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Last active December 14, 2015 02:08
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Adding jQuery animation/accordion/drawer to let long revision lists dominate less space. [See "@context" comments for changes.]
Plugin Name: Post Revision Display
Plugin URI:
Description: Show list of post-publication revisions on single post pages, and provide links to display them along with diffs between old and current revision. Revision pages are marked "noindex" for robot crawlers. Inspired by <a href="">Scott Rosenberg's request for a plugin to demo versioning on blog posts</a> and built on <a href="">D'Arcy Norman's original plugin</a>.
Version: 0.9
Author: Scott Carpenter, D'Arcy Norman
Author URI:
License: GPL2
/* Copyright 2008 D'Arcy Norman (email :
Copyright 2010 Scott Carpenter (email:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Enable translation strings
load_plugin_textdomain('post-revision-display', '/wp-content/plugins/post-revision-display/languages/', 'post-revision-display/languages/');
// #@context TITLE PART 1 copy whatever you put in part 2 and vice versa
define('REV_LIST_HEADER', '<div style="color:#797285;font-weight:bold;">edits revision hirstory log:</div>');
define('REV_DIFFS_HEADER', '<h4>' . __('Changes:', 'post-revision-display') . '</h4>');
add_action('wp_head', 'prd_noindex_header');
add_filter('the_content', 'prd_display_post_revisions');
// only runs when plugin activated from admin page
function prd_install()
add_option('prd_revs_on_posts', '1');
//add_option('prd_revs_on_pages', ''); //default = false
//add_option('prd_hide_message_when_no_revs', ''); //default = false
// #@context TITLE PART 2 changed default to mine to override my styling being overridden
// tried with line above, not sure if i like? :
// add_option('prd_rev_list_header', '<div style="color:#797285;font-weight:bold;border-top:1px #F6E5FE solid;margin-bottom:0;display:inline">edits log revision hirstory:</div>');
add_option('prd_rev_list_header', '<div style="color:#797285;font-weight:bold;">edits revision hirstory log:</div>');
// end #@context
add_option('prd_rev_diffs_header', '<h4>' . __('Changes:', 'post-revision-display') . '</h4>');
//add_option('prd_manual_mode', ''); //default = false
// Generate links in the admin menu to the YARQ admin pages
function prd_generate_admin_menu()
if (function_exists('add_options_page')) {
add_options_page(__('Post Revision Display', 'post-revision-display'), __('Post Revision Display', 'post-revision-display'), 10, basename(__FILE__), 'prd_admin_options');
function prd_admin_options()
if (isset($_POST['update_options'])) {
update_option('prd_revs_on_posts', $_POST['prd_revs_on_posts']);
update_option('prd_revs_on_pages', $_POST['prd_revs_on_pages']);
update_option('prd_hide_message_when_no_revs', $_POST['prd_hide_message_when_no_revs']);
update_option('prd_rev_list_header', $_POST['prd_rev_list_header']);
update_option('prd_rev_diffs_header', $_POST['prd_rev_diffs_header']);
update_option('prd_manual_mode', $_POST['prd_manual_mode']);
echo '<div class="updated"><p><b>' . __('Options updated.', 'post-revision-display') . '</b></p></div>';
echo '<div class="wrap">' . "\n";
echo '<h2>' . __('Post Revision Display', 'post-revision-display') . "</h2>\n";
echo '<form action="" method="post">' . "\n";
if (prd_get_option_revs_on_posts()) {
$chk1 = 'checked="checked"';
echo '<p><input type="checkbox" id="prd_revs_on_posts" name="prd_revs_on_posts" class="code" value="1"' .
"$chk1 />" . __('Show revisions on single posts', 'post-revision-display') . "*</p>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
if (prd_get_option_revs_on_pages()) {
$chk2 = 'checked="checked"';
echo '<p><input type="checkbox" id="prd_revs_on_pages" name="prd_revs_on_pages" class="code" value="1"' .
"$chk2 />" . __('Show revisions on pages', 'post-revision-display') . "*</p>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
if (prd_get_option_hide_no_revs()) {
$chk3 = 'checked="checked"';
echo '<p><input type="checkbox" id="prd_hide_message_when_no_revs" name="prd_hide_message_when_no_revs" class="code" value="1"' .
