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Last active August 17, 2018 13:14
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React component in pure cljs using ES6 class inheritance
;; implementing a React component in pure cljs, no reagent necessary
;; using goog.object.extend to create a ES6 class that inherits from
;; React.Component
;; credit to @thheller
(defn MyReact [props context updater]
(this-as this
(js/ this props context updater)))
(js/goog.object.extend (.-prototype MyReact)
#js {:render
(fn []
(this-as this
(js/React.createElement "h1" nil "hello world")))})
(js/ReactDOM.render (js/React.createElement MyReact) js/klipse-container)
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luposlip commented Aug 17, 2018

Just out of curiosity - do you know what the idiomatic way of doing the same with reagent would be?
I currently have imported via :foreign-libs:

:foreign-libs [{:file "resources/public/js/rangeslider.min.js"
                  :provides ["react-rangeslider"]
                  :module-type :es6}]

Then in my view.cljs I add this to the ns declaration:

[react-rangeslider :as range-slider]

In the hiccup I do the following:

[(r/adapt-react-class (. range-slider -default))]

But that spawns an error:

..$node_modules$react_rangeslider$lib$Rangeslider.default is not a constructor
    at Slider.componentDidMount (Rangeslider.js:29)

, probably because I need to do what you do above. Which is fine, I'm just not sure what the idiomatic way would be.

Do you happen to know about that?

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