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Created August 4, 2020 13:03
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privat@yoichi-MS-7A93:~/shared/cpp2v$ coq --version
Command 'coq' not found, did you mean:
command 'oq' from snap oq (1.1.2)
command 'coz' from deb coz-profiler (0.1.0-2ubuntu3)
command 'cow' from deb fl-cow (0.6-4.2)
command 'cnq' from deb cplay (1.50-2)
command 'col' from deb bsdmainutils (11.1.2ubuntu3)
command 'coqc' from deb coq (8.11.0-1)
command 'cog' from deb cog (0.4.0-2)
command 'co' from deb rcs (5.9.4-6)
See 'snap info <snapname>' for additional versions.
privat@yoichi-MS-7A93:~/shared/cpp2v$ coqc --version
The Coq Proof Assistant, version 8.11.0 (August 2020)
compiled on Aug 3 2020 19:42:23 with OCaml 4.08.1
privat@yoichi-MS-7A93:~/shared/cpp2v$ opam list
# Packages matching: installed
# Name # Installed # Synopsis
async v0.13.0 Monadic concurrency library
async_kernel v0.13.0 Monadic concurrency library
async_rpc_kernel v0.13.0 Platform-independent core of Async RPC l
async_unix v0.13.0 Monadic concurrency library
base v0.13.2 Full standard library replacement for OC
base-bigarray base
base-bytes base Bytes library distributed with the OCaml
base-threads base
base-unix base
base64 3.4.0 Base64 encoding for OCaml
base_bigstring v0.13.0 String type based on [Bigarray], for use
base_quickcheck v0.13.0 Randomized testing framework, designed f
bigarray-compat 1.0.0 Compatibility library to use Stdlib.Biga
bignum v0.13.0 Core-flavoured wrapper around zarith's a
bin_prot v0.13.0 A binary protocol generator
biniou 1.2.1 Binary data format designed for speed, s
bisect_ppx 2.4.1 Code coverage for OCaml
cmdliner 1.0.4 Declarative definition of command line i
conf-findutils 1 Virtual package relying on findutils
conf-gmp 1 Virtual package relying on a GMP lib sys
conf-m4 1 Virtual package relying on m4
conf-perl 1 Virtual package relying on perl
conf-pkg-config 1.2 Virtual package relying on pkg-config in
coq 8.11.0 pinned to version 8.11.0
coq-equations 1.2.3+8.11 A function definition package for Coq
coq-ext-lib 0.11.1 A library of Coq definitions, theorems,
coq-iris 3.3.0 Iris is a Higher-Order Concurrent Separa
coq-iris-string-ident dev Add support for Gallina names in intro p
coq-lens 1.0.0 Generation of lenses for record datatype
coq-metacoq-template 1.0~alpha2+8.11 A quoting and unquoting library for Coq
coq-stdpp 1.4.0 std++ is an extended "Standard Library"
core v0.13.0 Industrial strength alternative to OCaml
core_kernel v0.13.1 Industrial strength alternative to OCaml
cppo 1.6.6 Code preprocessor like cpp for OCaml
ctypes 0.17.1 Combinators for binding to C libraries w
digestif 0.8.0-1 Hashes implementations (SHA*, RIPEMD160,
dune 2.5.1 Fast, portable, and opinionated build sy
dune-configurator 2.5.1 Helper library for gathering system conf
dune-private-libs 2.5.1 Private libraries of Dune
easy-format 1.3.2 High-level and functional interface to t
eqaf 0.7 Constant-time equal function on string
fieldslib v0.13.0 Syntax extension to define first class v
integers 0.4.0 Various signed and unsigned integer type
jane-street-headers v0.13.0 Jane Street C header files
jst-config v0.13.0 Compile-time configuration for Jane Stre
menhir 20200211 An LR(1) parser generator
menhirLib 20200211 Runtime support library for parsers gene
menhirSdk 20200211 Compile-time library for auxiliary tools
