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Piotrek Bzdyl pbzdyl

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pbzdyl / designer.html
Created August 27, 2014 09:31
<link rel="import" href="../components/polymer/polymer.html">
<polymer-element name="my-element">
:host {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
pbzdyl /
Created July 13, 2012 10:33
Code for my Parallel Collections post
Set<Customer> customers = ...;
display(new ParallelSet<Customer>(customers).filter(...).map(...).sort(...));
pbzdyl / compiler error
Last active December 31, 2015 15:19
Issue with and json marshallers
could not find implicit value for parameter marshaller: spray.httpx.marshalling.ToResponseMarshaller[scala.concurrent.Future[Animal]]
(zoo ? GetRandomAnimal).mapTo[Animal]
(ns app.ui.login
(:require [ :as cks]
[app.rpc :as rpc]
[ui.form :as form]
[ui.button :as button]
[workflow.form :as workflow]
[ui.modal :as modal]
[ :as app]
[cemerick.url :refer [url]]))
(ns workflow.form
[castra.core :as castra]
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[ :as data]))
;; Form data manager ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn- reset-vals!
[map-of-cells default]
(:refer-hoplon :exclude [main body])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [meta])
(:require-macros [ :as app])
(:require [app.routes :as routes]
[app.integrations :as int]
[ :as global]))
(def meta html-meta)
(page "index.html"
[cljs.reader :refer [read-string]]
[app.rpc :as rpc]
[app.routes :as routes]
[app.ui.nav :as nav]
[app.ui.login :as login]
[app.ui.loading :as loading]
[app.ui.advertisers.creatives :as creatives]
[app.ui.inventory.adtypes :as adtypes]
(ns ui.form
(:refer-hoplon :exclude [select input textarea label form])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[ui.form.input :as input]
[ui.button :as button]
[ui.modal :as modal]
[ui.grid :as grid]
[ui.icon :as icon]
[ui.filters :as filters]
[ :as link]
(ns ui.form.input
(:refer-hoplon :exclude (input textarea select)))
(defn- change-state
[state handler]
(let [handler (or handler (fn []))]
#(do (reset! state @%)
(handler %))))
(defn- field
pbzdyl / form.clj
Created May 8, 2017 06:04 — forked from micha/form.clj
(ns ui.form)
(defmacro with-form
[[binding form-machine] & body]
`(let [form-machine# ~form-machine
~binding form-machine#
{data# :data
error# :error
state# :state
exception# :exception