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Paul Collett paulcollett

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// There seems to be a few algorithms floating around for brightness/luminance detection.
// One uses NTSC `(299*R + 587*G + 114*B)` which is incorrect for web colors (sRGB) see
// `rgbLuminance` for "better" coefficients (seems subjective but agreed apon). To be more
// accurate you need to also convert RGB from sRGB color space (which gives more spectrum to lighter colors)
// to linear rgb which normalizes colors across the spectrum - better for processing.
// see
// convert sRGB to linear RGB values
// - channel ** 2.218 same as Math.pow((channel + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)
// - i've seen this simplified to be just `(channel / 255) ** 2.21`
paulcollett /
Last active January 16, 2023 21:41
Fetch "keepalive" Javascript Web feature detection

Fetch "keepalive" Javascript Web feature detection

fetch()'s keepalive is a new option parameter in Web API spec to replace the Navigator.sendBeacon() API for usecases where requests should outlive the current page, like tracking clicks.

Current Support

This new fetch option is supported in all modern browsers except Firefox (at time of writing, Firefox 110):

paulcollett / graphQlRequest.js
Last active May 4, 2020 21:54
small filesize graphql request, returns promise
* small graphql request that adheres to the POST JSON spec, returns promise
* @param {string} endpoint graphql url
* @param {string} query graphql query / mutation
* @param {object=} variables object of variables, optional
* @param {object=} headers object of headers, optional
* @return {Promise.<object, Error>} promise with json data
* @example
graphQlRequest('https://domain/endpoint', 'query { hero { name } }')
paulcollett / mailchimpSubscribeRequest.js
Last active May 2, 2020 00:15
Mailchimp client-side ajax subscribe request, returns promise
* Mailchimp client-side ajax subscribe request promise
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} options.action Mailchimp subscribe form action url <form action="URL">
* @param {string} email address
* @returns {Promise.<string, Error>} promise of a success message or an Error containing message
* @example
action: ';id=02435aaa99',
email: 'my@email.test'
paulcollett / css-var-grid.scss
Last active March 30, 2020 04:36
Grid Layout with CSS Variables
this is the stylesheet to support creating grid layouts in just html.
experimentation in using css variables to create the a grid layout
<div style="--grid; --gap:10px">
<div style="--grow">input</div>
<div style="--min-width: 10%">submit</div>
paulcollett / Component.js
Last active April 27, 2020 02:56
React Hooks safe component replacement
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useReducer } from 'react'
import { useState } from 'react'
const createComponent = (setup) => {
return (rawProps) => {
const hookCallbacks = useRef(new Set([]))
const instance = useRef()
const props = useRef({})
const state = useRef({})
const [, runRender] = useReducer((counter) => counter + 1, 0)
paulcollett / index.js
Last active February 3, 2020 23:07
Quick JS template literal support
// Allows using a function as a template literal
// normal: myFunc('hello')
// template literal: myFunc`hello`
const myFunc = (...args) => {
// 1. get first and remaining arguments. Remaining args can be interpolated values
// 2. concat to force array. This allow us support normal myFunc('hello') usage
// 3. reduce to combine both template parts and interpolated values. This allows: myFunc`im at ${window.location}!!`
const [ templateRaw, ...templateArgs ] = args;
const template = [].concat(templateRaw).reduce((acc, templatePart, i) => acc += String(templatePart) + String(templateArgs[i] === undefined ? '' : templateArgs[i]), '')
paulcollett / pauls-hamburger-button.sass
Last active February 16, 2018 04:00
Pauls animated hamburger button as a sass mixin
@mixin pauls-burger-button($width: 50px, $height: 30px, $line-height: 3px, $outer-padding: 0px, $active-selector: '&:active')
$line-spacing: ($height - $line-height * 3) / 2
display: inline-block
vertical-align: middle
width: $width
border: $outer-padding solid transparent
margin: $outer-padding * -1
box-sizing: content-box
touch-action: manipulation
&:before, &:after, > *
paulcollett / Paul's base HTML starter file
Last active June 11, 2018 17:41
Paul's base HTML starter file
Paul's base HTML starter file
paulcollett / Dummy.js
Last active July 15, 2018 01:06
javascript, dummy placeholder text & images (for HTML prototyping)
// Dummy.js Simple placeholder text
document.querySelectorAll('[data-dummy]').forEach(el => {
if(el.nodeName == 'IMG') return el.src = '//'
+ (el.getAttribute('data-dummy') || el.parentNode.offsetWidth);
let lib = `lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit nunc euismod vel
dolor nec viverra nullam at auctor enim id condimentum odio in laoreet libero
libero a tincidunt est sagittis id curabitur vitae`
.split(' ').sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random())
.slice(0, +el.getAttribute('data-dummy') || 10).join(' ');