num 1.3 The legacy Num library for arbitrary-pre
ocaml 4.08.1 The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
ocaml-compiler-libs v0.12.1 OCaml compiler libraries repackaged
ocaml-config 1 OCaml Switch Configuration
ocaml-migrate-parsetree 1.7.3 Convert OCaml parsetrees between differe
ocaml-system 4.08.1 The OCaml compiler (system version, from
ocamlfind 1.8.1 A library manager for OCaml
octavius 1.2.2 Ocamldoc comment syntax parser
parsexp v0.13.0 S-expression parsing library
ppx_assert v0.13.0 Assert-like extension nodes that raise u
ppx_base v0.13.0 Base set of ppx rewriters
ppx_bench v0.13.0 Syntax extension for writing in-line ben
ppx_bin_prot v0.13.0 Generation of bin_prot readers and write
ppx_cold v0.13.0 Expands [@cold] into [@inline never][@sp
ppx_compare v0.13.0 Generation of comparison functions from
ppx_custom_printf v0.13.0 Printf-style format-strings for user-def
ppx_derivers 1.2.1 Shared [@@deriving] plugin registry
ppx_deriving 4.4.1 Type-driven code generation for OCaml >=
ppx_deriving_yojson 3.5.2 JSON codec generator for OCaml
ppx_enumerate v0.13.0 Generate a list containing all values of
ppx_expect v0.13.1 Cram like framework for OCaml
ppx_fail v0.13.0 Add location to calls to failwiths
ppx_fields_conv v0.13.0 Generation of accessor and iteration fun
ppx_hash v0.13.0 A ppx rewriter that generates hash funct
ppx_here v0.13.0 Expands [%here] into its location
ppx_inline_test v0.13.1 Syntax extension for writing in-line tes
ppx_jane v0.13.0 Standard Jane Street ppx rewriters
ppx_js_style v0.13.0 Code style checker for Jane Street Packa
ppx_let v0.13.0 Monadic let-bindings
ppx_module_timer v0.13.0 Ppx rewriter that records top-level modu
ppx_optcomp v0.13.0 Optional compilation for OCaml
ppx_optional v0.13.0 Pattern matching on flat options
ppx_pipebang v0.13.0 A ppx rewriter that inlines reverse appl
ppx_sexp_conv v0.13.0 [@@deriving] plugin to generate S-expres
ppx_sexp_message v0.13.0 A ppx rewriter for easy construction of
ppx_sexp_value v0.13.0 A ppx rewriter that simplifies building
ppx_stable v0.13.0 Stable types conversions generator
ppx_tools 6.0+4.08.0 Tools for authors of ppx rewriters and o
ppx_tools_versioned 5.4.0 A variant of ppx_tools based on ocaml-mi
ppx_typerep_conv v0.13.0 Generation of runtime types from type de
ppx_variants_conv v0.13.0 Generation of accessor and iteration fun
ppxfind 1.4 Tool combining ocamlfind and ppx
ppxlib 0.13.0 Base library and tools for ppx rewriters
protocol_version_header v0.13.0 Protocol versioning
re 1.9.0 RE is a regular expression library for O
result 1.5 Compatibility Result module
seq base Compatibility package for OCaml's standa
sexplib v0.13.0 Library for serializing OCaml values to
sexplib0 v0.13.0 Library containing the definition of S-e
spawn v0.13.0 Spawning sub-processes
splittable_random v0.13.0 PRNG that can be split into independent
stdio v0.13.0 Standard IO library for OCaml
stdlib-shims 0.1.0 Backport some of the new stdlib features
textutils v0.13.0 Text output utilities
time_now v0.13.0 Reports the current time
typerep v0.13.0 Typerep is a library for runtime types
variantslib v0.13.0 Part of Jane Street's Core library
yojson 1.7.0 Yojson is an optimized parsing and print
zarith 1.9.1 Implements arithmetic and logical operat
zarith_stubs_js v0.13.0 Javascripts stubs for the Zarith library
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