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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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review for eecs214


Nodes that are smaller go to the left, nodes that are larger go to the right


  • Search: O(logn)
  • Insert: O(logn)
  • Remove: O(logn)

###Worst-case (linked list)

  • Search: O(n)
  • Insert: O(n)
  • Remove: O(n)

##Red-Black Tree

  • Three invariants: Root is black, all leaves are black, can't have two red nodes at once, insert new node as red and adjust

  • By keeping it all balanced, we're guaranteed the average-case that BST couldn't guarantee

  • Search: O(logn)

  • Insert: O(logn)

  • Remove: O(logn)

##Hash Table

  • chaining: make a linked list at each value to store multiple values in one key
  • use hashing function to turn whatever value we put in into a key


  • Search: O(1)
  • Insert: O(1)
  • Remove: O(1)

###Worst-case (when all hash to the same value)

  • Search: O(n)
  • Insert: O(n)
  • Remove: O(n)

##Graph BFS

  • Maintain a visited array and a queue
  • Enqueue start node and mark it visited
  • As long as the queue has something, dequeue it and check if it's the one we want, mark all of its neighbors as visited, then - enqueue all the neighbors
  • O(|E| + |V|) - travel all the edges and vertices

##Graph DFS

  • For each node, if it's not visited, mark it visited and recursively vist all the unvisited neighbors
  • Return in the recursive function call if it's the one we want
  • O(|E| + |V|) - travel all the edges and vertices

##Graph Dijkstra's

  • Put all nodes in a priority queue with infinite cost

  • Put the start node with zero cost

  • Until you find your end node:

  • Call extractmin to pull the lowest cost and check if it's the one you want

  • Update all the neighbors costs with the current cost + weight of the edge connecting the two

  • If the new cost is lower than the old cost, reset the neighbor's cost to this new cost and set the neighbor's predecessor to this node

  • This is O((|E| + |V|)logV)


  • Each parent node must be larger than both of its child nodes
  • All operations are O(logn)

##Priority Queue


  • Pick a pivot and partition into left right
  • Repeat for the left and right halves
  • O(n^2) if you only sort one element at a time (first, last, etc.)
  • O(nlogn) otherwise (each split = logn levels, n elements each leve)


  • Make a max-heap
  • Swap max with the last leaf
  • Heapify down
  • O(nlogn) - n elements, each call to extractmax is logn because of heapify
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