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bartosz-witkowski / mecury_store.m
Last active July 12, 2020 03:09
Example of using the mercury store.
:- module store_example.
:- interface.
:- import_module store, io.
:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- some [S] pred new_counter(int_var(S)::out, S::uo) is det => store(S).
:- implementation.
boopathi /
Last active August 28, 2023 14:35
Creating a Swift-ReactNative project


  1. Create a project in XCode with the default settings
    • iOS > Application > Single View Application
    • Language: Swift
  2. Under project General settings, add ReactKit to Linked Framework and Libraries
    • + > Add Other... and choose /path/to/react-native/ReactKit/ReactKit.xcodeproj
  3. Now ReactKit would have been imported. Link it by choosing it from the list.
    • + > lib.ReactKit.a
  4. Under project Build Settings,
olejorgenb / nix-package-search
Last active July 4, 2022 15:22
josephg /
Last active June 7, 2024 09:37
Getting Zig compiling to WASM

In case anyone else wants to play with Zig on webassembly, here's what you need to do to make it work on a mac today.

1. Get LLVM 7 compiled with webassembly support.

You'll need LLVM to output to the WASM target. This has just been added by default in trunk, so if LLVM >7 is available, you might be able to just brew install llvm.

If you have wasm support already you should see:

$ llc --version
MCJack123 / unbios.lua
Last active December 26, 2023 12:45
UnBIOS: Load custom BIOSes in ComputerCraft without modifying ROM
-- UnBIOS by JackMacWindows
-- This will undo most of the changes/additions made in the BIOS, but some things may remain wrapped if `debug` is unavailable
-- To use, just place a `bios.lua` in the root of the drive, and run this program
-- Here's a list of things that are irreversibly changed:
-- * both `bit` and `bit32` are kept for compatibility
-- * string metatable blocking (on old versions of CC)
-- In addition, if `debug` is not available these things are also irreversibly changed:
-- * old Lua 5.1 `load` function (for loading from a function)
-- * `loadstring` prefixing (before CC:T 1.96.0)
-- * `http.request`