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Created January 22, 2019 15:56
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pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
/// @title Utils
/// @notice Utils contract for various helpers used by the Raiden Network smart
/// contracts.
contract Utils {
string constant public contract_version = "0.5.0";
/// @notice Check if a contract exists
/// @param contract_address The address to check whether a contract is
/// deployed or not
/// @return True if a contract exists, false otherwise
function contractExists(address contract_address) public view returns (bool) {
uint size;
assembly {
size := extcodesize(contract_address)
return size > 0;
interface Token {
/// @return total amount of tokens
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply);
/// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved
/// @return The balance
function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);
/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender`
/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from`
/// @param _from The address of the sender
/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success);
/// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens
/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
/// @param _value The amount of wei to be approved for transfer
/// @return Whether the approval was successful or not
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success);
/// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens
/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
/// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
// Optionally implemented function to show the number of decimals for the token
function decimals() external view returns (uint8 decimals);
library ECVerify {
function ecverify(bytes32 hash, bytes memory signature)
returns (address signature_address)
require(signature.length == 65);
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
uint8 v;
// The signature format is a compact form of:
// {bytes32 r}{bytes32 s}{uint8 v}
// Compact means, uint8 is not padded to 32 bytes.
assembly {
r := mload(add(signature, 32))
s := mload(add(signature, 64))
// Here we are loading the last 32 bytes, including 31 bytes following the signature.
v := byte(0, mload(add(signature, 96)))
// Version of signature should be 27 or 28, but 0 and 1 are also possible
if (v < 27) {
v += 27;
require(v == 27 || v == 28);
signature_address = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s);
// ecrecover returns zero on error
require(signature_address != address(0x0));
return signature_address;
/// @title SecretRegistry
/// @notice SecretRegistry contract for registering secrets from Raiden Network
/// clients.
contract SecretRegistry {
string constant public contract_version = "0.5.0";
// keccak256(secret) => block number at which the secret was revealed
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) private secrethash_to_block;
event SecretRevealed(bytes32 indexed secrethash, bytes32 secret);
/// @notice Registers a hash time lock secret and saves the block number.
/// This allows the lock to be unlocked after the expiration block.
/// @param secret The secret used to lock the hash time lock.
/// @return true if secret was registered, false if the secret was already
/// registered.
function registerSecret(bytes32 secret) public returns (bool) {
bytes32 secrethash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(secret));
if (secret == bytes32(0x0) || secrethash_to_block[secrethash] > 0) {
return false;
secrethash_to_block[secrethash] = block.number;
emit SecretRevealed(secrethash, secret);
return true;
/// @notice Registers multiple hash time lock secrets and saves the block
/// number.
/// @param secrets The array of secrets to be registered.
/// @return true if all secrets could be registered, false otherwise.
function registerSecretBatch(bytes32[] memory secrets) public returns (bool) {
bool completeSuccess = true;
for(uint i = 0; i < secrets.length; i++) {
if(!registerSecret(secrets[i])) {
completeSuccess = false;
return completeSuccess;
/// @notice Get the stored block number at which the secret was revealed.
/// @param secrethash The hash of the registered secret `keccak256(secret)`.
/// @return The block number at which the secret was revealed.
function getSecretRevealBlockHeight(bytes32 secrethash) public view returns (uint256) {
return secrethash_to_block[secrethash];
/// @title TokenNetwork
/// @notice Stores and manages all the Raiden Network channels that use the
/// token specified
/// in this TokenNetwork contract.
contract TokenNetwork is Utils {
string constant public contract_version = "0.5.0";
// Instance of the token used by the channels
Token public token;
// Instance of SecretRegistry used for storing secrets revealed in a
// mediating transfer.
SecretRegistry public secret_registry;
// Chain ID as specified by EIP155 used in balance proof signatures to
// avoid replay attacks
uint256 public chain_id;
uint256 public settlement_timeout_min;
uint256 public settlement_timeout_max;
uint256 constant public MAX_SAFE_UINT256 = (
// Red Eyes release deposit limits
// The combined deposit of one channel is limited to 0.15 ETH.
// So 0.075 ETH per participant.
uint256 constant public channel_participant_deposit_limit = 75000000000000000 wei;
// The total combined deposit of all channels across the whole network is
// limited to 250 ETH.
uint256 constant public token_network_deposit_limit = 250000000000000000000 wei;
// Global, monotonically increasing counter that keeps track of all the
// opened channels in this contract
uint256 public channel_counter;
string public constant signature_prefix = '\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n';
// Only for the limited Red Eyes release
address public deprecation_executor;
bool public safety_deprecation_switch = false;
// channel_identifier => Channel
// channel identifier is the channel_counter value at the time of opening
// the channel
mapping (uint256 => Channel) public channels;
// This is needed to enforce one channel per pair of participants
// The key is keccak256(participant1_address, participant2_address)
mapping (bytes32 => uint256) public participants_hash_to_channel_identifier;
// We keep the unlock data in a separate mapping to allow channel data
// structures to be removed when settling uncooperatively. If there are
// locked pending transfers, we need to store data needed to unlock them at
// a later time.
// The key is `keccak256(uint256 channel_identifier, address participant,
// address partner)` Where `participant` is the participant that sent the
// pending transfers We need `partner` for knowing where to send the
// claimable tokens
mapping(bytes32 => UnlockData) private unlock_identifier_to_unlock_data;
struct Participant {
// Total amount of tokens transferred to this smart contract through
// the `setTotalDeposit` function, for a specific channel, in the
// participant's benefit.
// This is a strictly monotonic value. Note that direct token transfer
// into the contract cannot be tracked and will be stuck.
uint256 deposit;
// Total amount of tokens withdrawn by the participant during the
// lifecycle of this channel.
