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Last active October 9, 2022 17:33
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Godot signals for c#
// This file is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.
public static class Signal
public static class AcceptDialog
public const string CONFIRMED = "confirmed";
public const string CUSTOM_ACTION = "custom_action";
public static class AnimatedSprite
public const string ANIMATION_FINISHED = "animation_finished";
public const string FRAME_CHANGED = "frame_changed";
public static class AnimatedSprite3D
public const string ANIMATION_FINISHED = "animation_finished";
public const string FRAME_CHANGED = "frame_changed";
public static class Animation
public const string TRACKS_CHANGED = "tracks_changed";
public static class AnimationNode
public const string REMOVED_FROM_GRAPH = "removed_from_graph";
public const string TREE_CHANGED = "tree_changed";
public static class AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D
public const string TRIANGLES_UPDATED = "triangles_updated";
public static class AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition
public const string ADVANCE_CONDITION_CHANGED = "advance_condition_changed";
public static class AnimationPlayer
public const string ANIMATION_CHANGED = "animation_changed";
public const string ANIMATION_FINISHED = "animation_finished";
public const string ANIMATION_STARTED = "animation_started";
public const string CACHES_CLEARED = "caches_cleared";
public static class Area
public const string BODY_ENTERED = "body_entered";
public const string BODY_EXITED = "body_exited";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_ENTERED = "body_shape_entered";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_EXITED = "body_shape_exited";
public const string ENTERED = "area_entered";
public const string EXITED = "area_exited";
public const string SHAPE_ENTERED = "area_shape_entered";
public const string SHAPE_EXITED = "area_shape_exited";
public static class Area2D
public const string BODY_ENTERED = "body_entered";
public const string BODY_EXITED = "body_exited";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_ENTERED = "body_shape_entered";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_EXITED = "body_shape_exited";
public const string ENTERED = "area_entered";
public const string EXITED = "area_exited";
public const string SHAPE_ENTERED = "area_shape_entered";
public const string SHAPE_EXITED = "area_shape_exited";
public static class ARVRAnchor
public const string MESH_UPDATED = "mesh_updated";
public static class ARVRController
public const string BUTTON_PRESSED = "button_pressed";
public const string BUTTON_RELEASE = "button_release";
public const string MESH_UPDATED = "mesh_updated";
public static class ARVRServer
public const string INTERFACE_ADDED = "interface_added";
public const string INTERFACE_REMOVED = "interface_removed";
public const string TRACKER_ADDED = "tracker_added";
public const string TRACKER_REMOVED = "tracker_removed";
public static class AudioServer
public const string BUS_LAYOUT_CHANGED = "bus_layout_changed";
public static class AudioStreamPlayer
public const string FINISHED = "finished";
public static class AudioStreamPlayer2D
public const string FINISHED = "finished";
public static class AudioStreamPlayer3D
public const string FINISHED = "finished";
public static class BaseButton
public const string DOWN = "button_down";
public const string PRESSED = "pressed";
public const string TOGGLED = "toggled";
public const string UP = "button_up";
public static class ButtonGroup
public const string PRESSED = "pressed";
public static class CameraServer
public const string FEED_ADDED = "camera_feed_added";
public const string FEED_REMOVED = "camera_feed_removed";
public static class CanvasItem
public const string DRAW = "draw";
public const string HIDE = "hide";
public const string ITEM_RECT_CHANGED = "item_rect_changed";
public const string VISIBILITY_CHANGED = "visibility_changed";
public static class CollisionObject
public const string INPUT_EVENT = "input_event";
public const string MOUSE_ENTERED = "mouse_entered";
public const string MOUSE_EXITED = "mouse_exited";
