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Last active September 14, 2022 03:50
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Apply varimax rotation to PCA dimensionality reduction in a Seurat object to aid interpretability.
## Typical usage
# library(Seurat)
# obj <- CreateSeuratObject(mat)
# obj <- NormalizeData(obj)
# obj <- FindVariableFeatures(obj)
# obj <- ScaleData(obj)
# obj <- RunPCA(obj)
# source("RunVarimax.R")
# obj <- RunVarimax(obj, dims=1:10)
# print(obj$vm)
# library(langevitour)
# langevitour(obj$vm@cell.embdeddings)
RunVarimax <- function(obj, dims, reduction="pca") {
red <- obj@reductions[[reduction]]
loadings <- red@feature.loadings[,dims,drop=FALSE]
scores <- red@cell.embeddings[,dims,drop=FALSE]
# Find varimax rotation
rotation <- varimax(loadings, normalize=FALSE)$rotmat
# Optional step to make it a little nicer:
# Flip components so loadings have positive skew
flips <- ifelse(colSums((loadings %*% rotation) ** 3) < 0, -1, 1)
rotation <- sweep(rotation, 2, flips, '*')
# Optional step to make it a little nicer:
# Order by mean absolute scores
reorder <- (scores %*% rotation) |> abs() |> colMeans() |> order() |> rev()
rotation <- rotation[, reorder, drop=FALSE]
colnames(rotation) <- paste0("VM_",seq_len(ncol(rotation)))
# Apply rotations to get new loadings and scores
obj$vm <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings=scores %*% rotation,
loadings=loadings %*% rotation,
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