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Forked from Jaykul/Get-MsdnKeys.ps1
Created July 26, 2017 13:06
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PowerShell + Selenium Demo: Getting Started, and reusing cookies with Invoke-Request
# It might work in 4, but I'm not testing there. Lower you'll have to tweak code
#requires -Version 5.0
# Your Live ID for MSDN login
# Pick a browser to use. Defaults to Firefox (which doesn't seem to require an external Driver file)
# Works for sure with Firefox, Chrome, and Edge, and PhantomJS
# The edge driver must be manually installed from
# The PhantomJS driver must be manually installed from
# The IE driver on NuGet did not work for me.
# And I can't be bothered to mess with Opera or any of the others
[ValidateSet("Chrome", "Firefox", "Edge", "PhantomJS")] #
$Browser = "Firefox"
function Install-Selenium {
[ValidateSet("Chrome", "Firefox", "InternetExplorer", "Edge", "Opera", "PhantomJS")] #
$Browser = "Firefox"
$Package = switch($Browser) {
"Edge" { "MicrosoftWebDriver" }
"InternetExplorer" { "IEDriver" }
"PhantomJS" { "PhantomJS" }
default { "${_}Driver" }
if(!("OpenQA.Selenium.By" -as [type])) {
if(!($WebDriverPath = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Selenium.WebDriver.*\lib\net40" -ErrorActionPreference SilentlyContinue)) {
# Install Selenium from NuGet
Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver -Destination $PSScriptRoot
$WebDriverPath = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Selenium.WebDriver.*\lib\net40"
# Load Selenium
Add-Type -Path (Join-Path $WebDriverPath WebDriver.dll)
# If we need a driver ...
if(($Browser -ne "Firefox") -and !(Get-Command "${Package}*.exe")) {
# Chrome seems to be the only one we can auto-fetch from NuGet
# The others may have packages on NuGet, but those did not work for me
if($Browser -eq "Chrome") {
Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver.${Package} -Destination $PSScriptRoot
$Env:Path += ";" + ((Resolve-Path "scripts\Selenium.WebDriver.*Driver.*\driver\") -join ";")
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Get-Selenium {
# Get a Selenium automation driver for the specified browser
[ValidateSet("Chrome", "Firefox", "InternetExplorer", "Edge", "Opera", "PhantomJS")] #
$Browser = "Firefox"
$Driver = switch($Browser) {
"InternetExplorer" { "IE" }
default { $_ }
if(!("OpenQA.Selenium.${Driver}.${Browser}Driver" -as [type])) {
Install-Selenium $Browser
return ($global:Selenium = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.${Driver}.${Browser}Driver)
$Selenium = Get-Selenium $Browser
# TODO: See if it's enough to just go to
$msdn = ""
Start-Sleep 1
# Sometimes it remembers my name
if(($name = $Selenium.FindElementByCssSelector('input[type="email"]')) -and $name.Displayed) {
Write-Verbose "Sending UserName"
# But if the password box isn't there, we were probably already logged in
$pass = $Selenium.FindElementByCssSelector('input[type="password"]')
$pass.Clear() # sometimes it's pre-populated if your browser stores it...
$send = $Selenium.FindElementByCssSelector('input[type="submit"]')
$count = 0
while($Selenium.Url -notmatch "^*/downloads/") {
Start-Sleep -milli 500
if(2 -lt $count++) {
if($Selenium.Url.StartsWith("")) {
if($otc = $Selenium.FindElementByCssSelector('input[name="otc"]')) {
$code = Read-Host "We need your 2FA one-time code"
} else {
Write-Warning "We don't seem to have arrived at the downloads page. Current Url: $($Selenium.Url)"
if($Selenium.Url.StartsWith("")) {
if($otc = $Selenium.FindElementByCssSelector('input[name="otc"]')) {
$code = Read-Host "We need your 2FA one-time code"
if($Selenium.Manage().Cookies.AllCookies.Count -eq 0) {
throw "Couldn't get authentication cookie from $Browser"
# Precreate a session object
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -SessionVariable Jar
# Fill it with nice warm cookies (ignoring expiration dates)
$Selenium.Manage().Cookies.AllCookies | Select-Object Name, Value, Domain, Secure | % { $Jar.Cookies.Add([Net.Cookie]$_) }
# Trade it for the MSDN keys
[xml](Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Invoke-WebRequest -WebSession $Jar).Content
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