public static class CollisionObject2D
public const string INPUT_EVENT = "input_event";
public const string MOUSE_ENTERED = "mouse_entered";
public const string MOUSE_EXITED = "mouse_exited";
public static class ColorPicker
public const string COLOR_CHANGED = "color_changed";
public const string PRESET_ADDED = "preset_added";
public const string PRESET_REMOVED = "preset_removed";
public static class ColorPickerButton
public const string COLOR_CHANGED = "color_changed";
public const string PICKER_CREATED = "picked_created";
public const string POPUP_CLOSED = "popup_closed";
public static class Container
public const string SORT_CHILDREN = "sort_children";
public static class Control
public const string GUI_INPUT = "gui_input";
public const string KEYBOARD_FOCUS_ENTERED = "focus_entered";
public const string KEYBOARD_FOCUS_EXITED = "focus_exited";
public const string MINIMUM_SIZE_CHANGED = "minimum_size_changed";
public const string MODAL_CLOSED = "modal_closed";
public const string MOUSE_ENTERED = "mouse_entered";
public const string MOUSE_EXITED = "mouse_exited";
public const string RESIZED = "resized";
public const string SIZE_FLAGS_CHANGED = "size_flags_changed";
public static class Curve
public const string RANGE_CHANGED = "range_changed";
public static class EditorFileDialog
public const string DIR_SELECTED = "dir_selected";
public const string FILE_SELECTED = "file_selected";
public const string FILES_SELECTED = "files_selected";
public static class EditorFileSystem
public const string FILE_SYSTEM_CHANGED = "filesystem_changed";
public const string RESOURCES_REIMPORTED = "resources_reimported";
public const string RESOURCES_RELOAD = "resources_reload";
public const string SOURCES_CHANGED = "sources_changed";
public static class EditorInspector
public const string OBJECT_ID_SELECTED = "object_id_selected";
public const string PROPERTY_EDITED = "property_edited";
public const string PROPERTY_KEYED = "property_keyed";
public const string PROPERTY_SELECTED = "property_selected";
public const string PROPERTY_TOGGLED = "property_toggled";
public const string RESOURCE_SELECTED = "resource_selected";
public const string RESTART_REQUESTED = "restart_requested";
public static class EditorPlugin
public const string MAIN_SCREEN_CHANGED = "main_screen_changed";
public const string RESOURCE_SAVED = "resource_saved";
public static class EditorProperty
public const string MULTIPLE_PROPERTIES_CHANGED = "multiple_properties_changed";
public const string OBJECT_ID_SELECTED = "object_id_selected";
public const string PROPERTY_CHANGED = "property_changed";
public const string PROPERTY_CHECKED = "property_checked";
public const string PROPERTY_KEYED = "property_keyed";
public const string PROPERTY_KEYED_WITH_VALUE = "property_keyed_with_value";
public const string RESOURCE_SELECTED = "resource_selected";
public const string SELECTED = "selected";
public static class EditorResourcePicker
public const string RESOURCE_CHANGED = "resource_changed";
public const string RESOURCE_SELECTED = "resource_selected";
public static class EditorResourcePreview
public const string PREVIEW_INVALIDATED = "preview_invalidated";
public static class EditorSelection
public const string SELECTION_CHANGED = "selection_changed";
public static class EditorSettings
public const string SETTINGS_CHANGED = "settings_changed";
public static class FileDialog
public const string DIR_SELECTED = "dir_selected";
public const string FILE_SELECTED = "file_selected";
public const string FILES_SELECTED = "files_selected";
public static class FileSystemDock
public const string DISPLAY_MODE_CHANGED = "display_mode_changed";
public const string FILE_REMOVED = "file_removed";
public const string FILES_MOVED = "files_moved";
public const string FOLDER_MOVED = "folder_moved";
public const string FOLDER_REMOVED = "folder_removed";
public const string INHERIT = "inherit";
public const string INSTANCE = "instance";
public static class GDScriptFunctionState
public const string COMPLETED = "completed";
public static class GraphEdit
public const string BEGIN_NODE_MOVE = "_begin_node_move";
public const string CONNECTION_FROM_EMPTY = "connection_from_empty";
