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Last active October 25, 2017 19:32
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Tagbox combined with imagesnap using Go
package main
import (
var (
images = map[string][]byte{}
imageURL *url.URL
tbox *tagbox.Client
func main() {
var ip, port, tb string
flag.StringVar(&ip, "ip", "", "")
flag.StringVar(&port, "port", "8081", "")
flag.StringVar(&tb, "tb", "http://localhost:8080", "Tagbox URL")
imageURL = &url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: ip + ":" + port, Path: "/image"}
http.HandleFunc("/image", image)
http.HandleFunc("/", index)
tbox = tagbox.New(tb)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Listening on\n", port)
http.ListenAndServe(":"+port, nil)
func snap(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "imagesnap", "-w", "1", "-")
cmd.Stdout = w
return cmd.Run()
func image(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
at := requestAt(r, time.Now().UTC())
if b, found := images[at]; found {
var buf bytes.Buffer
bw := bufio.NewWriter(&buf)
if err := snap(r.Context(), bw); err != nil {
log.Println("[ERROR] capturing webcam", err)
b := buf.Bytes()
images[at] = b
func index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
timestamp := time.Now().UTC()
meta := Meta{"timestamp": timestamp}
u := imageURL
u.RawQuery = "at=" + requestAt(r, timestamp)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Checking %s\n", u.String())
tags, err := tbox.CheckURL(u)
if err != nil {
log.Println("[ERROR]", err)
writeJSON(w, errorResponse(err, 500, meta), 500)
resp := Response{
Meta: meta,
Data: Data{
"image": u.String(),
"tags": tags,
go func() {
for _, tag := range tags {
if tag.Confidence > 0.3 {
exec.Command("say", tag.Tag, "-v", "Samantha", "-r", "160").Run()
writeJSON(w, resp)
func requestAt(r *http.Request, t time.Time) string {
if at := r.URL.Query().Get("at"); at != "" {
return at
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", t.Nanosecond())
func writeJSON(w http.ResponseWriter, v interface{}, statuses {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
w.Header().Add("Vary", "Accept-Encoding")
if len(statuses) > 0 {
enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
type Response struct {
Meta Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"`
Data Data `json:"data,omitempty"`
Errors []Error `json:"errors,omitempty"`
func errorResponse(err error, status int, meta Meta) Response {
return Response{
Meta: meta,
Errors: []Error{
Status: status,
Title: http.StatusText(status),
Detail: err.Error(),
// Meta is a meta object that contains non-standard meta-information.
type Meta map[string]interface{}
// Data is the primary data of the Response
type Data map[string]interface{}
// Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation.
type Error struct {
Status int `json:"status"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"`
Copy link


    "meta": {
        "timestamp": "2017-09-01T17:45:47.514745238Z"
    "data": {
        "image": "",
        "tags": [
                "Tag": "king_penguin",
                "Confidence": 0.9592017531394958
                "Tag": "killer_whale",
                "Confidence": 0.020975982770323753
                "Tag": "toucan",
                "Confidence": 0.005348627455532551
                "Tag": "sombrero",
                "Confidence": 0.0010137950303032994
                "Tag": "goose",
                "Confidence": 0.0009246725821867585

Copy link


    "meta": {
        "timestamp": "2017-09-01T18:06:32.109913137Z"
    "data": {
        "image": "",
        "tags": [
                "Tag": "coffee_mug",
                "Confidence": 0.7345199584960938
                "Tag": "cup",
                "Confidence": 0.1498795747756958
                "Tag": "toilet_tissue",
                "Confidence": 0.027606995776295662
                "Tag": "cowboy_hat",
                "Confidence": 0.023174552246928215
                "Tag": "sombrero",
                "Confidence": 0.018557647243142128

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