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Last active December 23, 2015 08:38
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A case of nested subcategories

In many multilingual systems, there are nested hierarchis of categories, connected to different products that need to be searched by customers with different language preferences. Here is a possible approach, inspired by the Wordnet Project.

The setup

CREATE (getr{name:'C1'})
CREATE (alc{name:'C2'})
CREATE ({caption:'beverages', lang:'EN'})<-[:CAPTION]-(getr)
CREATE (getr)-[:CAPTION]->({caption:'Getraenke', lang:'DE'})
CREATE ({caption:'alcoholic stuff', lang:'EN'})<-[:CAPTION]-(alc)
CREATE (alc)-[:CAPTION]->(alc_de{caption:'Alkoholika', lang:'DE'})
CREATE (getr)<-[:IS_A]-(alc)
CREATE ({name:"Wein"})-[:TAGGED]->(alc_de)

Find English things that are beverages

Now, let’s find the German captions of products that are attached to the category or one of its subcategories of the one that has an English caption beverages.

  bev_caption.caption = 'beverages' AND
  caption.lang='DE' AND cap2.lang='DE'
RETURN bev_caption.caption AS search_term,cap2.caption AS search_term_DE,caption.caption AS found_cat,
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