public const string CONNECTION_REQUEST = "connection_request";
public const string COPY_NODES_REQUEST = "copy_nodes_request";
public const string DELETE_NODES_REQUEST = "delete_nodes_request";
public const string DISCONNECTION_REQUEST = "disconnection_request";
public const string DUPLICATE_NODES_REQUEST = "duplicate_nodes_request";
public const string END_NODE_MOVE = "_end_node_move";
public const string NODE_SELECTED = "node_selected";
public const string NODE_UNSELECTED = "node_unselected";
public const string PASTE_NODES_REQUEST = "paste_nodes_request";
public const string POPUP_REQUEST = "popup_request";
public const string SCROLL_OFFSET_CHANGED = "scroll_offset_changed";
public static class GraphNode
public const string CLOSE_REQUEST = "close_request";
public const string DRAGGED = "dragged";
public const string OFFSET_CHANGED = "offset_changed";
public const string RAISE_REQUEST = "raise_request";
public const string RESIZE_REQUEST = "resize_request";
public const string SLOT_UPDATED = "slot_update";
public static class GridMap
public const string CELL_SIZE_CHANGED = "cell_size_changed";
public static class HTTPRequest
public const string COMPLETED = "request_completed";
public static class Input
public const string JOY_CONNECTION_CHANGED = "joy_connection_changed";
public static class ItemList
public const string ITEM_ACTIVATED = "item_activated";
public const string ITEM_RMB_SELECTED = "item_rmb_selected";
public const string ITEM_SELECTED = "item_selected";
public const string MULTI_SELECTED = "multi_selected";
public const string NOTHING_SELECTED = "nothing_selected";
public const string RMB_CLICKED = "rmb_clicked";
public static class LineEdit
public const string TEXT_CHANGE_REJECTED = "text_change_rejected";
public const string TEXT_CHANGED = "text_changed";
public const string TEXT_ENTERED = "text_entered";
public static class MainLoop
public const string ON_REQUEST_PERMISSION_RESULT = "on_request_permission_result";
public static class MenuButton
public const string ABOUT_TO_SHOW = "about_to_show";
public static class MeshInstance2D
public const string TEXTURE_CHANGED = "texture_changed";
public static class MultiMeshInstance2D
public const string TEXTURE_CHANGED = "texture_changed";
public static class MultiplayerAPI
public const string CONNECTED_TO_SERVER = "connected_to_server";
public const string CONNECTION_FAILED = "connection_failed";
public const string NETWORK_PEER_CONNECTED = "network_peer_connected";
public const string NETWORK_PEER_DISCONNECTED = "network_peer_disconnected";
public const string NETWORK_PEER_PACKET = "newtork_peer_packet";
public const string SERVER_DISCONNECTED = "server_disconnected";
public static class NetworkedMultiplayerPeer
public const string CONNECTION_FAILED = "connection_failed";
public const string CONNECTION_SUCCEEDED = "connection_succeeded";
public const string PEER_CONNECTED = "peer_connected";
public const string PEER_DISCONNECTED = "peer_disconnected";
public const string SERVER_DISCONNECTED = "server_disconnected";
public static class NinePatchRect
public const string TEXTURE_CHANGED = "texture_changed";
public static class Node
public const string READY = "ready";
public const string RENAMED = "renamed";
public const string TREE_ENTERED = "tree_entered";
public const string TREE_EXITED = "tree_exited";
public const string TREE_EXITING = "tree_exiting";
public static class Object
public const string SCRIPT_CHANGED = "script_changed";
public static class OptionButton
public const string ITEM_FOCUSED = "item_focused";
public const string ITEM_SELECTED = "item_selected";
public static class Path
public const string CURVE_CHANGED = "curve_changed";
public static class Popup
public const string ABOUT_TO_SHOW = "sort_children";
public const string HIDE = "popup_hide";
public static class PopupMenu
public const string ID_FOCUSED = "id_focused";
public const string ID_PRESSED = "id_pressed";
public const string INDEX_PRESSED = "index_pressed";
public static class ProximityGroup
public const string BROADCAST = "broadcast";
public static class Range
public const string CHANGED = "changed";
public const string VALUE_CHANGED = "value_changed";
public static class Resource
public const string CHANGED = "changed";
