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Rafal Pastuszak paprikka

View GitHub Profile
name: Prevent Merge if [no ci] is in Commits
types: [opened, synchronize]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
from pynput import keyboard
import time
import os
cmd_pressed = False
copy_count = 0
def on_press(key):
global cmd_pressed, copy_count
paprikka / Weekly
Last active February 4, 2024 21:30
Weekly Summary Template (Obsidian)

Carried Over

  • share a new drawing this week

Main Focus

[!NOTE] Progress on work. Don't rush.

It's Friday. I have a rough timeline for my work with XXX and we're discussing the specifics. I'm feeling tired, but not burned out. I feel like I have balance. I published every day. I learned something new (a piece of tech/concept) and I wrote about it. We planned our trip to XXX. I've spoken with my brothers.

paprikka / infrared.css
Last active December 11, 2023 06:55
An Obsidian Minimal Theme for Vampires
.theme-dark.minimal-dark-black {
--base-h: 0deg;
--base-s: 70%;
--base-l: 50%;
--red-100: hsl(var(--base-h) var(--base-s) var(--base-l) / 0.1);
--red-200: hsl(var(--base-h) var(--base-s) var(--base-l) / 0.2);
--red-300: hsl(var(--base-h) var(--base-s) var(--base-l) / 0.3);
--red-400: hsl(var(--base-h) var(--base-s) var(--base-l) / 0.4);
--red-500: hsl(var(--base-h) var(--base-s) var(--base-l) / 0.5);
paprikka /
Created October 3, 2023 10:36
how to force iCloud download in a dir
# Check if a directory is provided
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "No directory provided"
exit 1
# Check if the provided directory exists
paprikka /
Last active June 16, 2023 09:11
Ought code sample

Ensō is very low-tech. But: it's simple, it helps people, and it makes money.

I've build large scale apps (e.g. code served 100mm times per day, realtime, or Typeform stack), but Ensō is more aligned with my ideal approach to design/engineering: quick iteration cycles, testing, relying on user feedback.

Some articles describing my approach to software engineering and design:

paprikka /
Created April 27, 2023 17:20
Reptilian-friendly version of the Medieval Content Farm
You are a member of an ancient Reptilian race. For millennia your secret society has been manipulating human societies through a network of secrets and conspiracies.
People are not aware of your existence. You enjoy manipulation and frequent egg white baths.

The letter below comes from an disconcerted human. You need to present its contents to your Reptilian management. You will need to censor it so that the parts which might offend the management are presented in a more positive light. For instance, you like advertising, manipulation, extracting value from users (and egg white baths!). Rephrase the document below in a way that is more aligned with Reptilian sensibilities.

=== text start ===

import {createModal} from '../../stores/modals';
import Intents from '../../intents';
const deactivateNotificaton = entityID => () => {
Intents.update( state => {
return state.updateIn(['currentGame', 'entities'], entities => {
const ind = entities.findIndex( ent => ent.get('_id') === entityID );
if(ind === -1) return entities;
// debugger
return entities.set(ind, entities.get(ind).set('notification:active', false));
import {Observable} from 'rx';
const INTERVAL = 1000 / 10;
const ticker = Observable.interval(INTERVAL);
import notifySystem from './systems/notify';
import locationSystem from './systems/location';
import arSceneSystem from './systems/ar-scene';
import userStatsSystem from './systems/user-stats';
import reactViewSystem from './systems/react-view';
paprikka / queue.example.ts
Created December 5, 2022 20:40
type User = any
type Event = {
id: 'user:new',
user: User
} | {
id: 'tick',
interval: number
type EventID = Event['id'] // user:new, tick, etc...