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Pepijn Verburg pepijnverburg

  • BMD Studio
  • Eindhoven, The Netherlands
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pepijnverburg /
Created May 31, 2020 12:37 — forked from rhukster/
Easy Brew PHP version switching
# Creator: Phil Cook
# Modified: Andy Miller
osx_major_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f1)
osx_minor_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f2)
osx_patch_version=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f3)
osx_version=$((${osx_major_version} * 10000 + ${osx_minor_version} * 100 + ${osx_patch_version}))
brew_prefix=$(brew --prefix | sed 's#/#\\\/#g')
pepijnverburg /
Created November 17, 2017 15:57 — forked from eladnava/
Automatically backup a MongoDB database to S3 using mongodump, tar, and awscli (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
# Make sure to:
# 1) Name this file `` and place it in /home/ubuntu
# 2) Run sudo apt-get install awscli to install the AWSCLI
# 3) Run aws configure (enter s3-authorized IAM user and specify region)
# 4) Fill in DB host + name
# 5) Create S3 bucket for the backups and fill it in below (set a lifecycle rule to expire files older than X days in the bucket)
# 6) Run chmod +x
# 7) Test it out via ./