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Created August 17, 2015 21:25
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ugh ~/tmp/hystr cat example.go
package main
import (
func main() {
const (
commandName = "my-endpoint"
errorPercent = 5
maxConcurrent = 1000
hystrix.ConfigureCommand(commandName, hystrix.CommandConfig{
ErrorPercentThreshold: errorPercent,
MaxConcurrentRequests: maxConcurrent,
var (
primeWith = hystrix.DefaultVolumeThreshold * 2
shouldPass = func(n int) bool { return (float64(n) / float64(primeWith+n)) <= (float64(errorPercent-1) / 100.0) }
var myErr error
run := func() error { return myErr }
log.Printf("priming with %d successful requests", primeWith)
for i := 0; i < primeWith; i++ {
if err := hystrix.Do(commandName, run, nil); err != myErr {
log.Fatalf("initial request %d failed: %v", i+1, err)
log.Printf("switching to errors...")
myErr = errors.New("kaboom")
log.Printf("now the next few requests should give us our error: %v", myErr)
for i := 0; shouldPass(i); i++ {
if err := hystrix.Do(commandName, run, nil); err != myErr {
log.Fatalf("post-error request %d failed: %v", i+1, err)
log.Printf("got expected error %d", i+1)
log.Printf("the circuit should have opened by now")
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
if err := hystrix.Do(commandName, run, nil); err != hystrix.ErrCircuitOpen {
log.Fatalf("got unexpected error at request %d: %v", i+1, err)
log.Printf("got expected error: %v", hystrix.ErrCircuitOpen)
log.Printf("everything works as expected")
ugh ~/tmp/hystr cd $GOPATH/src/ ; git checkout 5b79165 ; cd -
HEAD is now at 5b79165... use buffered client for statsd collector to reduce TotalDuration overhead
ugh ~/tmp/hystr rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/darwin_amd64/ ; go run example.go
priming with 40 successful requests
switching to errors...
now the next few requests should give us our error: kaboom
got expected error 1
got expected error 2
the circuit should have opened by now
got unexpected error at request 1: kaboom
exit status 1
ugh ~/tmp/hystr cd $GOPATH/src/ ; git checkout be7b59e ; cd -
Previous HEAD position was 5b79165... use buffered client for statsd collector to reduce TotalDuration overhead
HEAD is now at be7b59e... Merge branch 'master' into loadtest
ugh ~/tmp/hystr rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/darwin_amd64/ ; go run example.go
priming with 40 successful requests
switching to errors...
now the next few requests should give us our error: kaboom
got expected error 1
got expected error 2
the circuit should have opened by now
hystrix-go: opening circuit my-endpoint
got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
got expected error: hystrix: circuit open
everything works as expected
ugh ~/tmp/hystr
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