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Philip Orlando philiporlando

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prakharcode /
Last active January 10, 2024 06:10
Install QGIS 3
cd /etc/apt/
sudo vim sources.list

# paste the following

# QGIS 3 install
deb bionic main
a-r-d /
Last active May 18, 2021 13:40
QuantConnect - simple MACD strategy against SPY, 50/150 day cross, long and short, leverage is none
import numpy as np
### <summary>
### Basic template algorithm simply initializes the date range and cash. This is a skeleton
### framework you can use for designing an algorithm.
### </summary>
class BasicTemplateAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
'''Basic template algorithm simply initializes the date range and cash'''
def Initialize(self):
tgirke /
Last active October 13, 2023 05:29
Nvim-R-Tmux: An Integrated Working Environment for R

Nvim-R-Tmux: Neovim-based IDE for R

!!! This Gist tutorial is deprecated. Its new version is available here !!!

This is some red text.

  • Author: Thomas Girke
  • Last update: 18-Nov-2020

johnbaums / gdal_mean.R
Last active July 15, 2021 19:04
Fast calculation of cellwise mean across a raster stack, using
gdal_mean <- function(infile, outfile, return_raster=FALSE, overwrite=FALSE) {
# Be aware that the outfile type will be the same as the infile type
if(return_raster) require(raster)
# infile: The multiband raster file (or a vector of paths to multiple
# raster files) for which to calculate cell mean.
# outfile: Path to raster output file.
# return_raster: (logical) Should the output raster be read back into R?
# overwrite: (logical) Should outfile be overwritten if it exists?
gdal_calc <- Sys.which('')
dsparks / Avoiding a loop.R
Created September 12, 2012 13:19
lapply() as an alternative to a multiply-nested loop
# Alternative to a doubly-nested loop
# Imagine I want to perform an operation on a data frame
# once for each combination of two variables, such as Country and Year
# I can do this with a nested loop, or I can do this with (among other
# things) lapply()
# Generate random data:
allCountries <- LETTERS[1:10]
allYears <- 1990:2012
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active December 25, 2024 19:41
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname