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Last active November 11, 2020 15:23
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Blocks rendered by Ebiten with gfx.
package main
import (
const (
title = "Ebiten GFX Blocks"
scale = 4
w, h = 256, 128
fw, fh = float64(w), float64(h)
fw2, fh2 = fw / 2, fh / 2
var (
pix = make([]uint8, w*h*4)
scaler = gfx.NewLinearScaler().Range(6, 0.5).Domain(0, fh)
flipY = gfx.V(1, -1)
bounds = gfx.R(0, 0, fw, fh)
defaultPos = gfx.V3(fw2, fh2, 0)
defaultOrigin = bounds.Center().ScaledXY(flipY).Vec3(1)
origin = defaultOrigin
pos = defaultPos
blocks = createBlocks()
func createBlocks() (blocks gfx.Blocks) {
for j := -6.0; j < 6; j++ {
for i := -6.0; i < 6; i++ {
aj, ai := gfx.MathAbs(j), gfx.MathAbs(i)
p := pos.AddXYZ(-fw2+(i*10), -fh2+(j*10), 0)
s := gfx.V3(3+aj, 3+ai, 3*ai+aj)
c := gfx.BlockColors[int(ai+aj)%8]
blocks.AddNewBlock(p, s, c)
blocks.AddNewBlock(p.AddXYZ(0, 0, -7*(ai+aj)), s.AddXYZ(-3, -3, 0), gfx.BlockColorBlack)
return blocks
func render() {
dst := gfx.NewImage(w, h, gfx.BlockColorBlack.Dark)
var drawCount int
for i := len(blocks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
b := blocks[i]
if shape, top, left, _ := b.Polygons(origin); bounds.Overlaps(shape.Rect()) {
drawCount += shape.Fill(dst, b.Color.Medium)
drawCount += left.Fill(dst, b.Color.Dark)
drawCount += top.Fill(dst, b.Color.Light)
gfx.Log("drawCount: %d", drawCount)
pix = dst.Pix
func main() {
ebiten.Run(func(screen *ebiten.Image) error {
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyEscape) {
return gfx.ErrDone
if ebiten.IsDrawingSkipped() {
return nil
if updatePos(pos, origin) {
return screen.ReplacePixels(pix)
}, w, h, scale, title)
func updatePos(oldPos, oldOrigin gfx.Vec3) bool {
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyH) {
pos.Y += 0.6 // Diagonal up left
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyL) {
pos.X += 0.6 // Diagonal up right
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyJ) {
pos.X -= 0.6 // Diagonal down left
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyK) {
pos.Y -= 0.6 // Diagonal down right
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyW) {
pos.Z += 0.5 // Straight up
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyS) {
pos.Z -= 0.5 // Straight down
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyA) {
origin.X -= 1 // Straight left
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyD) {
origin.X += 1 // Straight right
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyC) {
pos, origin = defaultPos, defaultOrigin // Reset pos and origin
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyX) && origin.Z > 0.5 {
origin.Z -= 0.05 // Scale down
if ebiten.IsKeyPressed(ebiten.KeyZ) && origin.Z < 10 {
origin.Z += 0.05 // Scale up
if ebiten.IsMouseButtonPressed(ebiten.MouseButtonLeft) {
origin.X, origin.Y = gfx.IV(ebiten.CursorPosition()).ScaledXY(flipY).XY()
switch touches := ebiten.Touches(); len(touches) {
case 1:
origin.X, origin.Y = gfx.IV(touches[0].Position()).ScaledXY(flipY).XY()
case 2:
tv := gfx.IV(touches[1].Position())
origin.Z = scaler.ScaleFloat64(tv.Y)
origin.X, origin.Y = gfx.IV(touches[0].Position()).ScaledXY(flipY).XY()
return pos != oldPos || origin != oldOrigin
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if shape := b.Shape(origin); bounds.Overlaps(shape.Rect()) {
	drawCount += shape.Fill(dst, b.Color.Medium)

	dt := gfx.NewDrawTarget(dst)
	dt.MakeTriangles(b.TrianglesData(origin).Slice(0, 15)).Draw()

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screen shot 2019-02-09 at 09 23 48

screen shot 2019-02-09 at 09 50 50

screen shot 2019-02-09 at 10 37 54

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Some more experiments

screen shot 2019-02-09 at 12 38 09

screen shot 2019-02-09 at 13 28 07

screen shot 2019-02-09 at 13 29 15

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peterhellberg commented Feb 11, 2019

2560x1440 on white background


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2560x1440 with transparent background


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peterhellberg commented Feb 11, 2019


package main

import (


func main() {
	var (
		w int
		h int
		z float64

	flag.IntVar(&w, "w", 2560, "Width of image")
	flag.IntVar(&h, "h", 1440, "Height of image")
	flag.Float64Var(&z, "z", 24, "Zoom level")

	var (
		blockColors = gfx.BlockColors
		dst         = gfx.NewImage(w, h)
		rect        = gfx.BoundsToRect(dst.Bounds())
		origin      = rect.Center().ScaledXY(gfx.V(1, -1)).Vec3(z)

	var blocks gfx.Blocks

	sn := gfx.NewSimplexNoise(123)

	for x := -296.0; x < 296; x += 10 {
		for y := -296.0; y < 296; y += 18 {
			n := sn.Noise2D(x, y)
			pos := gfx.V3(x, y, 0)
			size := gfx.V3(8, 6+12*gfx.RandFloat64(), gfx.MathAbs(n)*10)

			bc := blockColors[gfx.RandIntn(len(blockColors)-2)]

			blocks.AddNewBlock(pos, size, bc)

	gfx.SortSlice(blocks, func(i, j int) bool {
		a, b := blocks[i], blocks[j]

		av := a.Shape(origin).Bounds().Max.Y
		bv := b.Shape(origin).Bounds().Max.Y

		return av < bv

	blocks.DrawPolygons(dst, origin)

	gfx.SavePNG(gfx.Sprintf("gfx-many-blocks-%dx%d-z%g.png", w, h, z), dst)

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