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Created August 3, 2015 19:13
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; a prototype for a shader language in None, implemented on top of GLSL
(syntax-import "glsl")
(using (require "glsl"))
; Why?
; the general idea is being that it will be possible to freely compose
; shaders on a per-function basis, use quasiquotation / programmable macros
; in shader code to generate permutations, and auto-generate static interfaces
; to conveniently update program uniforms and uniform buffers.
; It removes many redundancies associated with shader programming
; and invites programmers to do more ad-hoc prototyping.
; the shader example described here is translated from a GLSL shader I use in
; an actual game prototype;
; it reads triangle data from a buffer texture, generates triangles and
; shades these triangles according to their vertex and edge ID's using
; their barycentric coordinates.
; liminal's vector types also function in shader code
(require "liminal.vec")
; vertex
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; built-in GLSL symbols reside in their own module
(import-from (require "glsl.builtin")
; written by vertex shader and read by geometry shader (where it is an array)
; for shared variables, the code generator figures out where the corresponding
; in/out declarations go and reports invalid use.
; removing the explicit usage hinting frees the coder from having to revisit
; declarations when moving functions between shader stages.
; examples for valid use:
; * vertex: R (= read)
; * fragment: W (= write)
; * vertex: W, geom: R
; * geom: W, fragment: R
; examples for invalid use:
; * vertex: W, geom: *, fragment: R (stages aren't neighbors)
; * geom: R, fragment: W (wrong stage direction)
; * vertex: W, geom: RW, fragment: R (although that sounds rather useful)
(shader shared face_index : int)
; declares a shader function
; any function with a (void <- ()) signature can be used as a main function
(shader vertex-main ()
: (void <- ())
; shader function syntax is completely analog to None's static syntax,
; so it gets easier to move functions between CPU / GPU, or to provide
; implementations for both
(face_index = gl_VertexID))
; geometry
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; more built-in symbols
(import-from (require "glsl.builtin")
; use of uintBitsToFloat causes the code generator to auto-enable the
; GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding extension
; CHALLENGE: import directly from GLSL files like from any other source file;
; needs an introspection library that can parse GLSL files for declarations
; without compiling or linking.
(import-from (require "hslhsv")
; Until then, we can only import bindings from other None modules, or
; declare them as externals, like this:
(shader extern hsl2rgb (color) : (vec3 <- (vec3)))
; shared between geometry and fragment stage
(shader shared col : vec3)
(shader shared vxid : vec3)
(shader uniform vertex_buffer : usamplerBuffer)
(shader uniform face_buffer : usamplerBuffer)
; this declaration also doubles as a corresponding static struct type
; that can be used for interfacing with the shader program
(shader uniform WorldParams
(camera_aim : mat3)
(camera_origin : vec3)
(mtx_proj : vec3)
(time : float)
(shader transform_vertex (p)
: (vec4 <- (vec3))
(p.xy = (p.xy - WorldParams.camera_origin.xy) * WorldParams.mtx_proj.xy)
(vec4 p 1))
(shader scale_tri (p0 p1 p2 x)
; a referenced type is translated as out or inout argument,
; depending on whether it is read in the function
: (void <- (&vec3 &vec3 &vec3 float))
(var c : vec3
(0.25 * (+ p0 p1 p2)))
(p0 = c + (p0 - c) * x)
(p1 = c + (p1 - c) * x)
(p2 = c + (p2 - c) * x))
(shader extrude_tri (p0 p1 p2 x)
: (void <- (&vec3 &vec3 &vec3 float))
(var c : vec3
(0.25 * (+ p0 p1 p2)))
(p0 = c + (normalize (p0 - c)) * x)
(p1 = c + (normalize (p1 - c)) * x)
(p2 = c + (normalize (p2 - c)) * x))
(shader emit_tri (p0 p1 p2)
: (void <- (vec3 vec3 vec3))
(vxid = (vec3 1 0 0))
(gl_Position = (transform_vertex p0))
(vxid = (vec3 0 1 0))
(gl_Position = (transform_vertex p1))
(vxid = (vec3 0 0 1))
(gl_Position = (transform_vertex p2))
(shader uread (smp index)
: (uint <- (usamplerBuffer int))
((texelFetch smp index) . r))
(shader iread (smp index)
: (int <- (usamplerBuffer int))
(int (uread smp index)))
(shader fread (smp index)
: (float <- (usamplerBuffer int))
(uintBitsToFloat (uread smp index)))
(shader iread3 (smp index)
: (ivec3 <- (usamplerBuffer int))
(uread smp index)
(uread smp (index + 1))
(uread smp (index + 2))))
(shader fread2 (smp index)
: (vec2 <- (usamplerBuffer int))
(fread smp index)
(fread smp (index + 1))))
(shader read_vertex (index)
: (vec3 <- (int))
(vec3 (fread2 vertex_buffer (index * 5)) 0))
(shader geometry-main ()
: (void <- ())
(var face_offset : int (face_index # 0 * 7))
(if ((uread face_buffer (face_offset + 6)) == 0)
(col =
((float (face_index # 0)) * 0.16667)
(var face_verts : ivec3
(iread3 face_buffer face_offset))
(read_vertex (face_verts # 0))
(read_vertex (face_verts # 1))
(read_vertex (face_verts # 2))))))
; fragment
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(import-from (require "glsl.builtin")
fwidth smoothstep mix min max)
(shader shared color : vec4)
(shader min3 (v)
: (float <- (vec3))
(min v.x v.y v.z))
(shader max3 (v)
: (float <- (vec3))
(max v.x v.y v.z))
(shader fragment-main ()
: (void <- ())
(var d : vec3 (1.5 * (fwidth vxid)))
(var a3 : vec3 (smoothstep (vec3 0) d vxid))
(var ef : float (min3 a3))
(var corners : vec3
(20 * d)
(vec3 0)
(1 - vxid)))
(var edges : vec3
(5 * d)
(vec3 0)
(color =
(ef *
(vec3 1)
(max3 edges))
(max3 corners))
(import-from (require "GLEW")
(function compile-program ()
; generates all required code, compiles shaders if necessary and links
; the program.
(var pg (glCreateProgram))
(shader-compile pg
; sets the #version pragma for all shaders
(var version 150)
; sets vertex-main as the vertex shader stage
(var vertex-stage vertex-main)
; the geometry shader format has to be set in the compile flags
; geometry-in sets the input format for the geometry shader
(shader (layout points) shared geometry-in)
; geometry-out sets the output format
(shader (layout triangle_strip (max_vertices 6)) shared geometry-out)
;sets geometry-main as the geometry shader stage
(var geometry-stage geometry-main)
; sets fragment-main as the fragment shader stage
(var fragment-stage fragment-main)
(var sys (require "liminal.system"))
(var win (require "liminal.window"))
(var time (require "liminal.time"))
(function ()
except err
(print err)
(error err)))))))
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