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mmick66 / UICollectionViewFlowLayoutCenterItem.m
Last active August 2, 2022 10:06
UICollectionViewFlowLayout with arbitrary sized Paging
#import "UICollectionViewFlowLayoutCenterItem.h"
@implementation UICollectionViewFlowLayoutCenterItem
- (CGPoint)targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset:(CGPoint)proposedContentOffset withScrollingVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity
CGSize collectionViewSize = self.collectionView.bounds.size;
CGFloat proposedContentOffsetCenterX = proposedContentOffset.x + self.collectionView.bounds.size.width * 0.5f;
CGRect proposedRect = self.collectionView.bounds;
asmallteapot / .gitattributes
Last active March 31, 2022 11:43
Diff Xcode localizable strings files in Git.
*.strings utf16 diff=localizablestrings
Nyx0uf / gist:217d97f81f4889f4445a
Last active November 15, 2020 22:31
UIImage scale using vImage
// Create a vImage_Buffer from the CGImage
CGImageRef sourceRef = self.CGImage;
vImage_Buffer srcBuffer;
vImage_CGImageFormat format = {
.bitsPerComponent = 8,
.bitsPerPixel = 32,
.colorSpace = NULL,
.bitmapInfo = (CGBitmapInfo)kCGImageAlphaFirst,
minorbug / timeago.swift
Created November 7, 2014 15:28
"Time ago" function for Swift (based on MatthewYork's DateTools for Objective-C)
func timeAgoSinceDate(date:NSDate, numericDates:Bool) -> String {
let calendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
let unitFlags = NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitWeekOfYear | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitSecond
let now = NSDate()
let earliest = now.earlierDate(date)
let latest = (earliest == now) ? date : now
let components:NSDateComponents = calendar.components(unitFlags, fromDate: earliest, toDate: latest, options: nil)
if (components.year >= 2) {
return "\(components.year) years ago"
mmohiudd / geo_update_trigger.sql
Created September 30, 2015 17:03
Update geometry and geography data with a trigger for PostgreSQL(PostGIS)
CREATE TABLE test_table(
id bigserial NOT NULL,
latitude double precision,
longitude double precision,
geom geometry,
geog geography,
updated_ts double precision,
CONSTRAINT test_table_unique_key UNIQUE (id)
naturaln0va / LocationVCard.swift
Created February 4, 2016 19:32
Create a location vCard for use in UIActivityViewController like in Apple's Maps app.
import CoreLocation
func locationVCardURLFromCoordinate(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> NSURL?
guard let cachesPathString = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.CachesDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true).first else {
print("Error: couldn't find the caches directory.")
return nil
LuizZak / retry.swift
Last active February 12, 2018 10:27
PromiseKit retrying functions using encapsulated blocks that return promises
/// Retries the given throwing `block` as a promise `tries` times,
/// re-calling `block` another time until exhausting the tries.
func retry<T>(tries count: Int, block: () throws -> T) -> Promise<T> {
return Promise().thenRetry(tries: count, block: block)
/// Retries the given promise-returning `block` as a promise `tries` times,
/// re-calling `block` another time until exhausting the tries.
func retry<T>(tries count: Int, block: () -> Promise<T>) -> Promise<T> {
return Promise().thenRetry(tries: count, block: block)
kennwhite /
Last active May 17, 2024 09:58
1944 OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual
// Evaluates the given closure when two `Optional` instances are not `nil`,
// passing the unwrapped values as parameters. (Thanks, Mike Ash, Tim Vermeulen)
// Following the example of IEEE754 with NAN, any comparison involving
// .None is false
// See also:
// Brent RG has a really interesting take here:
fileprivate func _flatMap2<T, U, V>(_ first: T?, _ second: U?, _ transform: (T, U) throws -> V?) rethrows -> V? {
rootulp /
Last active June 13, 2020 01:38 — forked from dlo/
Download all your Foursquare checkins with Python.
# Before running this script execut the following command:
# $ pip install requests
# To run this script execute:
# $ python
import requests
import json
url_template = '{}&v=20131026&offset={}'
# If you navigate to, Foursquare