// This is a strictly monotonic value.
uint256 withdrawn_amount;
// This is a value set to true after the channel has been closed, only
// if this is the participant who closed the channel.
bool is_the_closer;
// keccak256 of the balance data provided after a closeChannel or an
// updateNonClosingBalanceProof call
bytes32 balance_hash;
// Monotonically increasing counter of the off-chain transfers,
// provided along with the balance_hash
uint256 nonce;
enum ChannelState {
NonExistent, // 0
Opened, // 1
Closed, // 2
Settled, // 3; Note: The channel has at least one pending unlock
Removed // 4; Note: Channel data is removed, there are no pending unlocks
enum MessageTypeId {
struct Channel {
// After opening the channel this value represents the settlement
// window. This is the number of blocks that need to be mined between
// closing the channel uncooperatively and settling the channel.
// After the channel has been uncooperatively closed, this value
// represents the block number after which settleChannel can be called.
uint256 settle_block_number;
ChannelState state;
mapping(address => Participant) participants;
struct SettlementData {
uint256 deposit;
uint256 withdrawn;
uint256 transferred;
uint256 locked;
struct UnlockData {
// Merkle root of the pending transfers tree from the Raiden client
bytes32 locksroot;
// Total amount of tokens locked in the pending transfers corresponding
// to the `locksroot`
uint256 locked_amount;
event ChannelOpened(
uint256 indexed channel_identifier,
address indexed participant1,
address indexed participant2,
uint256 settle_timeout
event ChannelNewDeposit(
uint256 indexed channel_identifier,
address indexed participant,
uint256 total_deposit
// total_withdraw is how much the participant has withdrawn during the
// lifetime of the channel. The actual amount which the participant withdrew
// is `total_withdraw - total_withdraw_from_previous_event_or_zero`
/* event ChannelWithdraw(
uint256 indexed channel_identifier,
address indexed participant,
uint256 total_withdraw
); */
event ChannelClosed(
uint256 indexed channel_identifier,
address indexed closing_participant,
uint256 indexed nonce
event ChannelUnlocked(
uint256 indexed channel_identifier,
address indexed participant,
address indexed partner,
bytes32 locksroot,
uint256 unlocked_amount,
uint256 returned_tokens
event NonClosingBalanceProofUpdated(
uint256 indexed channel_identifier,
address indexed closing_participant,
uint256 indexed nonce
event ChannelSettled(
uint256 indexed channel_identifier,
uint256 participant1_amount,
uint256 participant2_amount
modifier onlyDeprecationExecutor() {
require(msg.sender == deprecation_executor);
modifier isSafe() {
require(safety_deprecation_switch == false);
modifier isOpen(uint256 channel_identifier) {
require(channels[channel_identifier].state == ChannelState.Opened);
modifier settleTimeoutValid(uint256 timeout) {
require(timeout >= settlement_timeout_min);
require(timeout <= settlement_timeout_max);
address _token_address,
address _secret_registry,
uint256 _chain_id,
uint256 _settlement_timeout_min,
uint256 _settlement_timeout_max,
address _deprecation_executor
require(_token_address != address(0x0));
require(_secret_registry != address(0x0));
require(_deprecation_executor != address(0x0));
require(_chain_id > 0);
require(_settlement_timeout_min > 0);
require(_settlement_timeout_max > _settlement_timeout_min);
token = Token(_token_address);
secret_registry = SecretRegistry(_secret_registry);
chain_id = _chain_id;
settlement_timeout_min = _settlement_timeout_min;
settlement_timeout_max = _settlement_timeout_max;
// Make sure the contract is indeed a token contract
require(token.totalSupply() > 0);
deprecation_executor = _deprecation_executor;
function deprecate() isSafe onlyDeprecationExecutor public {
safety_deprecation_switch = true;
/// @notice Opens a new channel between `participant1` and `participant2`.
/// Can be called by anyone.
/// @param participant1 Ethereum address of a channel participant.
/// @param participant2 Ethereum address of the other channel participant.
/// @param settle_timeout Number of blocks that need to be mined between a
/// call to closeChannel and settleChannel.
function openChannel(address participant1, address participant2, uint256 settle_timeout)
returns (uint256)
bytes32 pair_hash;
uint256 channel_identifier;
// Red Eyes release token network limit
require(token.balanceOf(address(this)) < token_network_deposit_limit);
// First increment the counter
// There will never be a channel with channel_identifier == 0
channel_counter += 1;
channel_identifier = channel_counter;
pair_hash = getParticipantsHash(participant1, participant2);
// There must only be one channel opened between two participants at
// any moment in time.
require(participants_hash_to_channel_identifier[pair_hash] == 0);
participants_hash_to_channel_identifier[pair_hash] = channel_identifier;
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
// We always increase the channel counter, therefore no channel data can already exist,
// corresponding to this channel_identifier. This check must never fail.
assert(channel.settle_block_number == 0);
assert(channel.state == ChannelState.NonExistent);
// Store channel information
channel.settle_block_number = settle_timeout;
channel.state = ChannelState.Opened;
emit ChannelOpened(
return channel_identifier;
/// @notice Sets the channel participant total deposit value.
/// Can be called by anyone.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param participant Channel participant whose deposit is being set.
/// @param total_deposit The total amount of tokens that the participant
/// will have as a deposit.
/// @param partner Channel partner address, needed to compute the total
/// channel deposit.
function setTotalDeposit(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant,
uint256 total_deposit,
address partner
require(channel_identifier == getChannelIdentifier(participant, partner));
require(total_deposit > 0);
require(total_deposit <= channel_participant_deposit_limit);
uint256 added_deposit;
uint256 channel_deposit;
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
Participant storage participant_state = channel.participants[participant];
Participant storage partner_state = channel.participants[partner];
// Calculate the actual amount of tokens that will be transferred
added_deposit = total_deposit - participant_state.deposit;
// The actual amount of tokens that will be transferred must be > 0
require(added_deposit > 0);
// Underflow check; we use <= because added_deposit == total_deposit for the first deposit
require(added_deposit <= total_deposit);
// This should never fail at this point. Added check for security, because we directly set
// the participant_state.deposit = total_deposit, while we transfer `added_deposit` tokens.
assert(participant_state.deposit + added_deposit == total_deposit);
// Red Eyes release token network limit
require(token.balanceOf(address(this)) + added_deposit <= token_network_deposit_limit);
// Update the participant's channel deposit
participant_state.deposit = total_deposit;
// Calculate the entire channel deposit, to avoid overflow
channel_deposit = participant_state.deposit + partner_state.deposit;
// Overflow check
require(channel_deposit >= participant_state.deposit);
emit ChannelNewDeposit(
// Do the transfer
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), added_deposit));
/* /// @notice Allows `participant` to withdraw tokens from the channel that he
/// has with `partner`, without closing it. Can be called by anyone. Can
/// only be called once per each signed withdraw message.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param participant Channel participant, who will receive the withdrawn
/// amount.
