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Created October 17, 2019 23:27
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Sign in with Apple - PHP
# composer require web-token/jwt-framework
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Jose\Component\Core\AlgorithmManager;
use Jose\Component\KeyManagement\JWKFactory;
use Jose\Component\Signature\Algorithm\ES256;
use Jose\Component\Signature\JWSBuilder;
use Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer\CompactSerializer;
/** Your team identifier: (Team ID) */
$teamId = '1A234BFK46';
/** The client id of your service: */
$clientId = 'org.example.service';
/** Code from request:{$clientId}&scope=email%20name&response_mode=form_post&redirect_uri={$redirectUri} */
$code = 'ab1c23456fb104dbfa034e0e66bc58370.0.nrwxq.yQMut7nanacO82i7OvNoBg';
/** The ID of the key file: (Key ID) */
$keyFileId = '1ABC6523AA';
/** The path of the file which you downloaded from */
$keyFileName = 'AuthKey_1ABC6523AA.p8';
/** The redirect uri of your service which you used in the $code request */
$redirectUri = '';
$algorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager([new ES256()]);
$jwsBuilder = new JWSBuilder($algorithmManager);
$jws = $jwsBuilder
'iat' => time(),
'exp' => time() + 3600,
'iss' => $teamId,
'aud' => '',
'sub' => $clientId
->addSignature(JWKFactory::createFromKeyFile($keyFileName), [
'alg' => 'ES256',
'kid' => $keyFileId
$serializer = new CompactSerializer();
$token = $serializer->serialize($jws, 0);
$data = [
'client_id' => $clientId,
'client_secret' => $token,
'code' => $code,
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array ($ch, [
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($data),
$response = curl_exec($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
var_export(json_decode($response, true));
* array (
* 'access_token' => 'ab12cd3ef45db4f86a7d32cbbf7703a45.0.abcde.Ab01C3_D4elgkHOMcFuXpg',
* 'token_type' => 'Bearer',
* 'expires_in' => 3600,
* 'refresh_token' => 'abcdef12345678bb9bbbefba3e36118a2.0.mrwxq.Vo5t5ogmUXFERuNtiMbrvg',
* 'id_token' => 'RS256 Encoded Hash',
* )

It works but pay attention, the code provided by the client is valid only for a short time, so dont keep testing with the same code for a long time because it will say invalid_grant

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Patrick, I need your help. How do I decrypt the information in the id_token that the apple server returns?

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rL071 commented Jun 28, 2021

Thank you very much !!!

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gradus0 commented Oct 2, 2021

Patrick, I need your help. How do I decrypt the information in the id_token that the apple server returns?

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ellie-me commented Feb 13, 2022

You saved my life! I am implementing the same using Guzzle and all I needed was to use your curl method instead.

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Be careful because of this invalid_client error could be misleading (as always Apple's error messages)

$postParams = array(
    'code' => ...,
    'client_id' => ...,
    'client_secret' => ...,
    'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
    'redirect_uri' => ...,

$curl = curl_init('');

// never pass params as just array for apple without stringifying via http_build_query()
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($postParams));

When you will use just curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postParams); it is valid POST request but another type than Apple expects but lazy apple developers are not able to provide error that this type of POST request is unsupported.

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