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Forked from tsuna/
Created November 13, 2011 10:40
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Memcache collector for tcollector
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
# Those are the stats we MUST collect at every COLLECTION_INTERVAL.
"rusage_user", "rusage_system",
"curr_connections", "total_connections", "connection_structures",
"cmd_get", "cmd_set",
"get_hits", "get_misses",
"delete_misses", "delete_hits",
"bytes_read", "bytes_written", "bytes",
"curr_items", "total_items", "evictions",
# Important things on a slab basis
"cas_hits", "cas_badval", "incr_hits", "decr_hits", "delete_hits",
"cmd_set", "get_hits", "free_chunks", "used_chunks", "total_chunks"
# Stats that really don't belong to the TSDB.
IGNORED_STATS_SET = set(["time", "uptime", "version", "pid"])
IGNORED_STATS_SLAB_SET = set(["chunk_size", "chunks_per_page", "total_pages",
"mem_requested", "free_chunks_end"])
# TODO(tsuna): Don't hardcode those.
12345: "foo", # XXX StumbleUpon specific mapping of port-to-dataset
def find_memcached():
"""Yields all the ports that memcached is listening to, according to ps."""
p = subprocess.Popen(["pgrep", "-lf", "memcached"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
assert p.returncode in (0, 1), "pgrep returned %r" % p.returncode
for line in stdout.split("\n"):
if not line:
port = line.find(" -p ")
if port < 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "Weird memcached process without a -p argument:", line
port = line[port + 4 : line.index(" ", port + 5)]
port = int(port)
if port in DATASETS:
yield port
print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown memached port:", port
def collect_stats(sock):
"""Sends the 'stats' command to the socket given in argument."""
stats = sock.recv(1024)
stats = [line.rstrip() for line in stats.split("\n")]
assert stats[-1] == "", repr(stats)
assert stats[-2] == "END", repr(stats)
# Each line is of the form: STAT statname value
stats = dict(line.split()[1:3] for line in stats[:-2])
stats["time"] = int(stats["time"])
return stats
def collect_stats_slabs(sock):
"""Sends the 'stats slabs' command to the socket given in argument."""
sock.send("stats slabs\r\n")
in_stats = ""
end_time = time.time() + 1
# The output from 'stats slabs' is long enough that we never get it all in
# the first call to sock.recv. This is a dumb loop that allows us to wait
# a little bit for the data, but doesn't stall the collector forever.
while time.time() < end_time:
in_stats += sock.recv(65536)
stats = [line.rstrip() for line in in_stats.split("\n")]
if stats[-1] == "" and stats[-2] == "END":
assert stats[-1] == "", repr(stats)
assert stats[-2] == "END", repr(stats)
# prep the stats for slabs. note the -4 because there are two lines
# at the bottom we don't want: active_slabs and total_malloced.
out_stats = {}
slabs = dict(line.split()[1:3] for line in stats[:-4])
for stat in slabs:
slab_id, stat_name = stat.split(":")
if slab_id not in out_stats:
out_stats[slab_id] = {}
out_stats[slab_id][stat_name] = slabs[stat]
return out_stats
def main(args):
"""Collects and dumps stats from a memcache server."""
sockets = {} # Maps a dataset name to a socket connected its memcached.
for port in find_memcached():
dataset = DATASETS[port]
sockets[dataset] = socket.socket()
sockets[dataset].connect((socket.gethostname(), port))
if not sockets:
return 13 # No memcached server running.
stats = {} # Maps a dataset name to a dict that maps a stats to a value.
slabs = {} # Same, but for slabs.
def print_stat(stat, dataset):
print ("memcache.%s %d %s dataset=%s"
% (stat, stats[dataset]["time"], stats[dataset][stat], dataset))
def print_stat_slab(stat, slab_id, dataset):
# note we purloin 'time' from the stats call above ...
print ("memcache.slab.%s %d %s chunksize=%s dataset=%s"
% (stat, stats[dataset]["time"], slabs[dataset][slab_id][stat],
slabs[dataset][slab_id]["chunk_size"], dataset))
while True:
for dataset, sock in sockets.iteritems():
stats[dataset] = collect_stats(sock)
# Print all the important stats first.
for stat in IMPORTANT_STATS:
print_stat(stat, dataset)
for stat in stats[dataset]:
if (stat not in IMPORTANT_STATS_SET # Don't re-print them.
and stat not in IGNORED_STATS_SET): # Don't record those.
print_stat(stat, dataset)
# now do above, but for slabs
slabs[dataset] = collect_stats_slabs(sock)
for slab_id in slabs[dataset]:
print_stat_slab(stat, slab_id, dataset)
for stat in slabs[dataset][slab_id]:
if (stat not in IMPORTANT_STATS_SLAB_SET # Don't re-print them.
and stat not in IGNORED_STATS_SLAB_SET): # Don't record those.
print_stat_slab(stat, slab_id, dataset)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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how to run memche ,we are getting Weird memcached process without a -p argument: 2325 memcached

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