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Last active March 22, 2023 20:33
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firenvim config
" """
" firenvim (browser textareas)
" unfortunately `if exists('g:started_by_firenvim')` doesn't work with
" laststatus and tabline. So we need to use the OnUIEnter function to set
" specific options
function! s:IsFirenvimActive(event) abort
if !exists('*nvim_get_chan_info')
return 0
let l:ui = nvim_get_chan_info(a:event.chan)
return has_key(l:ui, 'client') && has_key(l:ui.client, 'name') &&
\ =~? 'Firenvim'
function! OnUIEnter(event) abort
if s:IsFirenvimActive(a:event)
set background=light
colorscheme textarea
set filetype=markdown
set laststatus=0
set showtabline=0
set nonumber
set colorcolumn=0
set signcolumn=no
set noshowcmd
set wrap
set spell
set paste
autocmd UIEnter * call OnUIEnter(deepcopy(v:event))
" Vim Color File
" Name: textarea.vim
" Version: 0.1
" Maintainer:
" License: The MIT License (MIT)
" BasedOn:
" - fix undercurl
" - lighter colors for links etc (like in yang)
" - background color for statusbar
hi clear
if exists('syntax on')
syntax reset
let g:colors_name='textarea'
" not all terminals support italics properly. If yours does not, opt-out.
if ! exists('g:textarea_terminal_italics')
let g:textarea_terminal_italics = 1
if ! exists('g:textarea_spell_undercurl')
let g:textarea_spell_undercurl = 1
" Colors
let s:black = {'gui': '#080808', 'cterm': '0'}
let s:white = {'gui': '#F8F8F8', 'cterm': '15'}
let s:light_grey = {'gui': '#cccccc', 'cterm': '7'}
let s:dark_grey = {'gui': '#333333', 'cterm': '8'}
let s:red = {'gui': '#870000', 'cterm': '88'}
if &background == 'dark'
let s:bg = s:black
let s:fg = s:white
let s:grey = s:dark_grey
let s:bg = s:white
let s:fg = s:black
let s:grey = s:light_grey
if g:textarea_spell_undercurl == 1
let s:sp_un = 'undercurl'
let s:sp_un = 'underline'
" shamelessly stolen from hemisu:
function! s:h(group, style)
" Not all terminals support italics properly. If yours does, opt-in.
if g:textarea_terminal_italics == 0
\ && has_key(a:style, 'cterm')
\ && a:style['cterm'] == 'italic'
unlet a:style.cterm
execute 'highlight' a:group
\ 'guifg=' (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.gui : 'NONE')
\ 'guibg=' (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? : 'NONE')
\ 'guisp=' (has_key(a:style, 'sp') ? a:style.sp.gui : 'NONE')
\ 'gui=' (has_key(a:style, 'gui') ? a:style.gui : 'NONE')
\ 'ctermfg=' (has_key(a:style, 'fg') ? a:style.fg.cterm : 'NONE')
\ 'ctermbg=' (has_key(a:style, 'bg') ? : 'NONE')
\ 'cterm=' (has_key(a:style, 'cterm') ? a:style.cterm : 'NONE')
" common groups ================================================================
" (see `:h w18`)
call s:h('Normal', {'bg': s:bg, 'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('Cursor', {'bg': s:fg, 'fg': s:bg})
call s:h('Comment', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'italic', 'cterm': 'italic'})
call s:h('Constant', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'italic', 'cterm': 'italic'})
hi! link String Constant
hi! link Character Constant
hi! link Number Constant
hi! link Boolean Constant
hi! link Float Constant
call s:h('Identifier', {'fg': s:fg})
hi! link Function Identifier
call s:h('Statement', {'fg': s:fg, 'cterm': 'bold', 'gui': 'bold'})
hi! link Conditonal Statement
hi! link Repeat Statement
hi! link Label Statement
hi! link Operator Statement
hi! link Keyword Statement
hi! link Exception Statement
call s:h('PreProc', {'fg': s:fg})
hi! link Include PreProc
hi! link Define PreProc
hi! link Macro PreProc
hi! link PreCondit PreProc
call s:h('Type', {'fg': s:fg})
hi! link StorageClass Type
hi! link Structure Type
hi! link Typedef Type
call s:h('Special', {'fg': s:fg})
hi! link SpecialChar Special
hi! link Tag Special
hi! link Delimiter Special
hi! link SpecialComment Special
hi! link Debug Special
call s:h('Underlined', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'underline', 'cterm': 'underline'})
call s:h('Ignore', {'fg': s:bg})
call s:h('Error', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:grey, 'gui': 'bold', 'cterm': 'bold'})
call s:h('Todo', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:grey, 'gui': 'bold', 'cterm': 'bold'})
" ui chrome ====================================================================
" ordered according to `:help hitest.vim`
call s:h('SpecialKey', {'fg': s:grey})
call s:h('NonText', {'fg': s:grey})
call s:h('Directory', {'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('ErrorMsg', {'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('IncSearch', {'bg': s:fg, 'fg': s:bg})
call s:h('Search', {'bg': s:bg})
call s:h('MoreMsg', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'bold', 'cterm': 'bold'})
hi! link ModeMsg MoreMsg
call s:h('LineNr', {'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('CursorLineNr', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:bg})
call s:h('Question', {'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('StatusLine', {'bg': s:grey})
call s:h('Conceal', {'fg': s:grey})
call s:h('StatusLineNC', {'bg': s:bg, 'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('VertSplit', {'bg': s:bg, 'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('Title', {'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('Visual', {'bg': s:fg, 'fg': s:bg})
call s:h('VisualNOS', {'bg': s:bg})
call s:h('WarningMsg', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'bold', 'cterm': 'bold'})
call s:h('WildMenu', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:grey})
call s:h('Folded', {'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('FoldColumn', {'fg': s:bg})
" call s:h("DiffAdd", {"bg": s:bg, 'fg': s:green})
" call s:h("DiffDelete", {"bg": s:bg, 'fg': s:red})
" call s:h("DiffChange", {"bg": s:bg, 'fg': s:dark_yellow})
call s:h('DiffText', {'bg': s:bg, 'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('SignColumn', {'fg': s:fg})
if has('gui_running')
call s:h('SpellBad', {'gui': s:sp_un, 'sp': s:red})
call s:h('SpellCap', {'gui': s:sp_un, 'sp': s:red})
call s:h('SpellRare', {'gui': s:sp_un, 'sp': s:red})
call s:h('SpellLocal', {'gui': s:sp_un, 'sp': s:red})
call s:h('SpellBad', {'cterm': s:sp_un, 'fg': s:red})
call s:h('SpellCap', {'cterm': s:sp_un, 'fg': s:red})
call s:h('SpellRare', {'cterm': s:sp_un, 'fg': s:red})
call s:h('SpellLocal', {'cterm': s:sp_un, 'fg': s:red})
call s:h('Pmenu', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:grey})
call s:h('PmenuSel', {'fg': s:bg, 'bg': s:fg})
call s:h('PmenuSbar', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:grey})
call s:h('PmenuThumb', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:grey})
call s:h('TabLine', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:bg})
call s:h('TabLineSel', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:bg, 'gui': 'bold', 'cterm': 'bold'})
call s:h('TabLineFill', {'fg': s:fg, 'bg': s:bg})
call s:h('CursorColumn', {'bg': s:grey})
call s:h('CursorLine', {'bg': s:grey})
call s:h('ColorColumn', {'bg': s:grey})
" remainder of syntax highlighting
call s:h('MatchParen', {'bg': s:bg, 'fg': s:fg})
call s:h('qfLineNr', {'fg': s:grey})
" hi helpHyperTextJump guifg=#5FAFD7 ctermfg=74
" HTML syntax
hi! link htmlTag Special
hi! link htmlEndTag htmlTag
hi! link htmlTagName KeyWord
" html5 tags show up as htmlTagN
hi! link htmlTagN Keyword
" HTML content
call s:h('htmlH1', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'bold,italic', 'cterm': 'bold' })
call s:h('htmlH2', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'bold' , 'cterm': 'bold' })
call s:h('htmlH3', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'italic' , 'cterm': 'italic' })
call s:h('htmlH4', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'italic' , 'cterm': 'italic' })
call s:h('htmlH5', {'fg': s:fg })
call s:h('htmlH6', {'fg': s:fg })
call s:h('htmlLink', {'fg': s:fg, 'gui': 'underline' , 'cterm': 'underline'})
call s:h('htmlItalic', { 'gui': 'italic' , 'cterm': 'italic' })
call s:h('htmlBold', { 'gui': 'bold' , 'cterm': 'bold' })
call s:h('htmlBoldItalic',{ 'gui': 'bold,italic', 'cterm': 'bold' })
" hi htmlString guifg=#87875f guibg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=101 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
" XML content
hi! link xmlTag htmlTag
hi! link xmlEndTag xmlTag
hi! link xmlTagName htmlTagName
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