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Created January 15, 2017 16:00
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Reagent react-native list-view
(def list-view (r/adapt-react-class (.-ListView js/React)))
; use sg-list-view instead of list-view for better performance
; in long lists
; (def sg-list-view* (r/adapt-react-class (js/require "react-native-sglistview/lib/SGListView.js")))
;(defn sg-list-view
; "Adds some defaults to sg-list-view*"
; [m]
; [sg-list-view* (merge {:stickyHeaderIndices #js [] ;; default in ListView
; :scrollRenderAheadDistance 1000}
; m)])
(def list-data-source (.-DataSource (.-ListView js/React)))
(defn list-view-ui [{:keys [items opts]}]
(let [!ds (atom (-> (list-data-source. #js {:rowHasChanged not=})
(.cloneWithRows (into-array items))))]
{:component-will-receive-props (fn [this [_ {:keys [items]}]]
(swap! !ds #(.cloneWithRows % (into-array items))))
:reagent-render (fn [{:keys [items]}]
[list-view (merge {:dataSource @!ds} opts)])})))
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