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Last active April 6, 2021 21:07
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The ultimate VR post apocalyptic game
game mechanics should be more open source.
way lower pace, you shouldn't need to fight against the clock in acts of walking or searching but crafting should take time, risk hurting you or your tools, tools have weight so you have to make more chooses.
you can attempt to pickup most things but the time and energy it might take is taxing.
weight is only ressulting in your breath shortening and your runspeed lowering, it shouldn't slow you down or hinder you from picking other things up, unless you chose to wrapp around your hands.
it matters how you place your weight, around your wear, a backpack is much much better than a shoulder bag because of the way it disperse the waight and ain't in the way for one of your arms.
trawling in strong sunlight makes you more thirsty but doesn't kill you before your extreamly parshed.
lack of food only weekens you for the duration.
question if morale should be up to the player or not, could be that with lower moral the player sleeps longer, or have harder to trade.
food poisoning is relevant, same is toxic waste and allike, it's worth seeing how games such as day z fixed this, though yeat again, slower paste, where fast travel is possible only when meaters can hold up to it, you got enough food that won't spoil, no injuries that will give you accute ailments
also only if you've traversed the path before a few times, maps, unless found, should be basically handdrawn.
macros can be setup
like wake up, eat a fourth of your food, tend to wounded legg refill watercannister, toilet if needed, then give back focus.
the game also gives focus if something's interupting, like danger, severe illness or awereness of interactive content, of course, certain environment s requir less or more vorry of this and tresholds can be set.
a statusmessage otherwise shows up.
if you are to fatuiged and or demoralized your more likely to have accident during macros, durinqg any actions,
a way to compensate for food lack is to chew on things.
compensating sleep lack is caffeine or suggar, time spent on bathroom compensating for bad stomach, taking pauses when walking long, walking during illumination rather than during night.
sleeping in shelter rather than open sky,
staying under shelter during bad weather.
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