/// @param total_withdraw Total amount of tokens that are marked as
/// withdrawn from the channel during the channel lifecycle.
/// @param participant_signature Participant's signature on the withdraw
/// data.
/// @param partner_signature Partner's signature on the withdraw data.
function setTotalWithdraw(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant,
uint256 total_withdraw,
bytes participant_signature,
bytes partner_signature
uint256 total_deposit;
uint256 current_withdraw;
address partner;
require(total_withdraw > 0);
// Authenticate both channel partners via there signatures:
require(participant == recoverAddressFromWithdrawMessage(
partner = recoverAddressFromWithdrawMessage(
// Validate that authenticated partners and the channel identifier match
require(channel_identifier == getChannelIdentifier(participant, partner));
// Read channel state after validating the function input
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
Participant storage participant_state = channel.participants[participant];
Participant storage partner_state = channel.participants[partner];
total_deposit = participant_state.deposit + partner_state.deposit;
// Entire withdrawn amount must not be bigger than the current channel deposit
require((total_withdraw + partner_state.withdrawn_amount) <= total_deposit);
require(total_withdraw <= (total_withdraw + partner_state.withdrawn_amount));
// Using the total_withdraw (monotonically increasing) in the signed
// message ensures that we do not allow replay attack to happen, by
// using the same withdraw proof twice.
// Next two lines enforce the monotonicity of total_withdraw and check for an underflow:
// (we use <= because current_withdraw == total_withdraw for the first withdraw)
current_withdraw = total_withdraw - participant_state.withdrawn_amount;
require(current_withdraw <= total_withdraw);
// The actual amount of tokens that will be transferred must be > 0 to disable the reuse of
// withdraw messages completely.
require(current_withdraw > 0);
// This should never fail at this point. Added check for security, because we directly set
// the participant_state.withdrawn_amount = total_withdraw,
// while we transfer `current_withdraw` tokens.
assert(participant_state.withdrawn_amount + current_withdraw == total_withdraw);
emit ChannelWithdraw(
// Do the state change and tokens transfer
participant_state.withdrawn_amount = total_withdraw;
require(token.transfer(participant, current_withdraw));
// This should never happen, as we have an overflow check in setTotalDeposit
assert(total_deposit >= participant_state.deposit);
assert(total_deposit >= partner_state.deposit);
// A withdraw should never happen if a participant already has a
// balance proof in storage. This should never fail as we use isOpen.
assert(participant_state.nonce == 0);
assert(partner_state.nonce == 0);
} */
/// @notice Close the channel defined by the two participant addresses. Only
/// a participant may close the channel, providing a balance proof signed by
/// its partner. Callable only once.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param partner Channel partner of the `msg.sender`, who provided the
/// signature.
/// @param balance_hash Hash of (transferred_amount, locked_amount,
/// locksroot).
/// @param additional_hash Computed from the message. Used for message
/// authentication.
/// @param nonce Strictly monotonic value used to order transfers.
/// @param signature Partner's signature of the balance proof data.
function closeChannel(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address partner,
bytes32 balance_hash,
uint256 nonce,
bytes32 additional_hash,
bytes memory signature
require(channel_identifier == getChannelIdentifier(msg.sender, partner));
address recovered_partner_address;
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
channel.state = ChannelState.Closed;
channel.participants[msg.sender].is_the_closer = true;
// This is the block number at which the channel can be settled.
channel.settle_block_number += uint256(block.number);
// Nonce 0 means that the closer never received a transfer, therefore
// never received a balance proof, or he is intentionally not providing
// the latest transfer, in which case the closing party is going to
// lose the tokens that were transferred to him.
if (nonce > 0) {
recovered_partner_address = recoverAddressFromBalanceProof(
// Signature must be from the channel partner
require(partner == recovered_partner_address);
emit ChannelClosed(channel_identifier, msg.sender, nonce);
/// @notice Called on a closed channel, the function allows the non-closing
/// participant to provide the last balance proof, which modifies the
/// closing participant's state. Can be called multiple times by anyone.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param closing_participant Channel participant who closed the channel.
/// @param non_closing_participant Channel participant who needs to update
/// the balance proof.
/// @param balance_hash Hash of (transferred_amount, locked_amount,
/// locksroot).
/// @param additional_hash Computed from the message. Used for message
/// authentication.
/// @param nonce Strictly monotonic value used to order transfers.
/// @param closing_signature Closing participant's signature of the balance
/// proof data.
/// @param non_closing_signature Non-closing participant signature of the
/// balance proof data.
function updateNonClosingBalanceProof(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address closing_participant,
address non_closing_participant,
bytes32 balance_hash,
uint256 nonce,
bytes32 additional_hash,
bytes calldata closing_signature,
bytes calldata non_closing_signature
require(channel_identifier == getChannelIdentifier(
require(balance_hash != bytes32(0x0));
require(nonce > 0);
address recovered_non_closing_participant;
address recovered_closing_participant;
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
require(channel.state == ChannelState.Closed);
// Calling this function after the settlement window is forbidden to
// fix the following race condition:
// 1 A badly configured node A, that doesn't have a monitoring service
// and is temporarily offline does not call update during the
// settlement window.
// 2 The well behaved partner B, who called close, sees the
// settlement window is over and calls settle. At this point the B's
// balance proofs which should be provided by A is missing, so B will
// call settle with its balance proof zeroed out.
// 3 A restarts and calls update, which will change B's balance
// proof.
// 4 At this point, the transactions from 2 and 3 are racing, and one
// of them will fail.