"$chk3 />" . __('Hide the message that appears if there are no post-publication revisions.', 'post-revision-display') . "</p>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
echo '<p>' . __('Revision list header:', 'post-revision-display') . '<input type="text" id="prd_rev_list_header" name="prd_rev_list_header" size="40" maxlength="255" class="code" value="' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(prd_get_rev_lists_header())) . '" /> (Default = ' . htmlspecialchars(REV_LIST_HEADER) . ")</p>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
echo '<p>' . __('Revision diffs header:', 'post-revision-display') . '<input type="text" id="prd_rev_diffs_header" name="prd_rev_diffs_header" size="40" maxlength="255" class="code" value="' . stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(prd_get_rev_diffs_header())) . '" /> (Default = ' . htmlspecialchars(REV_DIFFS_HEADER) . ")</p>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
if (prd_get_option_manual_mode()) {
$chk4 = 'checked="checked"';
echo '<p><input type="checkbox" id="prd_manual_mode" name="prd_manual_mode" class="code" value="1"' .
"$chk4 />" . __('Manual mode.', 'post-revision-display') . "**</p>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="update_options" value="' . __('Update Options', 'post-revision-display') . '" /></div>' . "\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo '<p>* ' . __("Only applies to 'automatic' mode. If using 'manual' mode, this will be determined by where you place the function calls in your template files, most likely in single.php and/or page.php.", 'post-revision-display') . "</p>\n";
echo '<p>** ' . __("Turns off automatic placement of revision information and requires calls to 'the_revision*' functions from your template files. You'll have to read the documentation on this one.", 'post-revision-display') . "</p>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
function prd_get_option_revs_on_posts()
if (get_option('prd_revs_on_posts') == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function prd_get_option_revs_on_pages()
if (get_option('prd_revs_on_pages') == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function prd_get_option_hide_no_revs()
if (get_option('prd_hide_message_when_no_revs') == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function prd_get_rev_lists_header()
$opt = trim(get_option('prd_rev_list_header'));
if (empty($opt)) {
return $opt;
function prd_get_rev_diffs_header()
$opt = trim(get_option('prd_rev_diffs_header'));
if (empty($opt)) {
return $opt;
function prd_get_option_manual_mode()
if (get_option('prd_manual_mode') == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function prd_noindex_header()
if (isset($_GET['rev'])) {
// like Wikipedia does for its old revisions
echo "\t\t" . '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />' . "\n";
function prd_display_post_revisions($content) {
if (!$post = get_post(get_the_ID())) {
return $content;
if (!prd_get_option_manual_mode() && (is_single() || is_page())) {
// "automatic" mode -- everything is handled here
if ( (is_single() && !prd_get_option_revs_on_posts()) ||
(is_page() && !prd_get_option_revs_on_pages()) ) {
return $content;
if ($GLOBALS['prd_is_rev']) {
return $GLOBALS['prd_revision_note'] . $GLOBALS['prd_revision_content'] .
$GLOBALS['prd_revision_list'] . $GLOBALS['prd_revision_diffs'];
} else {
return $content . $GLOBALS['prd_revision_list'];
} else {
// "manual" mode -- calls are made from theme to specify where things go
if ($GLOBALS['prd_is_rev']) {
return $GLOBALS['prd_revision_content'];
} else {
return $content;
// question: should we be applying filters to all the parts and not just content?
function prd_set_globals() {
if (!$post = get_post(get_the_ID())) {
$revision = null;
$rev_id = 0;
$is_rev = false;
$note = prd_get_revision_note($post, $revision, $rev_id, $is_rev);
if ($is_rev) {
$diffs = prd_get_revision_diffs($post, $revision);
/* seems clunky, but I don't know a better way -- want to apply_filters
for old revision, but need to skip prd_display_post_revisions filter
to avoid getting stuck in a loop, so will remove filter and add
right back in */
remove_filter('the_content', 'prd_display_post_revisions');
$rev_content = apply_filters('the_content', $revision->post_content);
add_filter('the_content', 'prd_display_post_revisions');
$revs = prd_get_revision_list($post, array('since_publish' => true, 'type' => 'revision',
'rev_id' => $rev_id, 'is_rev' => $is_rev));
$GLOBALS['prd_is_rev'] = $is_rev;
$GLOBALS['prd_revision_note'] = $note;
$GLOBALS['prd_revision_list'] = $revs;
$GLOBALS['prd_revision_diffs'] = $diffs;
$GLOBALS['prd_revision_content'] = $rev_content;
$GLOBALS['prd_globals_set'] = true;
// kind of like wp_list_post_revisions()
function prd_get_revision_list($post, $args=null)
$defaults = array( 'parent' => false, 'right' => false, 'left' => false, 'format' => 'list', 'type' => 'all', 'since_publish' => false, 'rev_id' => 0, 'is_rev' => false );
extract( wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ), EXTR_SKIP );
$rev_list = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'autosave' :
if (!$autosave = wp_get_post_autosave($post->ID)) {
$rev_list = '<p>' . __('No autosave', 'post-revision-display') . '</p>';
$revisions = array( $autosave );
case 'revision' : // just revisions - remove autosave later
case 'all' :
default :
if (!$revisions = wp_get_post_revisions($post->ID)) {
$rev_list = '<p>' . __('There are no revisions for this post.', 'post-revision-display') . '</p>';
$titlef = _c('%1$s by %2$s|post revision 1:datetime, 2:name', 'post-revision-display');
if ($parent) {
array_unshift( $revisions, $post );
$rows = '';
$class = false;
//$can_edit_post = current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID ); // not used?
