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Created January 31, 2012 10:08
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Socket io middelware
io = require ''
io.Socket::onEvent = (ev, cbs...) ->
@on ev, (args...) ->
cbList = cbs.slice()
# set callback parameter if any
fn = args[args.length-1] if typeof args[args.length-1] is 'function'
# set data parameter if any
data = args[0] unless args.length is 1 and fn
# add cxt parameter
cxt = socket: @, session: @handshake.session
next = (err) ->
if err
console.error err.toString()
fn err.toString() if fn
cb = cbList.shift()
return cb cxt, data, next if cbList.length
return cb cxt, data, fn if cb
# usage
# use onEvent instead of on
# each middleware is defined with a (cxt, data, next) ->
# pass an Error to next if something went wrong to stop the chain
# build your callback function with a (cxt, data [, fn]) ->
# this function could be defined in a separate module and then referenced
# in your main file in the body of your sio.sockets.on 'connection', (socket) ->
# cxt can hold event contextual data that each middleware could extend
# cxt.socket reference your socket
# cxt.session could reference your express session if you define it as described here
# data, fn are the usual parameters
# passing middleware
md1 = (cxt, data, next) ->
console.log "OK middleware ..." = "foo"
# failing middleware
md2 = (cxt, data, next) ->
console.log "KO middleware ..."
next new Error "Error!!!! dont tell me why"
# this one should pass
socket.onEvent 'customEvent', md1, (cxt, data, fn) -> # ...
# this one should fail
socket.onEvent 'otherEvent', md1, md2, (cxt, data, fn) -> # ...
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