// To avoid the above race condition, which would require special
// handling on both nodes, the call to update is forbidden after the
// settlement window. This does not affect safety, since we assume the
// nodes are always properly configured and have a monitoring service
// available to call update on the user's behalf.
require(channel.settle_block_number >= block.number);
// We need the signature from the non-closing participant to allow
// anyone to make this transaction. E.g. a monitoring service.
recovered_non_closing_participant = recoverAddressFromBalanceProofUpdateMessage(
require(non_closing_participant == recovered_non_closing_participant);
recovered_closing_participant = recoverAddressFromBalanceProof(
require(closing_participant == recovered_closing_participant);
Participant storage closing_participant_state = channel.participants[closing_participant];
// Make sure the first signature is from the closing participant
// Update the balance proof data for the closing_participant
updateBalanceProofData(channel, closing_participant, nonce, balance_hash);
emit NonClosingBalanceProofUpdated(
/// @notice Settles the balance between the two parties. Note that arguments
/// order counts: `participant1_transferred_amount +
/// participant1_locked_amount` <= `participant2_transferred_amount +
/// participant2_locked_amount`
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param participant1 Channel participant.
/// @param participant1_transferred_amount The latest known amount of tokens
/// transferred from `participant1` to `participant2`.
/// @param participant1_locked_amount Amount of tokens owed by
/// `participant1` to `participant2`, contained in locked transfers that
/// will be retrieved by calling `unlock` after the channel is settled.
/// @param participant1_locksroot The latest known merkle root of the
/// pending hash-time locks of `participant1`, used to validate the unlocked
/// proofs.
/// @param participant2 Other channel participant.
/// @param participant2_transferred_amount The latest known amount of tokens
/// transferred from `participant2` to `participant1`.
/// @param participant2_locked_amount Amount of tokens owed by
/// `participant2` to `participant1`, contained in locked transfers that
/// will be retrieved by calling `unlock` after the channel is settled.
/// @param participant2_locksroot The latest known merkle root of the
/// pending hash-time locks of `participant2`, used to validate the unlocked
/// proofs.
function settleChannel(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant1,
uint256 participant1_transferred_amount,
uint256 participant1_locked_amount,
bytes32 participant1_locksroot,
address participant2,
uint256 participant2_transferred_amount,
uint256 participant2_locked_amount,
bytes32 participant2_locksroot
// There are several requirements that this function MUST enforce:
// - it MUST never fail; therefore, any overflows or underflows must be
// handled gracefully
// - it MUST ensure that if participants use the latest valid balance proofs,
// provided by the official Raiden client, the participants will be able
// to receive correct final balances at the end of the channel lifecycle
// - it MUST ensure that the participants cannot cheat by providing an
// old, valid balance proof of their partner; meaning that their partner MUST
// receive at least the amount of tokens that he would have received if
// the latest valid balance proofs are used.
// - the contract cannot determine if a balance proof is invalid (values
// are not within the constraints enforced by the official Raiden client),
// therefore it cannot ensure correctness. Users MUST use the official
// Raiden clients for signing balance proofs.
require(channel_identifier == getChannelIdentifier(participant1, participant2));
bytes32 pair_hash;
pair_hash = getParticipantsHash(participant1, participant2);
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
require(channel.state == ChannelState.Closed);
// Settlement window must be over
require(channel.settle_block_number < block.number);
Participant storage participant1_state = channel.participants[participant1];
Participant storage participant2_state = channel.participants[participant2];
// We are calculating the final token amounts that need to be
// transferred to the participants now and the amount of tokens that
// need to remain locked in the contract. These tokens can be unlocked
// by calling `unlock`.
// participant1_transferred_amount = the amount of tokens that
// participant1 will receive in this transaction.
// participant2_transferred_amount = the amount of tokens that
// participant2 will receive in this transaction.
// participant1_locked_amount = the amount of tokens remaining in the
// contract, representing pending transfers from participant1 to participant2.
// participant2_locked_amount = the amount of tokens remaining in the
// contract, representing pending transfers from participant2 to participant1.
// We are reusing variables due to the local variables number limit.
// For better readability this can be refactored further.
) = getSettleTransferAmounts(
// Remove the channel data from storage
delete channel.participants[participant1];
delete channel.participants[participant2];
delete channels[channel_identifier];
// Remove the pair's channel counter
delete participants_hash_to_channel_identifier[pair_hash];
// Store balance data needed for `unlock`, including the calculated
// locked amounts remaining in the contract.
emit ChannelSettled(
// Do the actual token transfers
if (participant1_transferred_amount > 0) {
require(token.transfer(participant1, participant1_transferred_amount));
if (participant2_transferred_amount > 0) {
require(token.transfer(participant2, participant2_transferred_amount));
/// @notice Unlocks all pending off-chain transfers from `partner` to
/// `participant` and sends the locked tokens corresponding to locks with
/// secrets registered on-chain to the `participant`. Locked tokens
/// corresponding to locks where the secret was not revealed on-chain will
/// return to the `partner`. Anyone can call unlock.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param participant Address who will receive the claimable unlocked
/// tokens.
/// @param partner Address who sent the pending transfers and will receive
/// the unclaimable unlocked tokens.
/// @param merkle_tree_leaves The entire merkle tree of pending transfers
/// that `partner` sent to `participant`.
function unlock(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant,
address partner,
bytes memory merkle_tree_leaves
// Channel represented by channel_identifier must be settled and
// channel data deleted
require(channel_identifier != getChannelIdentifier(participant, partner));
// After the channel is settled the storage is cleared, therefore the
// value will be NonExistent and not Settled. The value Settled is used
// for the external APIs
require(channels[channel_identifier].state == ChannelState.NonExistent);
require(merkle_tree_leaves.length > 0);
bytes32 unlock_key;
bytes32 computed_locksroot;
uint256 unlocked_amount;
uint256 locked_amount;
uint256 returned_tokens;
// Calculate the locksroot for the pending transfers and the amount of
// tokens corresponding to the locked transfers with secrets revealed
// on chain.