if ($since_publish) {
$post_time = strtotime($post->post_date_gmt);
foreach ($revisions as $revision) {
if ('revision' === $type && wp_is_post_autosave($revision)) {
if ($since_publish && strtotime($revision->post_date_gmt) < $post_time) {
// 2nd param to wp_post_revision_title determines if link (if true, only links if you have access)
$date = wp_post_revision_title($revision, false);
if ($rev_id != $revision->ID) {
$plink = get_permalink();
// 11.14.10 - if pretty permalinks not being used, url will already have question mark,
// separator:, so need to use ampersand instead
// (would like to know if there's a better way to do this, but this should
// work well enough...) (and it seems that this could be run just once outside
// of the foreach loop, but not sure if the first get_permalink() could somehow
// be different than others...)
if (strpos($plink, '?') === false) {
$sep = '?';
} else {
$sep = '&';
$date = '<a href="' . $plink . $sep . 'rev=' . $revision->ID . '">' . "$date</a>";
$name = get_author_name($revision->post_author);
$title = sprintf( $titlef, $date, $name );
$rows .= "\t<li>$title</li>\n";
if (!empty($rows)) {
// add current revision to the top
$date = wp_post_revision_title($post, false);
if ($is_rev) {
$date = '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . $date . '</a>';
$name = get_author_name($post->post_author);
$title = sprintf($titlef, $date, $name);
$rows = "\t<li>$title</li>\n$rows";
$rev_list = '<ul class="post-revisions">' .
} else if (empty($rev_list)) {
if (prd_get_option_hide_no_revs()) {
return '';
// #@context changed note wording style a lil..
$rev_list = '<p>' . __('No revisions recorded since publication.', 'post-revision-display') . '</p>';
// @contexte
$contexte_expander = '<p><a id="expander" type="button" class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="button">show all changes?</a></p>';
$contexte_expander_script = "<script>
var open = false;
$('#expander').click(function() {
if (open) {
else {
open = !open;
// end me
//- return '<div class="post-revisions">' . "\n" .
//- prd_get_rev_lists_header() .
//- "\n$rev_list\n</div>\n";
//instead now:
return '<div class="post-revisions" style="height:170px;overflow:hidden;padding-top:85px" id="expander">' . // @contexte added expander
prd_get_rev_lists_header() . $contexte_expander .
"\n$rev_list\n</div> $contexte_expander_script \n"; // @contexte added Expander <script></> above from (self: i backed up to diigo)
// only passing $rev_id and $is_rev here so that we can use them in
// prd_get_revision_list() to check and not link the displayed revision --
// is it worth the trouble ???
function prd_get_revision_note($post, &$revision, &$rev_id, &$is_rev)
$is_rev = false;
$note = '';
if (isset($_GET['rev'])) {
$rev_id = intval($_GET['rev']);
$current_rev_link = '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">' . __('current revision', 'post-revision-display') . '</a>';
$view_current = sprintf(__('(Viewing %s instead.)', 'post-revision-display'), $current_rev_link);
if (!$revision = get_post($rev_id)) {
$note = sprintf(__('Revision %1$s not found. %2$s', 'post-revision-display'), $rev_id, $view_current);
} else {
$post_id = $post->ID;
if ($revision->post_parent == 0) {
$note = __('This is the current revision.' , 'post-revision-display');
} else if ($revision->post_parent != $post->ID) { // this check should come before the date check
$note = sprintf(__('Revision %1$s is not a revision of this post. %2$s', 'post-revision-display'), $rev_id, $view_current);
} else if (strtotime($revision->post_date_gmt) < strtotime($post->post_date_gmt)) {
$note = sprintf(__('Revision %1$s is a pre-publication revision. %2$s', 'post-revision-display'), $rev_id, $view_current);
} else {
$is_rev = true;
$note = sprintf(__( 'You are viewing an old revision of this post, from %s.', 'post-revision-display'), wp_post_revision_title($revision, false) ) . ' ' . sprintf(__( '%1$sSee below for differences%2$s between this version and the %3$s', 'post-revision-display'), '<a href="#revision-diffs">', '</a>', $current_rev_link) . '.';
$note = '<div class="revision-header"><p>' . $note . "</p></div>\n";
return $note;
function prd_break_up_lines($text)
$pattern = '/([^\s]{12}[-+_<>\/=";:()])([^\s]{12})/';
do {
$text = preg_replace($pattern, "$1 $2", $text, -1, $num_replaced);
} while ($num_replaced > 0);
return $text;
function prd_add_diff_header_part($hdr, $text)
$pattern = '/(<tbody[^>]*>)/i';
$text = preg_replace($pattern, "$1\n" . '<tr><th colspan="4">' . $hdr . '</th></tr>', $text);
return $text;
function prd_add_diff_header_revs($old_rev, $new_rev, $text)
$pattern = '/(<tbody[^>]*>)/i';
$text = preg_replace($pattern, "$1\n" . '<tr><th class="diff-deletedline" colspan="2">' .
