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Forked from anonymous/Movie
Last active January 18, 2019 06:37
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# coding: utf-8
import requests
import json
import appex
import dialogs
import re
import datetime
import keychain
import console
import sys
import cPickle
from urllib import quote, unquote
class NoResultsError (Exception): pass
class NoMoviePickError (Exception): pass
class NoRatingError (Exception): pass
class TmdbConnectionError (Exception): pass
class AirtableConnectionError (Exception): pass
class MissingConfigError (Exception): pass
class InvalidColumnError (Exception): pass
class NoDatabaseError (Exception): pass
class NoApiKeyError (Exception): pass
class NoTableError (Exception): pass
class ProbablyBadLoginError (Exception): pass
class MovieDiary():
def __init__(self):
config = keychain.get_password('Movie Diary', 'Config')
if config == None:
moviedb_api = keychain.get_password('MovieDB', 'API')
airtable_api = keychain.get_password('Airtable', 'API')
airtable_db = keychain.get_password('Airtable', 'Movie Diary')
airtable_table = keychain.get_password('Airtable', 'Movie Diary Table')
if airtable_api == None or airtable_db == None or airtable_table == None:
airtable_api, airtable_db, airtable_table = self.getairtable(airtable_api, airtable_db, airtable_table)
config = dialogs.form_dialog(title='Movie Diary Configuration', sections=[('MovieDB', [{'type': 'text', 'key': 'moviedb_api', 'value': moviedb_api if moviedb_api is not None else '84cef43ccf02b1ba6093c9694ed671c9', 'title': 'MovieDB API Token'}]), ('Airtable', [{'type': 'text', 'key': 'airtable_api', 'value': airtable_api, 'title': 'Airtable API Key'}, {'type': 'text', 'key': 'airtable_db', 'value': airtable_db, 'title': 'Airtable database ID'}, {'type': 'text', 'key': 'airtable_table', 'value': airtable_table if airtable_table is not None else 'Table 1', 'title': 'Airtable table name'}]), ('Custom', [{'type': 'switch', 'key': 'set_date_manually', 'value': False, 'title': 'Set date manually'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'add_time_to_date', 'value': False, 'title': 'Add time to date'}]),('Extra Fields', [{'type': 'switch', 'key': 'directors_field', 'value': True, 'title': 'Directors'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'genres_field', 'value': False, 'title': 'Genres'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'runtime_field', 'value': False, 'title': 'Runtime'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'cast_field', 'value': False, 'title': 'Cast'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'imdb_field', 'value': False, 'title': 'IMDB URL'}]),('Fields', [{'type':'text', 'key': 'title_field_name', 'value': 'Title', 'title': 'Title'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'overview_field_name', 'value': 'Overview', 'title': 'Overview'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'rating_field_name', 'value': 'Rating', 'title': 'Rating'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'date_field_name', 'value': 'Date', 'title': 'Date'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'directors_field_name', 'value': 'Directors', 'title': 'Directors'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'poster_field_name', 'value': 'Poster', 'title': 'Poster'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'year_field_name', 'value': 'Year', 'title': 'Year'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'genres_field_name', 'value': 'Genres', 'title': 'Genres'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'cast_field_name', 'value': 'Cast', 'title': 'Cast'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'runtime_field_name', 'value': 'Runtime', 'title': 'Runtime'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'imdb_field_name', 'value': 'IMDB', 'title': 'IMDB URL'}])])
if config == None:
raise MissingConfigError('You must setup and confirm the Movie Diary configuration before continuing.')
