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Last active March 24, 2022 14:48
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Azure CLI


Useful code snippets for future reference

Azure Container Instances

Run nextflow-io/hello sample pipeline in ACI

az container create \
  --resource-group demo-aci \
  --name demo-aci \
  --image nextflow/nextflow:21.10.6 \
  --restart-policy Never \
  --command-line "nextflow run nextflow-io/hello"

Create a container instance using a yaml file

az container create --resource-group demo --name openemr --file aci.yml

Virtual Machines

Use secure copy utility to copy files from remote linux VM to local machine scp -r .


Create a basic 1-node cluster with monitoring

az aks create \
  --resource-group demo \
  --name demoCluster \
  --node-count 1 \
  --enable-addons monitoring \

Azure CLI

Get an access token for resource az account get-access-token --resource= --query accessToken --output tsv

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