(computed_locksroot, unlocked_amount) = getMerkleRootAndUnlockedAmount(
// The partner must have a non-empty locksroot on-chain that must be
// the same as the computed locksroot.
// Get the amount of tokens that have been left in the contract, to
// account for the pending transfers `partner` -> `participant`.
unlock_key = getUnlockIdentifier(channel_identifier, partner, participant);
UnlockData storage unlock_data = unlock_identifier_to_unlock_data[unlock_key];
locked_amount = unlock_data.locked_amount;
// Locksroot must be the same as the computed locksroot
require(unlock_data.locksroot == computed_locksroot);
// There are no pending transfers if the locked_amount is 0.
// Transaction must fail
require(locked_amount > 0);
// Make sure we don't transfer more tokens than previously reserved in
// the smart contract.
unlocked_amount = min(unlocked_amount, locked_amount);
// Transfer the rest of the tokens back to the partner
returned_tokens = locked_amount - unlocked_amount;
// Remove partner's unlock data
delete unlock_identifier_to_unlock_data[unlock_key];
emit ChannelUnlocked(
// Transfer the unlocked tokens to the participant. unlocked_amount can
// be 0
if (unlocked_amount > 0) {
require(token.transfer(participant, unlocked_amount));
// Transfer the rest of the tokens back to the partner
if (returned_tokens > 0) {
require(token.transfer(partner, returned_tokens));
// At this point, this should always be true
assert(locked_amount >= returned_tokens);
assert(locked_amount >= unlocked_amount);
/* /// @notice Cooperatively settles the balances between the two channel
/// participants and transfers the agreed upon token amounts to the
/// participants. After this the channel lifecycle has ended and no more
/// operations can be done on it.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param participant1_address Address of channel participant.
/// @param participant1_balance Amount of tokens that `participant1_address`
/// must receive when the channel is settled and removed.
/// @param participant2_address Address of the other channel participant.
/// @param participant2_balance Amount of tokens that `participant2_address`
/// must receive when the channel is settled and removed.
/// @param participant1_signature Signature of `participant1_address` on the
/// cooperative settle message.
/// @param participant2_signature Signature of `participant2_address` on the
/// cooperative settle message.
function cooperativeSettle(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant1_address,
uint256 participant1_balance,
address participant2_address,
uint256 participant2_balance,
bytes participant1_signature,
bytes participant2_signature
require(channel_identifier == getChannelIdentifier(
bytes32 pair_hash;
address participant1;
address participant2;
uint256 total_available_deposit;
pair_hash = getParticipantsHash(participant1_address, participant2_address);
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
require(channel.state == ChannelState.Opened);
participant1 = recoverAddressFromCooperativeSettleSignature(
// The provided address must be the same as the recovered one
require(participant1 == participant1_address);
participant2 = recoverAddressFromCooperativeSettleSignature(
// The provided address must be the same as the recovered one
require(participant2 == participant2_address);
Participant storage participant1_state = channel.participants[participant1];
Participant storage participant2_state = channel.participants[participant2];
total_available_deposit = getChannelAvailableDeposit(
// The sum of the provided balances must be equal to the total
// available deposit
require(total_available_deposit == (participant1_balance + participant2_balance));
// Overflow check for the balances addition from the above check.
// This overflow should never happen if the token.transfer function is implemented
// correctly. We do not control the token implementation, therefore we add this
// check for safety.
require(participant1_balance <= participant1_balance + participant2_balance);
// Remove channel data from storage before doing the token transfers
delete channel.participants[participant1];
delete channel.participants[participant2];
delete channels[channel_identifier];
// Remove the pair's channel counter
delete participants_hash_to_channel_identifier[pair_hash];
emit ChannelSettled(channel_identifier, participant1_balance, participant2_balance);
// Do the token transfers
if (participant1_balance > 0) {
require(token.transfer(participant1, participant1_balance));
if (participant2_balance > 0) {
require(token.transfer(participant2, participant2_balance));
} */
/// @notice Returns the unique identifier for the channel given by the
/// contract.
/// @param participant Address of a channel participant.
/// @param partner Address of the other channel participant.
/// @return Unique identifier for the channel. It can be 0 if channel does
/// not exist.
function getChannelIdentifier(address participant, address partner)
returns (uint256)
require(participant != address(0x0));
require(partner != address(0x0));
require(participant != partner);
bytes32 pair_hash = getParticipantsHash(participant, partner);
return participants_hash_to_channel_identifier[pair_hash];
/// @dev Returns the channel specific data.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param participant1 Address of a channel participant.
/// @param participant2 Address of the other channel participant.
/// @return Channel settle_block_number and state.
function getChannelInfo(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant1,
address participant2
returns (uint256, ChannelState)
bytes32 unlock_key1;
bytes32 unlock_key2;
Channel storage channel = channels[channel_identifier];
ChannelState state = channel.state; // This must **not** update the storage
if (state == ChannelState.NonExistent &&
channel_identifier > 0 &&
channel_identifier <= channel_counter
) {
// The channel has been settled, channel data is removed Therefore,
// the channel state in storage is actually `0`, or `NonExistent`
// However, for this view function, we return `Settled`, in order
// to provide a consistent external API
state = ChannelState.Settled;
// We might still have data stored for future unlock operations
// Only if we do not, we can consider the channel as `Removed`
unlock_key1 = getUnlockIdentifier(channel_identifier, participant1, participant2);
UnlockData storage unlock_data1 = unlock_identifier_to_unlock_data[unlock_key1];
unlock_key2 = getUnlockIdentifier(channel_identifier, participant2, participant1);
UnlockData storage unlock_data2 = unlock_identifier_to_unlock_data[unlock_key2];
if (unlock_data1.locked_amount == 0 && unlock_data2.locked_amount == 0) {
state = ChannelState.Removed;
return (
/// @dev Returns the channel specific data.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel on which this
/// operation takes place.
/// @param participant Address of the channel participant whose data will be
/// returned.
/// @param partner Address of the channel partner.