public static class RichTextLabel
public const string META_CLICKED = "meta_clicked";
public const string META_HOVER_ENDED = "meta_hover_ended";
public const string META_HOVER_STARTED = "meta_hover_started";
public static class RigidBody
public const string BODY_ENTERED = "body_entered";
public const string BODY_EXITED = "body_exited";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_ENTERED = "body_shape_entered";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_EXITED = "body_shape_exited";
public const string SLEEPING_STATE_CHANGED = "sleeping_state_changed";
public static class RigidBody2D
public const string BODY_ENTERED = "body_entered";
public const string BODY_EXITED = "body_exited";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_ENTERED = "body_shape_entered";
public const string BODY_SHAPE_EXITED = "body_shape_exited";
public const string SLEEPING_STATE_CHANGED = "sleeping_state_changed";
public static class SceneTree
public const string CONNECTED_TO_SERVER = "connected_to_server";
public const string CONNECTION_FAILED = "connection_failed";
public const string FILES_DROPPED = "files_dropped";
public const string GLOBAL_MENU_ACTION = "global_menu_action";
public const string IDLE_FRAME = "idle_frame";
public const string NETWORK_PEER_CONNECTED = "network_peer_connected";
public const string NODE_ADDED = "node_added";
public const string NODE_CONFIGURATION_WARNING_CHANGED = "node_configuration_warning_changed";
public const string NODE_REMOVED = "node_removed";
public const string NODE_RENAMED = "node_renamed";
public const string PHYSICS_FRAME = "physics_frame";
public const string SCREEN_RESIZED = "screen_resized";
public const string SERVER_DISCONNECTED = "server_disconnected";
public const string TREE_CHANGED = "tree_changed";
public static class SceneTreeTimer
public const string TIMEOUT = "timeout";
public static class ScriptCreateDialog
public const string SCRIPT_CREATED = "script_created";
public static class ScriptEditor
public const string EDITOR_SCRIPT_CHANGED = "editor_script_changed";
public const string SCRIPT_CLOSE = "script_close";
public static class ScrollBar
public const string SCROLLING = "scrolling";
public static class ScrollContainer
public const string SCROLL_ENDED = "scroll_ended";
public const string SCROLL_STARTED = "scroll_started";
public static class Skeleton
public const string UPDATED = "updated";
public static class Skeleton2D
public const string BONE_SETUP_CHANGED = "bone_setup_changed";
public static class Spatial
public const string GAMEPLAY_ENTERED = "gameplay_entered";
public const string GAMEPLAY_EXITED = "gameplay_exited";
public const string VISIBILITY_CHANGED = "visibility_changed";
public static class SplitContainer
public const string DRAGGED = "dragged";
public static class Sprite
public const string FRAME_CHANGED = "frame_changed";
public const string TEXTURE_CHANGED = "texture_changed";
public static class Sprite3D
public const string FRAME_CHANGED = "frame_changed";
public static class TabContainer
public const string PRE_POPUP_PRESSED = "pre_popup_pressed";
public const string TAB_CHANGED = "tab_changed";
public const string TAB_SELECTED = "tab_selected";
public static class Tabs
public const string CHANGED = "tab_changed";
public const string CLICKED = "tab_clicked";
public const string CLOSED = "tab_closed";
public const string HOVER = "tab_hover";
public const string REPOSITION_ACTIVE_TAB_REQUEST = "reposition_active_tab_request";
public const string RIGHT_BUTTON_PRESSED = "right_button_pressed";
public static class TextEdit
public const string BREAKPOINT_TOGGLED = "breakpoint_toggled";
public const string CURSOR_CHANGED = "cursor_changed";
public const string INFO_CLICKED = "info_clicked";
public const string REQUEST_COMPLETION = "request_completion";
public const string SYMBOL_LOOKUP = "symbol_lookup";
public const string TEXT_CHANGED = "text_changed";
public static class TileMap
public const string SETTINGS_CHANGED = "settings_changed";
public static class Timer
public const string TIME_OUT = "timeout";
public static class TouchScreenButton
public const string PRESSED = "pressed";
public const string RELEASED = "released";
