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Find the distance (in KM or MI) and driving time between locations stored in Google Sheets. Distances and Time provided by Google Apps Script Maps Service.
/** **/
/** Find the distance (in KM or MI) and driving time between locations
stored in Google Sheets. Distances and Time provided by Google Apps Script Maps Service */
/** Note: This is built on top of Google App Scripts Code **/
/** Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License **/
/** By: Sandu Rajapakse - lankanmon **/
To use these functions in Google Sheets, place this code in a new script in the Script Editor.
Tools -> Script Editor...
(erase any existing code and paste this)
To get Distance, place following function in a cell (eg. C1):
* Replace A1 with starting address and B1 with destination address *
This will return the distance between the two addresses in meters.
To convert meters to Kilometers or Miles, USE:
* Replace C1 with a Metre value to convert to KM or MI.
To do both in one operation, embed first operation in second:
To get Time, place following function in a cell (eg. D1):
* Replace A1 with starting address and B1 with destination address *
This will return the time between the two addresses in seconds.
To convert Seconds to Minutes or Hours, USE:
* Replace D1 with a Seconds value to convert to Minutes or Hours.
To do both in one operation, embed first operation in second:
*** Lave a Comment if you have any Questions ***
- lankanmon
* Function that converts meters to miles.
* @param {Number} meters - The distance in meters.
* @return {Number} - The distance in miles.
function metersToMiles(meters) {
if (typeof meters != 'number') {
return null;
return meters / 1000 * 0.621371;
* Function that converts meters to kilometres.
* @param {Number} meters - The distance in meters.
* @return {Number} - The distance in kilometers.
function metersToKilometers(meters) {
if (typeof meters != 'number') {
return null;
return meters / 1000;
* Function gets the driving distance between two addresses.
* @param {String} origin The starting address.
* @param {String} destination The ending address.
* @return {Number} The distance in meters.
function drivingDistance(origin, destination) {
var directions = getDirections_(origin, destination);
return directions.routes[0].legs[0].distance.value;
* Function that converts seconds to minutes.
* @param {Number} seconds - The distance in seconds.
* @return {Number} minutes - The distance in minutes.
function secondsToMinutes(seconds) {
if (typeof seconds != 'number') {
return null;
return seconds / 60;
* Function that converts seconds to hours.
* @param {Number} seconds - The distance in seconds.
* @return {Number} hours - The distance in hours.
function secondsToHours(seconds) {
if (typeof seconds != 'number') {
return null;
return ((seconds / 60) / 60);
* Function gets the driving time between two addresses.
* @param {String} origin The starting address.
* @param {String} destination The ending address.
* @return {Number} The time in seconds.
function drivingTime(origin, destination) {
var directions = getDirections_(origin, destination);
return directions.routes[0].legs[0].duration.value;
* Shared helper function used to obtain the full set of directions
* information between two addresses. Uses the Apps Script Maps Service.
* @param {String} origin The starting address.
* @param {String} destination The ending address.
* @return {Object} The directions response object.
function getDirections_(origin, destination) {
var directionFinder = Maps.newDirectionFinder();
var directions = directionFinder.getDirections();
if (directions.routes.length == 0) {
throw 'Unable to calculate directions between these addresses.';
return directions;
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