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Last active June 28, 2019 10:37
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Roomstorm Guest Flow
Roomstorm Guest Flow
Bootstrap Location
location bootstraped ->
Empty Location Search
search location -> Predictions
click on get your current position -> Consent
give consent -> Predictions
deny consent -> Empty Location Search
select prediction -> Location Selected
click thrash -> Empty Location Search
location disabled -> Location Disabled
Location Disabled
click thrash -> Empty Location Search
Location Selected
choose people count and check-in -> Booking Information Entered
click location -> Predictions
click thrash -> Empty Location Search
Booking Information Entered
click get best vacancies -> Vacancies List
click location -> Predictions
click thrash -> Empty Location Search
Vacancies List
go back -> Booking Information Entered
choose vacancy -> Vacancy Detail
Vacancy Detail
go back -> Vacancies List
choose room -> Vacancy & Room Detail
Vacancy & Room Detail
go back -> Vacancies List
choose room -> Vacancy & Room Detail
choose checkout -> Checkout
go back -> Vacancies
Add Personal Info
fill out name email phone -> Add Payment Info
Add Payment Info
fill credit card -> Final Summary
Final Summary
confirm -> Order Created
Order Created
Showing reservation
reserve another -> Init
function render(model){
let current_state_name = model.active_states[0].name;
return $("h1",
{style: {color: "darkBlue"}},
`The current state is: ${current_state_name}`);
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