/// @return Participant's deposit, withdrawn_amount, whether the participant
/// has called `closeChannel` or not, balance_hash, nonce, locksroot,
/// locked_amount.
function getChannelParticipantInfo(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant,
address partner
returns (uint256, uint256, bool, bytes32, uint256, bytes32, uint256)
bytes32 unlock_key;
Participant storage participant_state = channels[channel_identifier].participants[
unlock_key = getUnlockIdentifier(channel_identifier, participant, partner);
UnlockData storage unlock_data = unlock_identifier_to_unlock_data[unlock_key];
return (
/// @dev Get the hash of the participant addresses, ordered
/// lexicographically.
/// @param participant Address of a channel participant.
/// @param partner Address of the other channel participant.
function getParticipantsHash(address participant, address partner)
returns (bytes32)
require(participant != address(0x0));
require(partner != address(0x0));
require(participant != partner);
if (participant < partner) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(participant, partner));
} else {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(partner, participant));
/// @dev Get the hash of the channel identifier and the participant
/// addresses (whose ordering matters). The hash might be useful for
/// the partner to look up the appropriate UnlockData to claim.
/// @param channel_identifier Identifier for the channel which the
/// UnlockData is about.
/// @param participant Sender of the pending transfers that the UnlockData
/// represents.
/// @param partner Receiver of the pending transfers that the UnlockData
/// represents.
function getUnlockIdentifier(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant,
address partner
returns (bytes32)
require(participant != partner);
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(channel_identifier, participant, partner));
function updateBalanceProofData(
Channel storage channel,
address participant,
uint256 nonce,
bytes32 balance_hash
Participant storage participant_state = channel.participants[participant];
// Multiple calls to updateNonClosingBalanceProof can be made and we
// need to store the last known balance proof data
require(nonce > participant_state.nonce);
participant_state.nonce = nonce;
participant_state.balance_hash = balance_hash;
function storeUnlockData(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant,
address partner,
uint256 locked_amount,
bytes32 locksroot
// If there are transfers to unlock, store the locksroot and total
// amount of tokens
if (locked_amount == 0 || locksroot == 0) {
bytes32 key = getUnlockIdentifier(channel_identifier, participant, partner);
UnlockData storage unlock_data = unlock_identifier_to_unlock_data[key];
unlock_data.locksroot = locksroot;
unlock_data.locked_amount = locked_amount;
function getChannelAvailableDeposit(
Participant storage participant1_state,
Participant storage participant2_state
returns (uint256 total_available_deposit)
total_available_deposit = (
participant1_state.deposit +
participant2_state.deposit -
participant1_state.withdrawn_amount -
/// @dev Function that calculates the amount of tokens that the participants
/// will receive when calling settleChannel.
/// Check for the settlement
/// algorithm analysis and explanations.
function getSettleTransferAmounts(
Participant storage participant1_state,
uint256 participant1_transferred_amount,
uint256 participant1_locked_amount,
Participant storage participant2_state,
uint256 participant2_transferred_amount,
uint256 participant2_locked_amount
returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256)
// The scope of this function is to compute the settlement amounts that
// the two channel participants will receive when calling settleChannel
// and the locked amounts that remain in the contract, to account for
// the pending, not finalized transfers, that will be received by the
// participants when calling `unlock`.
// The amount of tokens that participant1 MUST receive at the end of
// the channel lifecycle (after settleChannel and unlock) is:
// B1 = D1 - W1 + T2 - T1 + Lc2 - Lc1
// The amount of tokens that participant2 MUST receive at the end of
// the channel lifecycle (after settleChannel and unlock) is:
// B2 = D2 - W2 + T1 - T2 + Lc1 - Lc2
// B1 + B2 = TAD = D1 + D2 - W1 - W2
// TAD = total available deposit at settlement time
// L1 = Lc1 + Lu1
// L2 = Lc2 + Lu2
// where:
// B1 = final balance of participant1 after the channel is removed
// D1 = total amount deposited by participant1 into the channel
// W1 = total amount withdrawn by participant1 from the channel
// T2 = total amount transferred by participant2 to participant1 (finalized transfers)
// T1 = total amount transferred by participant1 to participant2 (finalized transfers)
// L1 = total amount of tokens locked in pending transfers, sent by
// participant1 to participant2
// L2 = total amount of tokens locked in pending transfers, sent by
// participant2 to participant1
// Lc2 = the amount that can be claimed by participant1 from the pending
// transfers (that have not been finalized off-chain), sent by
// participant2 to participant1. These are part of the locked amount
// value from participant2's balance proof. They are considered claimed
// if the secret corresponding to these locked transfers was registered
// on-chain, in the SecretRegistry contract, before the lock's expiration.
// Lu1 = unclaimable locked amount from L1
// Lc1 = the amount that can be claimed by participant2 from the pending
// transfers (that have not been finalized off-chain),
// sent by participant1 to participant2
// Lu2 = unclaimable locked amount from L2
// Notes:
// 1) The unclaimble tokens from a locked amount will return to the sender.
// At the time of calling settleChannel, the TokenNetwork contract does
// not know what locked amounts are claimable or unclaimable.
// 2) There are some Solidity constraints that make the calculations
// more difficult: attention to overflows and underflows, that MUST be
// handled without throwing.
// Cases that require attention:
// case1. If participant1 does NOT provide a balance proof or provides
// an old balance proof. participant2_transferred_amount can be [0,
// real_participant2_transferred_amount) We MUST NOT punish
// participant2.
// case2. If participant2 does NOT provide a balance proof or provides
// an old balance proof. participant1_transferred_amount can be [0,
// real_participant1_transferred_amount) We MUST NOT punish
// participant1.
// case3. If neither participants provide a balance proof, we just
// subtract their withdrawn amounts from their deposits.
