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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Convert Harvest timer CSV export to Quickbooks import format
Peter Tyrrell, 2015
Convert Harvest time report to Quickbooks import format in Windows-1252.
param (
[string]$indir = ".",
[string]$outdir = $indir
if (!(test-path $outdir)) {
mkdir $outdir
$files = ls "$indir\*.*" -include *.csv
$header = [ordered]@{
"VER" = "6"
"REL" = "0"
"COMPANYNAME" = "Andornot Consulting Inc."
"COMPANYCREATETIME" = "1015362067"
foreach ($file in $files) {
$rows = @()
$row = $null
$csv = import-csv $file.FullName
foreach ($line in $csv) {
# transform incoming properties
$timeact = "TIMEACT"
$date = $($line.Date) -replace "(\d{2})/(\d{2})/\d{2}(\d{2})", '$1/$2/$3' # MM/dd/yyyy => MM/dd/yy
$job = ('{0}: {1} {2}' -f $($line.Client), $($line."Project Code"), $($line.Project))
$employee = ('{0} {1}' -f $($line."First Name"), $($line."Last Name"))
$item = $($line.Task)
$pitem = ""
$duration = $($line."Hours Rounded")
$project = $($line.Project)
$note = $($line.Notes)
$transfer = ""
$status = $($line."Billable?") # Yes => 1, No => 0
$status = $status -replace "Yes", '1'
$status = $status -replace "No", '0'
# create row object
$hash = [ordered]@{
"!TIMEACT" = $timeact
"DATE" = $date
"JOB" = $job
"EMP" = $employee
"ITEM" = $item
"PITEM" = $pitem
"DURATION" = $duration
"PROJ" = $project
"NOTE" = $note
"XFERTOPAYROLL" = $transfer
$row = new-object PSObject -Property $hash
$rows += $row
$out = ('{0}\{1}.iif' -f $outdir, $file.BaseName)
echo $out
# write output file
$head = convertto-csv (new-object PSObject -Property $header) -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" | % {$_ -replace '"', ''}
$body = $rows | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" | % {$_ -replace '"', ''}
set-content "$out" $head, $body -Encoding Default
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