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Created December 5, 2022 20:47
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import {Observable} from 'rx';
const INTERVAL = 1000 / 10;
const ticker = Observable.interval(INTERVAL);
import notifySystem from './systems/notify';
import locationSystem from './systems/location';
import arSceneSystem from './systems/ar-scene';
import userStatsSystem from './systems/user-stats';
import reactViewSystem from './systems/react-view';
const systems = [
function runSystems (nextState, system) { return system(nextState); }
import userInputSystem from './systems/user-input';
function engineReducer(state) {
const currentGame = state.get('currentGame');
if (!currentGame) return state;
const hasEntities = currentGame.has('entities');
if (!hasEntities) return state;
return systems.reduce(runSystems, state);
export default function engine() {
console.log('Engine initialised');
return ticker
.map( () => engineReducer )
.merge( userInputSystem() );
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