require 'httparty' |
require 'digest/md5' |
projects = [ |
{ user: 'MY_GITHUB_USER_OR_ORG', repo: 'XXX', branch: 'master' }, |
{ user: 'MY_GITHUB_USER_OR_ORG', repo: 'YYY', branch: 'dev' }, |
] |
def duration(time) |
secs = time.to_int |
mins = secs / 60 |
hours = mins / 60 |
days = hours / 24 |
if days > 0 |
"#{days}d #{hours % 24}h ago" |
elsif hours > 0 |
"#{hours}h #{mins % 60}m ago" |
elsif mins > 0 |
"#{mins}m #{secs % 60}s ago" |
elsif secs >= 0 |
"#{secs}s ago" |
end |
end |
def calculate_time(finished) |
finished ? duration(Time.now - Time.parse(finished)) : "--" |
end |
def translate_status_to_class(status) |
statuses = { |
'success' => 'passed', |
'fixed' => 'passed', |
'running' => 'pending', |
'failed' => 'failed' |
} |
statuses[status] || 'pending' |
end |
def build_data(project, auth_token) |
api_url = 'https://circleci.com/api/v1/project/%s/%s/tree/%s?circle-token=%s' |
api_url = api_url % [project[:user], project[:repo], project[:branch], auth_token] |
api_response = HTTParty.get(api_url, :headers => { "Accept" => "application/json" } ) |
api_json = JSON.parse(api_response.body) |
return {} if api_json.empty? |
latest_build = api_json.select{ |build| build['status'] != 'queued' }.first |
email_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(latest_build['committer_email']) |
build_id = "#{latest_build['branch']}, build ##{latest_build['build_num']}" |
data = { |
build_id: build_id, |
repo: "#{project[:repo]}", |
branch: "#{latest_build['branch']}", |
time: "#{calculate_time(latest_build['stop_time'])}", |
state: "#{latest_build['status'].capitalize}", |
widget_class: "#{translate_status_to_class(latest_build['status'])}", |
committer_name: latest_build['committer_name'], |
commit_body: "\"#{latest_build['body']}\"", |
avatar_url: "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/#{email_hash}" |
} |
return data |
end |
SCHEDULER.every '10s', :first_in => 0 do |
projects.each do |project| |
data_id = "circle-ci-#{project[:user]}-#{project[:repo]}-#{project[:branch]}" |
data = build_data(project, ENV['CIRCLE_CI_AUTH_TOKEN']) |
send_event(data_id, data) unless data.empty? |
end |
end |
Hi @petehamilton!
I have a pipeline with 3 stages in, I'd like to have 3 widgets to display the status of each stage (if it's been ran). Is this possible/easy to do with this?