public static class Tree
public const string BUTTON_PRESSED = "button_pressed";
public const string CELL_SELECTED = "cell_selected";
public const string COLUMN_TITLE_PRESSED = "column_title_pressed";
public const string CUSTOM_POPUP_EDITED = "custom_popup_edited";
public const string EMPTY_RMB = "empty_rmb";
public const string EMPTY_RMB_SELECTED = "empty_tree_rmb_selected";
public const string ITEM_ACTIVATED = "item_activated";
public const string ITEM_COLLAPSED = "item_collapsed";
public const string ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICKED = "item_double_clicked";
public const string ITEM_EDITED = "item_edited";
public const string ITEM_RMB_EDITED = "item_rmb_edited";
public const string ITEM_RMB_SELECTED = "item_rmb_selected";
public const string ITEM_SELECTED = "item_selected";
public const string MULTI_SELECTED = "multi_selected";
public const string NOTHING_SELECTED = "nothing_selected";
public static class Tween
public const string ALL_COMPLETED = "tween_all_completed";
public const string COMPLETED = "tween_completed";
public const string STARTED = "tween_started";
public const string STEP = "tween_step";
public static class UndoRedo
public const string VERSION_CHANGED = "version_changed";
public static class VideoPlayer
public const string FINISHED = "finished";
public static class Viewport
public const string FOCUS_CHANGED = "gui_focus_changed";
public const string SIZE_CHANGED = "size_changed";
public static class VisibilityNotifier
public const string CAMERA_ENTERED = "camera_entered";
public const string CAMERA_EXITED = "camera_exited";
public const string SCREEN_ENTERED = "screen_entered";
public const string SCREEN_EXITED = "screen_exited";
public static class VisibilityNotifier2D
public const string SCREEN_ENTERED = "screen_entered";
public const string SCREEN_EXITED = "screen_exited";
public const string VIEWPORT_ENTERED = "viewport_entered";
public const string VIEWPORT_EXITED = "viewport_exited";
public static class VisualScript
public const string NODE_PORTS_CHANGED = "node_ports_changed";
public static class VisualScriptEditor
public const string CUSTOM_NODES_UPDATED = "custom_nodes_updated";
public static class VisualScriptNode
public const string PORTS_CHANGED = "ports_changed";
public static class VisualServer
public const string FRAME_POST_DRAW = "frame_post_draw";
public const string FRAME_PRE_DRAW = "frame_pre_draw";
public static class VisualShaderNode
public const string EDITOR_REFRESH_REQUEST = "editor_refresh_request";
public static class VisualShaderNodeInput
public const string INPUT_TYPE_CHANGED = "input_type_changed";
public static class WebRTCPeerConnection
public const string DATA_CHANNEL_RECEIVED = "data_channel_received";
public static class WebSocketClient
public const string CONNECTION_CLOSED = "connection_closed";
public const string CONNECTION_ERROR = "connection_error";
public const string CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED = "connection_established";
public const string DATA_RECEIVED = "data_received";
public const string SERVER_CLOSE_REQUEST = "server_close_request";
public static class WebSocketMultiplayerPeer
public const string PEER_PACKET = "peer_packet";
public static class WebSocketServer
public const string CLOSE_REQUEST = "client_close_request";
public const string CONNECTED = "client_connected";
public const string DATA_RECEIVED = "data_received";
public const string DISCONNECTED = "client_disconnected";
public static class WebXRInterface
public const string REFERENCE_SPACE_RESET = "reference_space_reset";
public const string SELECT = "select";
public const string SELECT_END = "selectend";
public const string SELECT_START = "selectstart";
public const string SESSION_ENDED = "session_ended";
public const string SESSION_FAILED = "session_failed";
public const string SESSION_STARTED = "session_started";
public const string SESSION_SUPPORTED = "session_supported";
public const string SQUEEZE = "squeeze";
public const string SQUEEZE_END = "squeezeend";
public const string SQUEEZE_START = "squeezestart";
public const string VISIBILITY_STATE_CHANGED = "visibility_state_changed";
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