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Last active February 16, 2018 04:00
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Pauls animated hamburger button as a sass mixin
@mixin pauls-burger-button($width: 50px, $height: 30px, $line-height: 3px, $outer-padding: 0px, $active-selector: '&:active')
$line-spacing: ($height - $line-height * 3) / 2
display: inline-block
vertical-align: middle
width: $width
border: $outer-padding solid transparent
margin: $outer-padding * -1
box-sizing: content-box
touch-action: manipulation
&:before, &:after, > *
display: block
position: relative
top: 0
border-top: $line-height solid currentcolor
transition: all 350ms cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1)
&:before, &:after
content: ''
transition-property: top, transform
> *
margin: $line-spacing 0
transition-property: opacity
@at-root #{$active-selector}
transform: rotate(45deg)
top: $line-spacing + $line-height
transform: rotate(-45deg)
top: ($line-spacing + $line-height) * -1
> *
opacity: 0
// usage
@include pauls-burger-button(50px, 30px, 4px, 20px, '&:active') // width, height, line size, spacing between lines, active css selector
cursor: pointer
color: blue
transition: .3s ease
color: purple
transform: scale(1.1)
<!-- Markup, needs inner element of any type -->
<div class="navigation-toggle"><i></i></div>
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