$old_rev . '</th><th class="diff-addedline" colspan="2">' .
$new_rev . '</th></tr>', $text, 1);
return $text;
function prd_rename_diff_content_class($diffs)
// 11-19-10 - for ovidiu, because the "content" class was clashing with his theme --
// built-in wp diff function outputs:
//<table class="diff">
//<col class="ltype"><col class="content"><col class="ltype"><col class="content"><tbody>
// let's use a less generic name; add "diff-" to get: class="diff-content"
// (12-3-10 doesn't work with tabs before # comments?)
return preg_replace('/( # first capturing group
<col\ # <col tag opening with escaped "space"
[^>]* # any number of chars before close of col
[^-] # dash not counted as word boundary -- make sure "content"
# not part of bigger name, e.g. class="blah-content"
\b # word boundary before class name
) # end first capturing group
( # second capturing group
content # troublesome class name from built-in wp diff function
\b # word boundary after class name
[^-] # also guard against dash after, e.g. class="content-blah"
) # end second group
/x', '\\1diff-\\2', $diffs); // x = extended/verbose mode
function prd_get_revision_diffs($post, $revision)
$previous = prd_break_up_lines($revision->post_content);
$current = prd_break_up_lines($post->post_content);
// diff the unfiltered content
$diffs = wp_text_diff($previous, $current);
$diffs_title = wp_text_diff($revision->post_title, $post->post_title);
// add header/footer rows for "parts"
$diffs = prd_add_diff_header_part(__('Content', 'post-revision-display'), $diffs);
$diffs_title = prd_add_diff_header_part(__( 'Title', 'post-revision-display'), $diffs_title);
$diffs = $diffs_title . $diffs;
if (empty($diffs)) {
$diffs = '<p>' . sprintf( __('There are no differences between the %s revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)', 'post-revision-display'), wp_post_revision_title($revision, false)) . '</p>';
} else {
//rename col class = "content" to less generic class = "diff-content"
$diffs = prd_rename_diff_content_class($diffs);
// add top header row for previous and current revision
// (this has to follow prd_add_diff_header_part calls so will be at top of table)
$diffs = prd_add_diff_header_revs
(wp_post_revision_title($revision, false), __('Current Revision', 'post-revision-display'), $diffs) .
"\n<p>" . sprintf(__('%1$sNote:%2$s Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.', 'post-revision-display'), '<i>', '</i>') . "</p>\n";
return '<div id="revision-diffs">' . "\n" .
prd_get_rev_diffs_header() .
* Manual Mode
function prd_set_manual_mode() {
// deprecated -- in v0.8, use admin option "manual mode"
// all of these "the_revision" functions check to see if globals already set --
// (seemed kind of wasteful to set them each time) -- we check in each one since
// we don't know which one will be called first...
function the_revision_note_prd() {
if (empty($GLOBALS['prd_globals_set'])) {
echo $GLOBALS['prd_revision_note'];
// rev list is the only thing that really makes sense to show in the loop --
// set $refreshGlobals to true to force it to update for each post (otherwise
// will keep using whatever the first one was, including no message for a post
// that had no post-publication revisions)
// $deprecated used to be $header, which is now set in admin options page
// (will possibly/likely go away in some future version, so best not to supply it)
function the_revision_list_prd($refreshGlobals=false, $deprecated='') {
if (empty($GLOBALS['prd_globals_set']) || $refreshGlobals) {
echo $GLOBALS['prd_revision_list'];
// $deprecated used to be $header, which is now set in admin options page
// (will possibly/likely go away in some future version, so best not to supply it)
function the_revision_diffs_prd($deprecated='') {
if (empty($GLOBALS['prd_globals_set'])) {
echo $GLOBALS['prd_revision_diffs'];
add_action('admin_menu', 'prd_generate_admin_menu');
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