config['moviedb_api'] = self.validate_config(config['moviedb_api'], 'Insert your TMDB API key', 'You need a valid MovieDB API key', '84cef43ccf02b1ba6093c9694ed671c9')
config['airtable_api'] = self.validate_config(config['airtable_api'], 'Insert your Airtable API key', 'You need a valid Airtable API key')
config['airtable_db'] = self.validate_config(config['airtable_db'], 'Insert your Airtable database ID', 'You need the ID of your database')
config['airtable_table'] = self.validate_config(config['airtable_table'], 'Insert the name of yout Airtable table', 'You must insert the name of the table in your database.', 'Table 1', True)
keychain.set_password('Movie Diary', 'Config', cPickle.dumps(config))
config = cPickle.loads(config.encode('utf-8'))
self.moviedb_api = config.get('moviedb_api', '')
self.airtable_api = config.get('airtable_api', '')
self.airtable_db = config.get('airtable_db', '')
self.airtable_table = config.get('airtable_table', '')
self.set_date_manually = config.get('set_date_manually', '')
self.add_time_to_date = config.get('add_time_to_date', '')
self.directors_field = config.get('directors_field', '')
self.genres_field = config.get('genres_field', '')
self.runtime_field = config.get('runtime_field', '')
self.cast_field = config.get('cast_field', '')
self.imdb_field = config.get('imdb_field', '')
self.title_field_name = config.get('title_field_name', 'Title')
self.overview_field_name = config.get('overview_field_name', 'Overview')
self.rating_field_name = config.get('rating_field_name', 'Rating')
self.date_field_name = config.get('date_field_name', 'Date')
self.directors_field_name = config.get('directors_field_name', 'Directors')
self.poster_field_name = config.get('poster_field_name', 'Poster')
self.year_field_name = config.get('year_field_name', 'Year')
self.genres_field_name = config.get('genres_field_name', 'Genres')
self.cast_field_name = config.get('cast_field_name', 'Cast')
self.runtime_field_name = config.get('runtime_field_name', 'Runtime')
self.imdb_field_name = config.get('imdb_field_name', 'IMDB')
def getairtable(api, db, table):
import mechanize
import cookielib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
browser = mechanize.Browser()
jar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
auth = dialogs.login_alert('Your Airtable login and password', 'We need it to select a database. Your credentials won\'t be stored.')
browser.form['email'] = auth[0]
browser.form['password'] = auth[1]
resp ='')
if db != None:
db_key = db
soup = bs(
apps = soup.find(id='apps')
if apps != None:
db_strings = [app.text for app in apps.find_all('span', class_='name')]
db_chosen = db_strings[0] if len(db_strings) == 1 else dialogs.list_dialog('Choose a database', db_strings)
if db_chosen != None:
db_key = [li['menuitemvalue'] for li in apps.find_all('li') if li.span.string == db_chosen][0]
# Didn't choose a database
raise NoDatabaseError()
# No apps, so it failed to login. Probably wrong password.
raise ProbablyBadLoginError()
if api == None or table == None:
docs ='' % db_key)
docsoup = bs(
if api == None:
api_key_div = docsoup.body.find(lambda tag : tag.has_attr('data-api-key'))
if api_key_div != None:
api_key = api_key_div['data-api-key']
if api_key == '':
# No API key
raise NoApiKeyError()
# No documentation, probably failed login and wrong password.
raise ProbablyBadLoginError()
api_key = api
if table == None:
script = docsoup.find('script').text
pattern = r'({.*);'
match =, script)
if match != None:
tables = [table['name'] for table in json.loads(['tables']]
table_key = tables[0] if len(tables) == 1 else dialogs.list_dialog('Choose a table', tables)
if table_key == None:
# Didn't choose a table
raise NoTableError()
