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How to sort imports like a pro in TypeScript

How to sort imports like a pro in TypeScript

Crossing reviews becomes a very common activity today in engineering behavior. To help us review changes for pull/merge requests easier, sorting imports can help us a much. The codebase becomes more professional and more consistent, reviewers will be happier, and the review process will be faster, focusing on the implementation changes ONLY.

Have you ever thought about how to sort imports in TypeScript projects automatically?

Let me show you how to archive sorting imports automatically in TypeScript projects with ESLint!

Photo by Tim van der Kuip on Unsplash

Photo by Tim van der Kuip on Unsplash

Table of contents


  • Have TypeScript projects
  • Have some basic knowledge about ESLint - a JavaScript linting tool
  • Have time to go through all steps in this article 😀

First steps with ESLint

  • Install devDependencies packages related to eslint in TypeScript project
yarn add -D eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier
  • Create eslint the base configuration for TypeScript project

.eslintrc.js file

module.exports = {
  parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 2018,
    sourceType: 'module',
  env: {
    node: true,
  plugins: ['@typescript-eslint', 'prettier'],
  extends: [

Configure ESLint to sort imports

  1. Configure ESLint base sort-imports rules

With this native ESLint rule sort-imports, I use it to sort member imports in the import statements. You can notice that it supports more features for sorting imports. But I will use another plugin for advanced import sorting

Outcome: import { c, b, a } from 'package-to-import'

=> import { a, b, c } from 'package-to-import'

  • Update .eslintrc.js file by adding rules

.eslintrc.js file

module.exports = {
  // Extends the previous ESLint configuration by adding rules
  // <--! Previous configuration comes here !-->
  rules: {
    'sort-imports': [
        ignoreCase: false,
        ignoreDeclarationSort: true, // don"t want to sort import lines, use eslint-plugin-import instead
        ignoreMemberSort: false,
        memberSyntaxSortOrder: ['none', 'all', 'multiple', 'single'],
        allowSeparatedGroups: true,
  1. Configure import rule with eslint-plugin-import package
  • Install eslint-plugin-import package to use plugin import in ESLint

    yarn add -D eslint-plugin-import
  • Configure import rules

    In this step, we configure the order of our imports. There are two important pieces of information. There are groups which indicates how we get import statements sorted, and alphabetize which indicates how we sort import lines by alphabet

    Now, let's update the current ESLint configuration by adding new import rules

    .eslintrc.js file

    module.exports = {
      // <--! Previous configuration comes here !-->
      plugins: ['@typescript-eslint', 'prettier', 'import'], // Add "import" plugin
      extends: [
        // Extends two more configuration from "import" plugin
      rules: {
        // <--! Previous rules come here !-->
        // turn on errors for missing imports
        'import/no-unresolved': 'error',
        // 'import/no-named-as-default-member': 'off',
        'import/order': [
            groups: [
              'builtin', // Built-in imports (come from NodeJS native) go first
              'external', // <- External imports
              'internal', // <- Absolute imports
              ['sibling', 'parent'], // <- Relative imports, the sibling and parent types they can be mingled together
              'index', // <- index imports
              'unknown', // <- unknown
            'newlines-between': 'always',
            alphabetize: {
              /* sort in ascending order. Options: ["ignore", "asc", "desc"] */
              order: 'asc',
              /* ignore case. Options: [true, false] */
              caseInsensitive: true,
  1. Configure import resolver with eslint-import-resolver-typescript package

Why do we need this package? It helps us resolve package, imports, module under the TypeScript project. Some of us may use compilerOptions.baseUrl or compilerOptions.paths in the tsconfig.json configuration file.

  • Install eslint-import-resolver-typescript package

    yarn add -D eslint-import-resolver-typescript
  • Configure eslint-import-resolver-typescript package

    Extends the current ESLint configuration by adding new section called settings

    .eslintrc.js file

    module.exports = {
      // Extends the previous ESLint configuration by adding `settings`
      // <--! Previous configuration comes here !-->
      settings: {
        'import/resolver': {
          typescript: {
            project: './tsconfig.json',

Configure VSCode to sort imports automatically

To help us trigger ESLint auto fix feature, to resolve a lot of fixable ESLint issues come from your current working file.

Create new VSCode settings.json file under ./vscode/settings.json

  "editor.formatOnSave": false,
  "eslint.validate": [
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll": true

BONUS section:

In case, you do not work on Visual Studio Code IDE, You can add new script command to run sort imports manually

package.json file

  // <--! Current content of the package.json file goes there !-->
  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint --ext .ts ./src",
    "lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix"

Now you just run ONLY one single command yarn lint:fix to fix all coding style issues catch by ESLint. Easy work, right? 😁

Auto sort import demo


To sum up, all of the steps we need to get our TypeScript project imports sorted automatically, there are 3 steps:

  • Configure ESLint base for our TypeScript project
  • Configure ESLint to sort imports
  • Configure VSCode to sort imports automatically

And that is all from me for this time, thank you for reading my sharing article. Hope you can find it helpful!

Any concerns, or questions, do not hesitate to put it in the response section below. See you next time!


This article is also published on How to sort imports like a pro in TypeScript | by Fast Nguyen | Weekly Webtips | May, 2022 | Medium

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princ3od commented May 23, 2022

Thank you a lot. No more "import order" comments in my PR review 😄

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trajano commented Jan 19, 2023

There's a prettier plugin called prettier-plugin-organize-imports that does this with one import and utilizes the Typescript language server to do the work.

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There's a prettier plugin called prettier-plugin-organize-imports that does this with one import and utilizes the Typescript language server to do the work.

Thanks @trajano, I would appreciate your handy suggestion!

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