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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Triggers Solr DIH update and monitors its status. Writes exceptions or final success message to Windows Application Event Log.
Trigger Solr update and poll for status.
- Writes events to Application Event Log; log source must already have been added
Peter Tyrrell
[string]$logsrc = "Andi Solr Update"
$triggerUrl = "http://localhost:8983/solr/core1/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true&optimize=true&wt=xml"
$statusUrl = "http://localhost:8983/solr/core1/dataimport?command=status&wt=xml&indent=on"
[int]$interval = 5
function logError([string]$msg) {
# write error msg to Application EventLog
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $logsrc -EventId 500 -EntryType Error -Message $msg -Category 0
Write-Host ("ERROR {0}" -f $msg)
function logInfo([string]$msg) {
# write info msg to Application EventLog
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $logsrc -EventId 200 -EntryType Information -Message $msg -Category 0
Write-Host ("INFO {0}" -f $msg)
function logWarning([string]$msg) {
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $logsrc -EventId 400 -EntryType Warning -Message $msg -Category 0
Write-Host ("WARNING {0}" -f $msg)
Trigger Solr ingest and poll status.
try {
$triggerReply = (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($triggerUrl)
Write-Host ("Triggered Solr [{0}]:" -f $triggerUrl)
# Force at least one ping after interval. Immediate reply to trigger may relate to a former job status.
$status = "busy"
while ($status -eq "busy") {
# wait
Start-Sleep -Seconds $interval
# poll status
$statusReply = (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($statusUrl)
# convert to XmlDocument and read status message: (busy/idle)
$xml = [xml]$statusReply
$status = ($xml.response.str | where { $ -eq "status"}).InnerText
# provide some feedback
if ($status -eq "busy") {
$docsFetched = $xml.SelectSingleNode("response/lst[@name = ""statusMessages""]/str[@name = ""Total Rows Fetched""]").InnerText
$docsProcessed = $xml.SelectSingleNode("response/lst[@name = ""statusMessages""]/str[@name = ""Total Documents Processed""]").InnerText
$docsSkipped = $xml.SelectSingleNode("response/lst[@name = ""statusMessages""]/str[@name = ""Total Documents Skipped""]").InnerText
Write-Host ("Reply from Solr: fetched={0} processed={1} skipped={2}" -f $docsFetched, $docsProcessed, $docsSkipped)
# Solr is done. Success or failure?
if ($status -eq "idle") {
$statusMsg = $xml.SelectSingleNode("response/lst[@name = ""statusMessages""]/str[@name = """"]").InnerText
if ($statusMsg.StartsWith("Indexing failed")) {
logError(("{0}`r`n`r`n{1}" -f $statusMsg, $statusReply))
elseif ($statusMsg.StartsWith("Indexing completed")) {
[int]$docsFailed = $xml.SelectSingleNode("response/lst[@name = ""statusMessages""]/str[@name = ""Total Documents Failed""]").InnerText
if ($docsFailed -eq 0) {
logInfo(("{0}`r`n`r`n{1}" -f $statusMsg, $statusReply))
else {
logWarning(("{0}`r`n`r`n{1}" -f $statusMsg, $statusReply))
else {
logWarning(("Unable to read Solr status message. Indexing success is unknown. Review the included reply for more info.`r`n`r`n{0}" -f $statusReply))
else {
logWarning(("Unable to read Solr status. Indexing may or may not have finished. Review the included reply for more info.`r`n`r`n{0}" -f $statusReply))
exit 0
catch [Exception] {
exit 1
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