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Last active February 3, 2018 18:24
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Naive C# Pipe implementation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public static class Test
static Test()
1d.Pipe(TimeSpan.FromDays, AddHours(3), ToString, ToLower);
Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Pipe(
Select(n => n * 2),
Where(n => n % 2 > 0),
public static Func<TimeSpan, TimeSpan> AddHours(int hours)
=> (TimeSpan timeSpan) => timeSpan.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(hours));
public static string ToString(this TimeSpan timeSpan)
=> timeSpan.ToString();
public static string ToLower(this string str)
=> str.ToLower();
public static Func<IEnumerable<int>, IEnumerable<int>> Select(Func<int, int> selector)
=> (IEnumerable<int> list) => list.Select(selector);
public static Func<IEnumerable<int>, IEnumerable<int>> Where(Func<int, bool> filter)
=> (IEnumerable<int> list) => list.Where(filter);
public static class PipeExtensions
public static TResult Pipe<TInput, TResult>
(this TInput input,
Func<TInput, TResult> func)
=> func(input);
public static TResult1 Pipe<TInput, TResult, TResult1>
(this TInput input,
Func<TInput, TResult> func,
Func<TResult, TResult1> func1)
=> func1(func(input));
public static TResult2 Pipe<TInput, TResult, TResult1, TResult2>
(this TInput input,
Func<TInput, TResult> func,
Func<TResult, TResult1> func1,
Func<TResult1, TResult2> func2)
=> func2(func1(func(input)));
public static TResult3 Pipe<TInput, TResult, TResult1, TResult2, TResult3>
(this TInput input,
Func<TInput, TResult> func,
Func<TResult, TResult1> func1,
Func<TResult1, TResult2> func2,
Func<TResult2, TResult3> func3)
=> func3(func2(func1(func(input))));
public static TResult4 Pipe<TInput, TResult, TResult1, TResult2, TResult3, TResult4>
(this TInput input,
Func<TInput, TResult> func,
Func<TResult, TResult1> func1,
Func<TResult1, TResult2> func2,
Func<TResult2, TResult3> func3,
Func<TResult3, TResult4> func4)
=> func4(func3(func2(func1(func(input)))));
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