// This is why, the algorithm implemented in Solidity is:
// (explained at each step, below)
// RmaxP1 = (T2 + L2) - (T1 + L1) + D1 - W1
// RmaxP1 = min(TAD, RmaxP1)
// RmaxP2 = TAD - RmaxP1
// SL2 = min(RmaxP1, L2)
// S1 = RmaxP1 - SL2
// SL1 = min(RmaxP2, L1)
// S2 = RmaxP2 - SL1
// where:
// RmaxP1 = due to possible over/underflows that only appear when using
// old balance proofs & the fact that settlement balance calculation
// is symmetric (we can calculate either RmaxP1 and RmaxP2 first,
// order does not affect result), this is a convention used to determine
// the maximum receivable amount of participant1 at settlement time
// S1 = amount received by participant1 when calling settleChannel
// SL1 = the maximum amount from L1 that can be locked in the
// TokenNetwork contract when calling settleChannel (due to overflows
// that only happen when using old balance proofs)
// S2 = amount received by participant2 when calling settleChannel
// SL2 = the maximum amount from L2 that can be locked in the
// TokenNetwork contract when calling settleChannel (due to overflows
// that only happen when using old balance proofs)
uint256 participant1_amount;
uint256 participant2_amount;
uint256 total_available_deposit;
SettlementData memory participant1_settlement;
SettlementData memory participant2_settlement;
participant1_settlement.deposit = participant1_state.deposit;
participant1_settlement.withdrawn = participant1_state.withdrawn_amount;
participant1_settlement.transferred = participant1_transferred_amount;
participant1_settlement.locked = participant1_locked_amount;
participant2_settlement.deposit = participant2_state.deposit;
participant2_settlement.withdrawn = participant2_state.withdrawn_amount;
participant2_settlement.transferred = participant2_transferred_amount;
participant2_settlement.locked = participant2_locked_amount;
// TAD = D1 + D2 - W1 - W2 = total available deposit at settlement time
total_available_deposit = getChannelAvailableDeposit(
// RmaxP1 = (T2 + L2) - (T1 + L1) + D1 - W1
// This amount is the maximum possible amount that participant1 can
// receive at settlement time and also contains the entire locked amount
// of the pending transfers from participant2 to participant1.
participant1_amount = getMaxPossibleReceivableAmount(
// RmaxP1 = min(TAD, RmaxP1)
// We need to bound this to the available channel deposit in order to
// not send tokens from other channels. The only case where TAD is
// smaller than RmaxP1 is when at least one balance proof is old.
participant1_amount = min(participant1_amount, total_available_deposit);
// RmaxP2 = TAD - RmaxP1
// Now it is safe to subtract without underflow
participant2_amount = total_available_deposit - participant1_amount;
// SL2 = min(RmaxP1, L2)
// S1 = RmaxP1 - SL2
// Both operations are done by failsafe_subtract
// We take out participant2's pending transfers locked amount, bounding
// it by the maximum receivable amount of participant1
(participant1_amount, participant2_locked_amount) = failsafe_subtract(
// SL1 = min(RmaxP2, L1)
// S2 = RmaxP2 - SL1
// Both operations are done by failsafe_subtract
// We take out participant1's pending transfers locked amount, bounding
// it by the maximum receivable amount of participant2
(participant2_amount, participant1_locked_amount) = failsafe_subtract(
// This should never throw:
// S1 and S2 MUST be smaller than TAD
assert(participant1_amount <= total_available_deposit);
assert(participant2_amount <= total_available_deposit);
// S1 + S2 + SL1 + SL2 == TAD
assert(total_available_deposit == (
participant1_amount +
participant2_amount +
participant1_locked_amount +
return (
function getMaxPossibleReceivableAmount(
SettlementData memory participant1_settlement,
SettlementData memory participant2_settlement
returns (uint256)
uint256 participant1_max_transferred;
uint256 participant2_max_transferred;
uint256 participant1_net_max_received;
uint256 participant1_max_amount;
// This is the maximum possible amount that participant1 could transfer
// to participant2, if all the pending lock secrets have been
// registered
participant1_max_transferred = failsafe_addition(
// This is the maximum possible amount that participant2 could transfer
// to participant1, if all the pending lock secrets have been
// registered
participant2_max_transferred = failsafe_addition(
// We enforce this check artificially, in order to get rid of hard
// to deal with over/underflows. Settlement balance calculation is
// symmetric (we can calculate either RmaxP1 and RmaxP2 first, order does
// not affect result). This means settleChannel must be called with
// ordered values.
require(participant2_max_transferred >= participant1_max_transferred);
assert(participant1_max_transferred >= participant1_settlement.transferred);
assert(participant2_max_transferred >= participant2_settlement.transferred);
// This is the maximum amount that participant1 can receive at settlement time
participant1_net_max_received = (
participant2_max_transferred -
// Next, we add the participant1's deposit and subtract the already
// withdrawn amount
participant1_max_amount = failsafe_addition(
// Subtract already withdrawn amount
(participant1_max_amount, ) = failsafe_subtract(
return participant1_max_amount;
function verifyBalanceHashData(
Participant storage participant,
uint256 transferred_amount,
uint256 locked_amount,
bytes32 locksroot
returns (bool)
// When no balance proof has been provided, we need to check this
// separately because hashing values of 0 outputs a value != 0
if (participant.balance_hash == 0 &&
transferred_amount == 0 &&
locked_amount == 0 &&
locksroot == 0
) {
return true;
// Make sure the hash of the provided state is the same as the stored
// balance_hash
return participant.balance_hash == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
function recoverAddressFromBalanceProof(
uint256 channel_identifier,
bytes32 balance_hash,
uint256 nonce,
bytes32 additional_hash,
bytes memory signature
returns (address signature_address)
// Length of the actual message: 20 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32
string memory message_length = '212';
bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
signature_address = ECVerify.ecverify(message_hash, signature);
function recoverAddressFromBalanceProofUpdateMessage(
uint256 channel_identifier,
bytes32 balance_hash,
uint256 nonce,
bytes32 additional_hash,
bytes memory closing_signature,
bytes memory non_closing_signature
returns (address signature_address)
// Length of the actual message: 20 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 65
string memory message_length = '277';
bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
signature_address = ECVerify.ecverify(message_hash, non_closing_signature);
/* function recoverAddressFromCooperativeSettleSignature(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant1,
uint256 participant1_balance,
address participant2,
uint256 participant2_balance,
bytes signature
returns (address signature_address)
// Length of the actual message: 20 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 20 + 32 + 20 + 32
string memory message_length = '220';
bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
signature_address = ECVerify.ecverify(message_hash, signature);
} */
/* function recoverAddressFromWithdrawMessage(
uint256 channel_identifier,
address participant,
uint256 total_withdraw,
bytes signature
returns (address signature_address)
// Length of the actual message: 20 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 20 + 32
string memory message_length = '168';
bytes32 message_hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
signature_address = ECVerify.ecverify(message_hash, signature);
} */
/// @dev Calculates the merkle root for the pending transfers data and
/// calculates the amount of tokens that can be unlocked because the secret
/// was registered on-chain.
