm bodyIndex)
for i in (range numJoints)
local jointInfo : b3JointInfo
b3GetJointInfo sm bodyIndex i &jointInfo
# printf("jointInfo[%d].m_jointName=%s\n",i,jointInfo.m_jointName);
# pick the IMU link index based on torso name
if ((strstr jointInfo.m_linkName "base_link") != null)
imuLinkIndex = i
# pick the joint index based on joint name
if ((strstr jointInfo.m_jointName "base_to_left_leg") != null)
sensorJointIndexLeft = i
if ((strstr jointInfo.m_jointName "base_to_right_leg") != null)
sensorJointIndexRight = i
if ((sensorJointIndexLeft >= 0) or (sensorJointIndexRight >= 0))
let command = (b3CreateSensorCommandInit sm bodyIndex)
if (imuLinkIndex >= 0)
let ret = (b3CreateSensorEnableIMUForLink command imuLinkIndex 1)
if (sensorJointIndexLeft >= 0)
let ret = (b3CreateSensorEnable6DofJointForceTorqueSensor command sensorJointIndexLeft 1)
if (sensorJointIndexRight >= 0)
let ret = (b3CreateSensorEnable6DofJointForceTorqueSensor command sensorJointIndexRight 1)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
assert ((b3GetStatusType statusHandle) == CMD_CLIENT_COMMAND_COMPLETED)
let command = (b3CreateBoxShapeCommandInit sm)
let ret = (b3CreateBoxCommandSetStartPosition command 0 0 -1)
let ret = (b3CreateBoxCommandSetStartOrientation command 0 0 0 1)
let ret = (b3CreateBoxCommandSetHalfExtents command 10 10 1)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
assert ((b3GetStatusType statusHandle) == CMD_RIGID_BODY_CREATION_COMPLETED)
let command = (b3RequestActualStateCommandInit sm bodyIndex)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
let statusType = (b3GetStatusType statusHandle)
b3GetStatusActualState statusHandle
\ null &posVarCount &dofCount
\ null null null null
assert (posVarCount == 15)
assert (dofCount == 14)
# perform some simulation steps for testing
for i in (range 1000)
assert (b3CanSubmitCommand sm)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm (b3InitStepSimulationCommand sm))
let statusType = (b3GetStatusType statusHandle)
let width = 1024
let height = 1024
let command = (b3InitRequestCameraImage sm)
b3RequestCameraImageSetPixelResolution command width height
b3RequestCameraImageSelectRenderer command ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm command)
assert (b3CanSubmitCommand sm)
let state = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm (b3RequestActualStateCommandInit sm bodyIndex))
if (sensorJointIndexLeft >= 0)
local sensorState : b3JointSensorState
b3GetJointState sm state sensorJointIndexLeft &sensorState
print "Sensor for joint" sensorJointIndexLeft "="
deref (sensorState.m_jointForceTorque @ 0)
deref (sensorState.m_jointForceTorque @ 1)
deref (sensorState.m_jointForceTorque @ 2)
if (sensorJointIndexRight >= 0)
local sensorState : b3JointSensorState
b3GetJointState sm state sensorJointIndexRight &sensorState
print "Sensor for joint" sensorJointIndexRight "="
deref (sensorState.m_jointForceTorque @ 0)
deref (sensorState.m_jointForceTorque @ 1)
deref (sensorState.m_jointForceTorque @ 2)
let statusHandle = (b3SubmitClientCommandAndWaitStatus sm (b3InitResetSimulationCommand sm))
assert ((b3GetStatusType statusHandle) == CMD_RESET_SIMULATION_COMPLETED)
b3DisconnectSharedMemory sm
print "OK."
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