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Created February 18, 2016 03:28
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  • Save pcdinh/07aad57cd1dd1bb99ffb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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2016-02-17 19:37:30 Sell 0.00184800 44.77426917 0.08274284
2016-02-17 19:37:19 Sell 0.00184800 80.38702381 0.14855522
2016-02-17 19:37:07 Sell 0.00184800 106.83870702 0.19743793
2016-02-13 16:00:53 Sell 0.00189389 23.23260419 0.04399999
2016-02-13 15:56:31 Buy 0.00181500 56.16175099 0.10193357
2016-02-13 15:55:00 Buy 0.00188365 464.53499696 0.87502134
2016-02-13 15:55:00 Buy 0.00185000 540.54054054 0.99999999
2016-02-13 15:51:08 Buy 0.00188365 66.34919065 0.12497865
2016-02-13 15:42:00 Buy 0.00189460 3.79048474 0.00718145
2016-02-13 15:37:04 Buy 0.00190027 526.24100785 0.99999999
2016-02-13 15:30:18 Sell 0.00209300 513.00000000 1.07370900
2016-02-13 14:56:19 Buy 0.00194733 513.52364519 0.99999999
2016-02-12 08:30:43 Buy 0.00138888 150.00000000 0.20833200
Created on Feb 17, 2016
@author: dinh.pham
import StringIO
import csv
# Special notes:
# + Big dump on 17/2/2016 on Poloniex
# + Someone continues to manipulate this market with big sell walls as I reported on #xmr channel
# 18/2/2016 9:41 AM:
# 0.00170000 105283.40218006 178.98178371 180.80737179
# 0.00171469 8.00000000 0.01371752 180.82108931
# 0.00171499 0.05993850 0.00010279 180.82119210
# This kind of wall (58 -60k XMR) appeared at 0.0020, 0.00185, 0.0080)
currency_name = "XMR"
currency_value_in_btc = 0.00173000
headers = 'day hour order_type price total_xmr total_btc'
# Same directory for convenience
data_file_path = './market_data_xmr1.txt' # leave it empty or assign it a value: e.x ./market_data_xmr1.txt
data = '''
2016-02-17 19:37:30 Sell 0.00184800 44.77426917 0.08274284
2016-02-17 19:37:19 Sell 0.00184800 80.38702381 0.14855522
2016-02-17 19:37:07 Sell 0.00184800 106.83870702 0.19743793
2016-02-13 16:00:53 Sell 0.00189389 23.23260419 0.04399999
2016-02-13 15:56:31 Buy 0.00181500 56.16175099 0.10193357
2016-02-13 15:55:00 Buy 0.00188365 464.53499696 0.87502134
2016-02-13 15:55:00 Buy 0.00185000 540.54054054 0.99999999
2016-02-13 15:51:08 Buy 0.00188365 66.34919065 0.12497865
2016-02-13 15:42:00 Buy 0.00189460 3.79048474 0.00718145
2016-02-13 15:37:04 Buy 0.00190027 526.24100785 0.99999999
2016-02-13 15:30:18 Sell 0.00209300 513.00000000 1.07370900
2016-02-13 14:56:19 Buy 0.00194733 513.52364519 0.99999999
2016-02-12 08:30:43 Buy 0.00138888 150.00000000 0.20833200
def create_plain_text_reader(data, headers):
f = StringIO.StringIO(headers + data) # add headers and remove the first empty row
return f, csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=' ', quotechar='"', dialect=csv.excel)
def create_file_reader(file_path, headers):
'''Create a data reader which parses data stored in the provided file
:param file_path: See `data_file_path`
f = open(file_path, 'rb')
return f, csv.DictReader(
fieldnames=tuple([item.strip() for item in headers.split(' ')]),
delimiter=' ',
def calc_metrics(data_reader, xmr_market_price):
buy_count = 0
bought_xmr = 0.0
bought_btc = 0.0
sell_count = 0
sold_xmr = 0.0
sold_btc = 0.0
for row in data_reader:
if row["order_type"] == "Buy":
buy_count += 1
bought_xmr += float(row["total_xmr"])
sold_btc += float(row["total_btc"])
sell_count += 1
sold_xmr += float(row["total_xmr"])
bought_btc += float(row["total_btc"])
return buy_count, sell_count, bought_xmr, sold_xmr, bought_btc, sold_btc
# Start the calculator
# - Create reader
if data_file_path:
data_object, reader = create_file_reader(data_file_path, headers)
data_object, reader = create_plain_text_reader(data, headers)
# - Calculate
buy_count, sell_count, bought_xmr, sold_xmr, bought_btc, sold_btc = calc_metrics(
xmr_balance = bought_xmr - sold_xmr
xmr_balance_value = currency_value_in_btc * xmr_balance
cost_diff = xmr_balance_value - (sold_btc - bought_btc)
# Display the result
print("{:11s} {:<15d} {:<11s} {:<5d}".format(
"Total buy:", buy_count, "Total sell:", sell_count))
print("{:11s} {:<15.8f} ({:3s}) {:<11s} {:<15.8f} (BTC)".format(
"Bought:", bought_xmr, currency_name, "Cost:", sold_btc))
print("{:11s} {:<15.8f} ({:3s}) {:<11s} {:<15.8f} (BTC)".format(
"Sold:", sold_xmr, currency_name, "Revenue:", bought_btc))
print("{:11s} {:<15.8f} ({:3s}) {:<11s} {:<15.8f} (BTC)".format(
"Balance:", xmr_balance, currency_name, "Cost:", sold_btc - bought_btc))
print("{:11s} {:<15.8f} (BTC)".format("Mar. value:", xmr_balance_value))
print("{:11s} {:<15.8f} (BTC) {:<11s} {:<15.8f}".format(
"Loss/Gain:", cost_diff, "{}/BTC:".format(currency_name), currency_value_in_btc))
Total buy: 58 Total sell: 93
Bought: 6770.05927208 (XMR) Cost: 12.84599526 (BTC)
Sold: 4943.28183770 (XMR) Revenue: 9.99547379 (BTC)
Balance: 1826.77743438 (XMR) Cost: 2.85052147 (BTC)
Mar. value: 3.16032496 (BTC)
Loss/Gain: 0.30980349 (BTC) XMR/BTC: 0.00173000
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