# Couldn't find any table, probably a failed login.
raise ProbablyBadLoginError()
table_key = table
return api_key, db_key, table_key
def validate_config(key, message='', error='', default='', quoted=False):
if key == '':
item = console.input_alert(message, '', default)
if item == None:
raise MissingConfigError(error)
return quote(item) if quoted else item
return key
def getyear(d, raw=False):
if d is None or d == '':
return ''
elif raw:
return str(d[:4])
return ' (%s)' % d[:4]
def getgenres(genres):
return '/'.join([genre['name'] for genre in genres])
def getcredits(self, url, params):
req = requests.get('%s/credits' % (url), params=params)
if req.status_code == 200:
res = json.loads(req.text)
directors = []
cast = []
if self.directors_field:
directors = ', '.join([director['name'] for director in res['crew'] if director['job'] == 'Director'])
if self.cast_field:
cast = ', '.join([res['cast'][i]['name'] for i in range(min(5, len(res['cast'])))])
return (cast, directors)
raise TmdbConnectionError(req.text)
def getdate(self):
if self.set_date_manually and self.add_time_to_date:
return dialogs.datetime_dialog().isoformat()
elif self.set_date_manually:
return dialogs.date_dialog().isoformat()
elif self.add_time_to_date:
def journal(self, data):
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.airtable_api,
'Content-type': 'application/json'
req ='{0}/{1}'.format(self.airtable_db, self.airtable_table), headers=headers, data=json.dumps({'fields': data}))
if req.status_code == 200:
console.hud_alert('Added movie', 'success')
elif req.status_code == 422:
raise InvalidColumnError(json.loads(req.text))
raise AirtableConnectionError(req.text)
def getmovie(self, url, params):
req = requests.get(url, params=params)
if req.status_code == 200:
res = json.loads(req.text)
fields = {
self.overview_field_name: res['overview'],
self.title_field_name: res['title'],
self.year_field_name: self.getyear(res['release_date'], True),
self.date_field_name: self.getdate(),
self.rating_field_name: dialogs.list_dialog("Rate '{0}'".format(res['title']), ['★★★★★', '★★★★½', '★★★★', '★★★½', '★★★', '★★½', '★★', '★½', '★', '½'])
if self.cast_field or self.directors_field:
credits = self.getcredits(url, params)
if self.cast_field:
fields[self.cast_field_name] = credits[0]
if self.directors_field:
fields[self.directors_field_name] = credits[1]
if self.runtime_field:
fields[self.runtime_field_name] = res['runtime']
if self.imdb_field:
fields[self.imdb_field_name] = '' % res['imdb_id']
if self.genres_field:
fields[self.genres_field_name] = self.getgenres(res['genres'])
if res['poster_path'] is not None:
fields[self.poster_field_name] = [{'url': '' % res['poster_path']}]
if fields[self.rating_field_name] is not None:
return self.journal(fields)
raise NoRatingError()
raise TmdbConnectionError(req.text)
def edit_config(self):
config = dialogs.form_dialog(title='Movie Diary Configuration', sections=[('MovieDB', [{'type': 'text', 'key': 'moviedb_api', 'value': self.moviedb_api, 'title': 'MovieDB API Token'}]), ('Airtable', [{'type': 'text', 'key': 'airtable_api', 'value': self.airtable_api, 'title': 'Airtable API Key'}, {'type': 'text', 'key': 'airtable_db', 'value': self.airtable_db, 'title': 'Airtable database ID'}, {'type': 'text', 'key': 'airtable_table', 'value': self.airtable_table, 'title': 'Airtable table name'}]), ('Custom', [{'type': 'switch', 'key': 'set_date_manually', 'value': self.set_date_manually, 'title': 'Set date manually'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'add_time_to_date', 'value': self.add_time_to_date, 'title': 'Add time to date'}]),('Extra Fields', [{'type': 'switch', 'key': 'directors_field', 'value': self.directors_field, 'title': 'Directors'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'genres_field', 'value': self.genres_field, 'title': 'Genres'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'runtime_field', 'value': self.runtime_field, 'title': 'Runtime'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'cast_field', 'value': self.cast_field, 'title': 'Cast'}, {'type': 'switch', 'key': 'imdb_field', 'value': self.imdb_field, 'title': 'IMDB URL'}]),('Fields', [{'type':'text', 'key': 'title_field_name', 'value': self.title_field_name, 'title': 'Title'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'overview_field_name', 'value': self.overview_field_name, 'title': 'Overview'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'rating_field_name', 'value': self.rating_field_name, 'title': 'Rating'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'date_field_name', 'value': self.date_field_name, 'title': 'Date'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'directors_field_name', 