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Created September 4, 2017 21:44
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Re-natal, reagent, react native error handling improved
;; Unfortunately, re-natal's stacktraces are not always great.
;; The following two functions (downgrade-reagent-errors and set-error-handler)
;; give you better error messages in the Debug console (accessible in XCode
;; or using `react-native log-ios`).
;; This should apply mutatis mutandis to Android.
(defonce !handler-set (atom false))
(defn downgrade-reagent-errors
"Downgrade reagent error to warning
Reagent uses console.error to notify the user that an exception occurs while
rendering. Unfortunately, react-native can only show one RedBox at a time and
discards all subseqeuent ones. This obscures the actual exception. By
downgrading the first screen to a warning, the second screen is actually shown
to the user."
(when-not @!handler-set
(reset! !handler-set true)
(let [original-error (.-error js/console)]
(set! (.-error js/console)
(fn [& [head :as args]]
(if (and (string? head) (str/starts-with? head "Error rendering component"))
(apply (.-warn js/console) "Additional exception info:" args)
(apply original-error args)))))))
(defn format-error [e]
(if (instance? js/Error e)
{:name (.-name e) :message (.-message e) :stack (.-stack e)}
{:message (pr-str e)}))
(defn handle-error [e is-fatal]
(let [f (format-error e)]
(js/console.log (str "PRETTY PRINTED EXCEPTION"
"\n\n***\nNAME: "
(pr-str (:name f))
(:message f)
(:stack f)
(defonce !error-handler-set? (atom false))
(defn set-error-handler []
(when-not @!error-handler-set?
(reset! !error-handler-set? true)
(let [orig-handler (some-> js/ErrorUtils .-getGlobalHandler (.call))]
(js/ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler (fn [e isFatal]
(handle-error e isFatal)
(some-> orig-handler (.call nil e isFatal)))))))
(defn init []
(.registerComponent app-registry
#(r/reactify-component app-root)))
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