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Last active March 6, 2020 17:00
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Agile team Operations Manual

As part of a Team Charter it's helpful to have an "Operations Manual" explaining how various ceremonies are done, etc.

Here's a starting point for agile teams working in one week sprints with a heavy amount of ad-hoc requests which would otherwise be handled via a kanban system:

Storytime (Backlog Refinement)

  • Thursday afternoons and Monday morning for 1 hr (adjust frequency and timing based on team’s requirements)
  • PO brings new stories to the team in this time
  • Team discusses the top of the backlog trying to get 1-2 sprints worth of tickets into a “Ready” state (see “Definition of Ready” below)

Sprint Planning

  • Every Wednesday from 9:30-10:30am
  • Purpose is to agree and commit to the stories which the team will complete in the next sprint
  • Leave enough space for “unplanned” (urgent) work which must be brought into the sprint (ideally there wouldn’t be any but…)
  • Whole team attends, ideally Product Owner, too.

Daily Standup

  • Daily at 9:30am
  • 15 minutes max
  • Anyone can facilitate
  • Review stories from right to left starting with those closest to DONE.
  • Identify blockers and take follow-up conversations offline
  • Team members should update tickets before the standup
  • Blocked tickets should be flagged and have comments added explaining what’s required to unblock them

Sprint Review (live demo)

  • Every Tuesday from 2-3pm
  • Everyone is invited
  • Members of the team demonstrate the stories that they have finished
  • Non demo-able stories are mentioned
  • Team re-states the sprint goal and whether they feel it was met
  • Team reports latest sprint velocity
  • Briefly show the top of the backlog to remind stakeholders what’s coming up
  • Q&A with attendees
  • May be recorded to share with those who can’t attend
  • Put unfinished tickets back onto the backlog
  • Leave flags on flagged tickets (assuming they’re still blocked)

Sprint Review (report)

If you don’t do a “live” demo, at least send an email/report to summarise what has been delivered.

  • Re-state the sprint goal
  • Was it delivered? Fully?
  • What stories/tickets were delivered?
  • What stories/tickets were not delivered?
  • What’s the current velocity?
  • What’s next on the backlog?


  • Every Tuesday from 3pm to 3:45pm
  • Involves the team only (possibly the PO if the team and PO agree this is a good idea)
  • Review what’s working well and should be continued
  • Review what can be improved
  • Agree actions for improvement
  • Capture actions as tickets/stories and add them to the backlog under a “Kaizen” epic
  • Find ways to include everyone in the discussion
  • Keep retros fun and interesting

Definition of Ready

In order for a story to enter a sprint, it must have the following:

  • A clear business-readable title
  • A clear description of the problem being solved and the business value
  • An estimate using story points
  • A clear set of acceptance criteria (can be short simple bullets)

Definition of DONE

To reach the “DONE” column in the sprint, the following must be true

  • The story has been deployed to a UAT environment
  • All testing is passing in UAT
  • The Product Owner has reviewed the functionality and approved it
  • The story is ready to go LIVE in the next release.

(The above is an example, you might choose to go even further by saying the story is live)

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