function getMerkleRootAndUnlockedAmount(bytes memory merkle_tree_leaves)
returns (bytes32, uint256)
uint256 length = merkle_tree_leaves.length;
// each merkle_tree lock component has this form:
// (locked_amount || expiration_block || secrethash) = 3 * 32 bytes
require(length % 96 == 0);
uint256 i;
uint256 total_unlocked_amount;
uint256 unlocked_amount;
bytes32 lockhash;
bytes32 merkle_root;
bytes32[] memory merkle_layer = new bytes32[](length / 96 + 1);
for (i = 32; i < length; i += 96) {
(lockhash, unlocked_amount) = getLockDataFromMerkleTree(merkle_tree_leaves, i);
total_unlocked_amount += unlocked_amount;
merkle_layer[i / 96] = lockhash;
length /= 96;
while (length > 1) {
if (length % 2 != 0) {
merkle_layer[length] = merkle_layer[length - 1];
length += 1;
for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i += 2) {
if (merkle_layer[i] == merkle_layer[i + 1]) {
lockhash = merkle_layer[i];
} else if (merkle_layer[i] < merkle_layer[i + 1]) {
lockhash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(merkle_layer[i], merkle_layer[i + 1]));
} else {
lockhash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(merkle_layer[i + 1], merkle_layer[i]));
merkle_layer[i / 2] = lockhash;
length = i / 2;
merkle_root = merkle_layer[0];
return (merkle_root, total_unlocked_amount);
function getLockDataFromMerkleTree(bytes memory merkle_tree_leaves, uint256 offset)
returns (bytes32, uint256)
uint256 expiration_block;
uint256 locked_amount;
uint256 reveal_block;
bytes32 secrethash;
bytes32 lockhash;
if (merkle_tree_leaves.length <= offset) {
return (lockhash, 0);
assembly {
expiration_block := mload(add(merkle_tree_leaves, offset))
locked_amount := mload(add(merkle_tree_leaves, add(offset, 32)))
secrethash := mload(add(merkle_tree_leaves, add(offset, 64)))
// Calculate the lockhash for computing the merkle root
lockhash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(expiration_block, locked_amount, secrethash));
// Check if the lock's secret was revealed in the SecretRegistry The
// secret must have been revealed in the SecretRegistry contract before
// the lock's expiration_block in order for the hash time lock transfer
// to be successful.
reveal_block = secret_registry.getSecretRevealBlockHeight(secrethash);
if (reveal_block == 0 || expiration_block <= reveal_block) {
locked_amount = 0;
return (lockhash, locked_amount);
function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) pure internal returns (uint256)
return a > b ? b : a;
function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) pure internal returns (uint256)
return a > b ? a : b;
/// @dev Special subtraction function that does not fail when underflowing.
/// @param a Minuend
/// @param b Subtrahend
/// @return Minimum between the result of the subtraction and 0, the maximum
/// subtrahend for which no underflow occurs.
function failsafe_subtract(uint256 a, uint256 b)
returns (uint256, uint256)
return a > b ? (a - b, b) : (0, a);
/// @dev Special addition function that does not fail when overflowing.
/// @param a Addend
/// @param b Addend
/// @return Maximum between the result of the addition or the maximum
/// uint256 value.
function failsafe_addition(uint256 a, uint256 b)
returns (uint256)
uint256 sum = a + b;
return sum >= a ? sum : MAX_SAFE_UINT256;
/// @title TokenNetworkRegistry
/// @notice The TokenNetwork Registry deploys new TokenNetwork contracts for the
/// Raiden Network protocol.
contract TokenNetworkRegistry is Utils {
string constant public contract_version = "0.5.0";
address public secret_registry_address;
uint256 public chain_id;
uint256 public settlement_timeout_min;
uint256 public settlement_timeout_max;
// Only for the limited Red Eyes release
address public deprecation_executor;
bool public token_network_created = false;
// Token address => TokenNetwork address
mapping(address => address) public token_to_token_networks;
event TokenNetworkCreated(address indexed token_address, address indexed token_network_address);
modifier canCreateTokenNetwork() {
require(token_network_created == false);
address _secret_registry_address,
uint256 _chain_id,
uint256 _settlement_timeout_min,
uint256 _settlement_timeout_max
require(_chain_id > 0);
require(_settlement_timeout_min > 0);
require(_settlement_timeout_max > 0);
require(_settlement_timeout_max > _settlement_timeout_min);
require(_secret_registry_address != address(0x0));
secret_registry_address = _secret_registry_address;
chain_id = _chain_id;
settlement_timeout_min = _settlement_timeout_min;
settlement_timeout_max = _settlement_timeout_max;
deprecation_executor = msg.sender;
/// @notice Deploy a new TokenNetwork contract for the Token deployed at
/// `_token_address`.
/// @param _token_address Ethereum address of an already deployed token, to
/// be used in the new TokenNetwork contract.
function createERC20TokenNetwork(address _token_address)
returns (address token_network_address)
require(token_to_token_networks[_token_address] == address(0x0));
// We limit the number of token networks to 1 for the Bug Bounty release
token_network_created = true;
TokenNetwork token_network;
// Token contract checks are in the corresponding TokenNetwork contract
token_network = new TokenNetwork(
token_network_address = address(token_network);
token_to_token_networks[_token_address] = token_network_address;
emit TokenNetworkCreated(_token_address, token_network_address);
return token_network_address;
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