'value': self.directors_field_name, 'title': 'Directors'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'poster_field_name', 'value': self.poster_field_name, 'title': 'Poster'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'year_field_name', 'value': self.year_field_name, 'title': 'Year'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'genres_field_name', 'value': self.genres_field_name, 'title': 'Genres'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'cast_field_name', 'value': self.cast_field_name, 'title': 'Cast'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'runtime_field_name', 'value': self.runtime_field_name, 'title': 'Runtime'}, {'type':'text', 'key': 'imdb_field_name', 'value': self.imdb_field_name, 'title': 'IMDB URL'}]), ('Serious Stuff', [{'type': 'switch', 'key': 'reset_config', 'title': 'Reset Configuration', 'value': False}])])
if config != None:
if config['reset_config']:
reset_confirm = console.alert('Reset Configuration?', 'Are you sure? This will only clean your credentials data and has no relation to your database.', 'Cancel', 'Reset', hide_cancel_button=True)
if reset_confirm == 2:
keychain.delete_password('Movie Diary', 'Config')
keychain.delete_password('Airtable', 'API')
keychain.delete_password('Airtable', 'Movie Diary')
keychain.delete_password('Airtable', 'Movie Diary Table')
return console.hud_alert('Movie Diary Configuration Successfully Reset')
config['moviedb_api'] = self.validate_config(config['moviedb_api'], 'Insert your TMDB API key', 'You need a valid MovieDB API key', '84cef43ccf02b1ba6093c9694ed671c9')
config['airtable_api'] = self.validate_config(config['airtable_api'], 'Insert your Airtable API key', 'You need a valid Airtable API key')
config['airtable_db'] = self.validate_config(config['airtable_db'], 'Insert your Airtable database ID', 'You need the ID of your database')
config['airtable_table'] = self.validate_config(config['airtable_table'], 'Insert the name of yout Airtable table', 'You must insert the name of the table in your database.', 'Table 1', True)
keychain.set_password('Movie Diary', 'Config', cPickle.dumps(config))
console.hud_alert('Movie Diary Configuration Successfully Edited')
raise MissingConfigError('You must setup and confirm the Movie Diary configuration before continuing.')
def log(self):
url_match = re.match(r'^https?://(?:www\.)?imdb\.com/title/(tt\d+)/?', appex.get_url())
params = {
'api_key': self.moviedb_api,
'external_source': 'imdb_id'
return self.getmovie('' % (, params)
except TypeError:
params = {
'api_key': self.moviedb_api,
'query': console.input_alert('Search for movie', '', sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '')
if len(params.get('query')) == 0:
req ='', params=params)
if req.status_code == 200:
res = json.loads(req.text)
if res['total_results'] > 1:
results_map = {e['title'] + self.getyear(e['release_date']) : e for e in res['results']}
movie_pick = dialogs.list_dialog('Pick a movie', [e['title'] + self.getyear(e['release_date']) for e in res['results']])
if movie_pick is not None:
return self.getmovie('' % (results_map[movie_pick]['id']), {'api_key': self.moviedb_api})
raise NoMoviePickError()
elif res['total_results'] == 1:
return self.getmovie('' % (res['results'][0]['id']), {'api_key': self.moviedb_api})
raise NoResultsError()
raise TmdbConnectionError(req.text)
if __name__ == '__main__':
md = MovieDiary()
except MissingConfigError as e:
console.alert('Missing configuration', str(e))
except NoResultsError:
console.alert('No Results', 'Couldn\'t find any movie matching your query.')
except AirtableConnectionError as e:
console.alert('Failed to connect to Airtable', str(e))
except TmdbConnectionError as e:
console.alert('Failed to connect to MovieDB', str(e))
except NoMoviePickError:
console.alert('No movie selected', 'You gotta pick a movie for the script to work.')
except NoRatingError:
console.alert('No rating', 'You gotta rate the movie for the script to work.')
except InvalidColumnError as e:
console.alert('Invalid Data', '{0}: {1}'.format(e[0]['error']['type'], e[0]['error']['message']))
except NoDatabaseError:
console.alert('No database selected', 'You gotta select a database for the script to work.')
except NoTableError:
console.alert('No table selected', 'You gotta select a table for the script to work.')
except NoApiKeyError:
console.alert('No API key available', 'You gotta generate an API key at')
except ProbablyBadLoginError:
console.alert('Probably a bad login', 'Something went wrong while crawling for your data. The host, connection or script may have failed, but most probably you used the wrong credentials')
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